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In this issue:

  • Anti-bullying in Schools Model Policy
  • Outreach Campaign for Temporary Workers and Day Laborers
  • New law targeted at abortion providers is in the hands of the Board of Health 
  • Public Comments and Petition Signatures Needed for Women's Health Care Access


From Equality Virginia

Promoting Safe Schools Safety in schools is crucial for students' academic and personal development. Students from schools with anti-bullying policies are far less likely to be harassed for reasons such as physical appearance (36% vs. 52%), sexual orientation (32% vs. 43%), or gender expression (26% vs. 37%) (PFLAG). EV is looking for volunteers to introduce the new model policy in their school districts. The EV tool kit provides the model policy, strategies and instructions for introducing it to your local school board, tips for implementing it in the schools, and great resources for training staff, teachers and students – courtesy of ROSMY, GLSEN, and PFLAG. If you are interested contact EV at info@equalityvirginia.org.


From Richmond's Industrial Workers of the World branch

Bagged Lunch Campaign for Temporary Workers and Day Laborers

You can help prevent hunger and provide information about rights to fair and safe working conditions. There are several ways to help. Go to the IWW website for details. Contact the IWW by e-mail at richmondiww@gmail.com or by telephone at 804.496.1568.


From Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia

A new Virginia law targeted at abortion providers is in the hands of the Board of Health. The department's Office of Licensure and Certification is crafting emergency regulations that will come before the board for a vote on September 15. You can help spread awareness to the general public and put pressure on the Board of Health to enact regulations based soundly in medicine and science not political ideology. Contact ppav@ppfa.org to find out how you can help.

Also from Planned Parenthood:

For the next 60 days the Department of Health and Human Services is accepting public comments on their ruling to require insurance companies to cover birth control without co-pays. HHS also is accepting comments on a proposal that would allow some religious employers to DENY women access to this vital health care service. To post a comment go to the website and click on “We Won”.



From NARAL Pro-Choice America:

End deceptive ads by “Crisis Pregnancy Centers.”

A July ruling in New York is a setback to women's health. A US District court judge issued an injunction against a New York law which requires “crisis pregnancy centers” to be up front about their agenda and the “services” they provide. These centers use deception to intimidate and humiliate women who already are in a vulnerable situation.Sign the petition.



Great news for women's health: Planned Parenthood celebrates the announcement this week that the Department of Health and Human Services will require all new insurance plans to cover birth control without co-pays under the new health reform law. “This is one of the biggest victories for women's health in a generation — and you helped make it happen. It took years for us to get to this point, and we couldn't have done it without you.” See the Take Action section above for the next step in the process.



Please submit your organization's events to ActionUpdate@me.com for consideration for inclusion.

Visit the DPVA website for meeting dates for your local Democratic Committee.

For the activities calendar for Progressive Democrats of America, click here.


Saturday, August 13, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Virginia Organizing Grassroots Gathering

Gay Community Center of Richmond

1407 Sherwood Avenue

Richmond 23220

Register here.


Volunteer for Candidates:

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 6 – 9 p.m.

Phone banks for Senator Henry Marsh

Union Hall at the corner of Airport Drive and Nine Mile Road

If you can help, contact info@henrylmarsh.com with the dates you can attend.


A Grassroots Effort

ActionUpdate is a communication tool for organizations and individuals working to create a better community for all. ActionUpdate informs volunteers and activists in the Greater Richmond Virginia area on local, state and national issues.


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