The Confused Road of the Renewable Portfolio Standard in Virginia


    I’d like to share with you another preposterous bill that passed both chambers of Virginia’s General Assembly this session without much media attention or public outrage, that bill’s name is SB 413/HB 1102 . Ever heard of it? No? That’s okay, here’s a quick rundown.

    SB 413/HB 1102 weakens the already weak Renewable Portfolio Standard by allowing utilities to receive Renewable Portfolio Standard credit for, wait for it, research and development of renewable energy. Utilities don’t have to actually generate renewable energy, just conduct “research and development.” Don’t you feel better about how your taxpaying dollars are being spent?

    But wait, there’s more. SB 413/HB 1102 also gives “double credit” to energy generated by burning animal waste. Anyone have any guesses on who influenced this outrageous section of this ridiculous bill?

    If you would like to let your delegate or senator know how understandably outraged you are, please follow this link: http://www.chesapeakeclimate.o…

    So how did such a glaringly odious bill get through the General Assembly? It got by with a little help from some friends, including our dear friends Creigh Deeds, John Miller, John Edwards, Chuck Colgan, Mark Herring, and the list of “Democrats” could go on. Et tu Democrats, et tu?

    In Virginia politics, power is truly king, both figuratively and metaphorically speaking. To turn the tables and hand the reins of government back to the people of Virginia, it’s going to take “people power.” If you have time to speak up or get involved during any given week, please do so.

    Virginia’s government wasn’t made to be the play thing of the utilities, it was created to better the lives of all Virginians.  


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