Home 2019 Elections Obenshain’s Extreme Friends Assisting in Race for Attorney General

Obenshain’s Extreme Friends Assisting in Race for Attorney General


From the Mark Herring for Attorney General campaign:

Pat Robertson, Jim Bob Duggar support Tea Party AG candidate

In the latest financial reports, it was revealed that Tea Party Attorney General nominee Mark Obenshain’s campaign accepted a $10,000 contribution from Pat Robertson, whose extreme opinions on issues of gay marriage and reproductive rights have made headlines. While the financial reports were coming out, Obenshain surrogate Jim Bob Duggar was in Virginia Beach doubling down on his comments comparing the United States to Nazi Germany, referring to abortion as a “baby holocaust.”

Jim Bob's son, Josh Duggar, Executive Director of FRC Action, the lobbying arm of the Family Research Council, said yesterday at a rally in support of Cuccinelli, Jackson and Obenshain, that all three are “really exemplary of our values.” A copy of FRC Action's “values” can be found here 

Today, The Washington Post endorsed Mark Herring for Attorney General and described Mark Obenshain as a “doctrinaire conservative who has tried to explain away” his extreme record.

Based upon these surrogates, doctrinaire conservative is an understatement. But let’s take a look at the statements these surrogates have made and the votes Obenshain has cast that line up.

The way Pat Robertson speaks on LGBT issues…

  • Pat Robertson says homosexual couples make him want to “vomit,” accusedhomosexuals of intentionally spreading AIDS, “which would be the equivalent of murder,” and believes many homosexuals are really heterosexuals who were abused as children; he says others suffer from “chromosomal damage.”

Is the way Mark Obenshain votes on LGBT issues…

  • Mark Obenshain was among 12 Republicans in 2013 who walked out of the chamber rather than oppose a gay judicial nominee, he has refused to sign the Equality Virginia non-discrimination pledge and he voted against adding sexual orientation to Virginia’s nondiscrimination policy in 2010 as well as opposed a similar measure in 2013 to prohibit discrimination in public employment.

The way Pat Robertson speaks on reproductive rights…

  • Pat Robertson has called abortion a “holocaust” that will bring on “the wrath of the lord,” he said that the founder of Planned Parenthood “was the one who set the stage for Adolf Hitler,” and Robinson has said that Planned Parenthood sought to commit “genocide” against black people.

Is the way Mark Obenshain votes on reproductive rights…

  • Mark Obenshain voted in favor on the onerous regulations that will shutterwomen’s health clinics and deny thousands of Virginia women access to prenatal care as well as screenings for cancer and sexually-transmitted diseases. And Mark Obenshain voted in 2009, 2010 and 2011 to strip funding from Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

The way Jim Bob Duggar speaks on reproductive rights… 

  • Jim Bob Duggar, at a Value Voters Summit last week, made shameful remarks comparing the United States to Nazi Germany and was in Virginia Beach yesterday doubling down on his comments, referring to abortion as a “babyholocaust.”

Is the way Mark Obenshain has voted on reproductive rights

  • Mark Obenshain co-patroned a “Personhood” Bill with Ken Cuccinelli that would outlaw all abortion and many common forms of birth control and supported legislation that would require all women receiving an abortion procedure to undergo a mandatory transvaginal ultrasound. In 2007, Obenshain accepted a “Legislator of the Year” award from the Family Foundation And Valley Family Forum, saying, “it's easy to stand up and fight for the sanctity of life.” (Daily News-Record, 03/30/07)



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