The Kaine campaign rips George Allen’s godawful, disastrous, straight-out-of-the-Bush-years “Blueprint for America’s
Comeback Demise”. Whether or not we’re enthused about Tim Kaine, we really need to beat “Felix”; what a nightmare.
Voters have already seen George Allen’s “blueprint” for America during his six years in the U.S. Senate and don’t need to see anymore. As Senator, Allen mortgaged the nation’s financial health to give tax breaks to millionaires and corporations already reaping billions in profits. He voted to explode the national debt, privatize social security and build an economy so unstable that it nearly collapsed. Now on the campaign trail, Allen threatens to use this country’s credit rating as “leverage,” praises a plan that would effectively end Medicare as we know it and promises fiscal conservatism despite a record that shows anything but.
The only “blueprint” Virginia voters are interested in reduces spending while still creating jobs and economic opportunities. And, Tim Kaine is only candidate in this race with that record.
By the way, I had a chance to sit down with Tim Kaine’s new press secretary the other day and was very impressed — she’s definitely a sharp cookie. Not to put any pressure on Brandi or anything, but I expect good things coming out of the Kaine press shop over the next 1 1/2 years! 🙂
P.S. As I’ve mentioned many times before, I really hope we don’t hear Democrats talking about “cutting spending” throughout this entire campaign cycle. The fact is that – as I’ve stated, ad nauseum, on this blog – the Bush tax cuts alone cost $4 TRILLION a decade. Get rid of them, then we’ll talk.