Home 2019 Elections Chopra endorsed by six Northern Virginia Democratic delegates

Chopra endorsed by six Northern Virginia Democratic delegates


Interesting news from the Aneesh Chopra for LG campaign. I haven’t endorsed in the LG race (yet), but I will say I’ve come to greatly respect and like Aneesh the past few months. I’ve also been very impressed with his campaign. Anyway, congratulations on these endorsements, including from several strongly progressive delegates.

Today, candidate for Virginia Lt. Governor Aneesh Chopra received the endorsement of six Northern Virginia members of the House of Delegates. Those endorsing Chopra include:
  • Del. David Bulova (D – 37th District)
  • Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D – 41st District)
  • Del. Patrick Hope (D – 47th District)
  • Del. Alfonzo Lopez (D – 49th District)
  • Del. James Scott (D- 53rd District)
  • Del. Scott Surovell (D – 44th District)
Upon endorsing Chopra, Delegate Filler-Corn said, "As a mother, I know Aneesh will fight for education and for greater opportunities for our children. As a woman, I know Aneesh will fight for equality and respect for all Virginians. As someone who has worked with Aneesh, I know he understands state government and is committed to making it work better for us all, starting on day one."
Delegate Lopez said, "I've had the pleasure of knowing Aneesh for over a decade. He and I have worked together at the local level, in the Kaine Administration when he was Virginia's Secretary of Technology, and then in the Obama Administration when he served as the first U.S. Chief Technology Officer. He has an extraordinarily gifted policy mind and is an incredible public servant.  He is committed to harnessing innovation to make a better future for the Commonwealth. I am excited about his candidacy." 
Of the endorsements, Chopra said, "I am excited and honored to receive these endorsements. I am looking forward to working with these Delegates to move Virginia forward in 2013 and beyond. I thank them for their endorsement and their service to the Commonwealth."

These delegates join U.S. Representative Jim Moran and former U.S. Representatives Tom Perriello and Rick Boucher in endorsing Chopra for Lt. Governor.  


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