Cuccinelli: Virginia is for landfill lovers


    Dear reader, for what do you think Virginia should be best known? Moniticello? Mount Vernon? The Shenandoah Valley? Chincoteague ponies? Great universities? Civil war history? Historic naval bases?

    Hey, how about landfills?

    If the latter didn’t make your list, then you may not be a supporter of our Ayatollah General, Ken Cuccinelli, who recently filed a brief  to protect the inalienable right of landfills to pollute your groundwater. 

    The case involves a couple who sued Campbell County after alleging that benzene, a carcinogenic chemical, had leaked from the county landfill into their groundwater.  In 2010, they won a Circuit court case that awarded them $9 million. The county appealed to the Supreme Court — and now your elected AG, using your tax dollars, is making the case for why the judgment should be overturned and the people with the poisoned well denied justice. 

    Granted, this should come as a surprise to no one.  As I’ve written before, Cuccinelli consistenly displays a very un-Attorney General-like pattern of favoring powerful interests over everyday Virginia citizens. 

    Still, this is one of the stinkiest causes Cuccinelli has championed.  And I for one think that, for decency’s sake, it’s time Cuccy kept his briefs to himself. 


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