Home Local Politics Independent Braddock Supervisor Candidate Attacks John Cook for “gratuitous partisanship”

Independent Braddock Supervisor Candidate Attacks John Cook for “gratuitous partisanship”


At the Springfield District Government Center earlier this evening, the three candidates for Braddock District Supervisor — Democrat Janet Oleszek, Tea Party/Cuccinelli-supported Republican John Cook, and Independent Carey Campbell (the self-described “true conservative” in the race) — debated in front of about 50-60 Braddock District residents. I’ll have more video tomorrow, but for now, I thought you might enjoy watching Campbell, who has relentlessly pounded Cook over several debates for being the “borrow and spend incumbent” (which, like the rest of his irresponsible party, he clearly is) who has betrayed true conservative thinking, go after Cook for his “gratuitous partisanship attacks in the public press,” something “we haven’t seen…in Braddock District.” Campbell also criticized Cook on his ideas for funding local roads, which Campbell believes would lead to tolls on Braddock Road, etc.

P.S. Tonight’s debate reminded me a bit of the Elton John song, “Saturday Night’s Alright (for Fighting)!” LOL


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