Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Memorial Day

Virginia News Headlines: Memorial Day


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Memorial Day 2013. Also, see the video of President Obama touring Oklahoma’s storm damage.

*Remembering our recently fallen heroes

*Bob Dole: GOP should be ‘closed for repairs’

*Not easy being Obama (“He’s unideological in an ideological age.”)

*Virginia Republicans Nominate Anti-Science Candidate for Governor (“Cuccinelli launched one of the most outrageous attacks on an academic scientist that I’ve seen in many decades.  His actions would not be out of place in a totalitarian state such as the Soviet Union, or perhaps in the 1950′s McCarthyism era, when many Americans were blacklisted, denied jobs, and even fired because of their political views.  But in a country where the freedom to speak is a fundamental right, Cuccinelli’s actions are frightening.”)

*McDonnell keynote speaker for Memorial Day ceremony at Virginia War Memorial

*Drivers hit summer slowdown as construction crews go to work

*Rolling Thunder riders roar through Northern Virginia

*Coal ship’s legal plight part of battle over dumping waste (More evidence that coal is not, and can never be, clean.)

*Former WWII POWs rekindle a storied tradition in Suffolk

*Up to 1,800 gallons of human waste spilled after crash between car, sewage truck

*Nationals vs. Phillies: Stephen Strasburg dominates and Washington rallies in seventh for win

*Bryce Harper could miss a few games with sore left knee, deal with injury all season

*D.C. area forecast: Gradually warmer and less windy to close out weekend


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