WMAL: “That was a great try Barbara”


    ( – promoted by lowkell)

    LOUDOUN, Va. – WMAL’s Mornings on the Mall is one of the most popular conservative drive-time talk radio shows in northern Virginia. Today, hosts Brian Wilson and Larry O’Conner wouldn’t let Barbara Comstock off the hook when she attempted to wiggle away from answering their question.

    Mornings on the Mall host Larry O’Conner asked Comstock whether she would “be one of those people, whining” to the Speaker, John Boehner, because they don’t want to vote on immigration reform.

    Comstock immediately tried to dodge the question, pivoting to criticize the Obama administration. Larry and Brian were having none of it. “Wait. Hold on. That was a great try Barbara -” host Brian Wilson said.

    Comstock then ducked a direct question about her position on immigration reform, while still refusing to answer Wilson’s initial question as to whether she would plead with Speaker Boehner to avoid having to vote on the issue. A transcript of the entire exchange is included below.

    Comstock’s attempt to avoid revealing her position on immigration reform comes on the same day that Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring issued an opinion declaring that students who have been approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), commonly referred to as “Dreamers,” have the right to pay in-state tuition in Virginia.


    Attorney General Herring’s opinion makes an education at Virginia’s public colleges and universities a possibility for thousands of students who have lived in the Commonwealth for most of their lives. Those benefiting from the ruling include many young people from the Latino, AAPI, and Korean communities living in the 10th Congressional District.

    “Cue cards shouldn’t be required for someone running for Congress,” Communications Director Alex Parker said. “If you’re trying to represent the people of the 10th district, you have to be ready to tell the truth about your positions and not run away from the issues facing Virginians.”

    “Guess that pocket ‘Etch A Sketch’ hasn’t arrived yet.” Parker said, referencing the Democratic Committee’s gift of an “Etch A Sketch” the previous day.

    Transcript included below:


    Transcript of WMAL, Mornings on the Mall with Brian Wilson and Larry O’Conner:

    Tuesday, April 29th, 2014:

    O’Conner: “So I got a question for you, should you win this seat, and take Representative Wolf’s seat in Congress you’ll be part of the Republican Caucus and your Speaker of the House, John Boehner, he had this to say about the current Republican Caucus with regard to immigration:”

    Boehner Clip: “Oooh! Don’t make me do this! Oooh! This is too haaard! You should hear them-”

    O’Conner: “Well, will you be one of those people, whining like that to the Speaker? Or do you have a different message for the Speaker about immigration reform?”

    Comstock: “Well, I think, you know, with – winning, this race – we’ve, really been focused on – and what we’ve heard people wanna focus on – to focus on first – is getting the country back to work. . . and, the Obama administration, definitely, has made that very difficult . . .”

    Wilson: “Wait. Hold on. That was a great try Barbara-”

    Comstock: “Oh wait no! Okay – I’ve . . . [Wilson and O’Conner speak over Comstock protesting]”

    Wilson: “Oh come on, we’ll get to that, but what about immigration? It is the topic of the day, and there’s a big debate going on Capitol Hill right now – were you a member of Congress right now, where would you fall on the issue of immigration reform?


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