Dominion is just too into itself!


    ( – promoted by lowkell)

    Dominion Transmission has begun its last-ditch effort to get landowners to agree to survey by having an attorney send letters to 226 landowners along the proposed route of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

    The letter says things like it’s to the benefit of the landowners to agree to survey so owners can direct surveyors to sensitive areas of their property.  But it also makes clear landowner requests cannot be guaranteed.

    It also talks about how allowing survey helps Dominion gather the necessary information for the federal government. In the end, the letter says Dominion has done everything it is legally required to do and that Dominion is just sending this one last request before it gets a court order to trespass on private property. The letter says nothing about the pending lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of VAcode section 56-49.01.

    In the Richmond Times Dispatch article Dominion states 73% of 2,500 landowners have agreed to survey. 73% equals 1,825 landowners. Why has Dominion only mailed 226 letters?  What happened to the other 449 landowners. Of the 226 letters 189 are to Virginians. 90 of whom are in Nelson, 46 in Augusta.  One would think Dominion would realize its proposed ACP isn’t wanted in these areas and might look elsewhere! They prefer to bully and threaten our citizens.  

    Our General Assembly and other elected officials have allowed Dominion to have its way for far too long. Dominion has become much too into itself. They’re in for a fight they aren’t used to waging. The opposition is organized and growing. Perhaps regular citizens can show our elected officials how its done…how to fight for what’s right and to stop new fossil fuel infrastructure that will certainly contribute to climate change.


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