Home Virginia Politics National and Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning

National and Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, July 26. With regard to the video, I continue to have mixed feelings about progressives going on right-wing shows: a) it IS a chance to debunk their lies; b) in the case of Mark Levine, he does a great job; but c) it also legitimizes the right-wing shows, as if there really are two equivalent sides in the debate; and d) the hosts of these shows frame the entire debate in a wildly biased way (e.g., in this case, the nonsense about a “number of accusations and scandals going on” regarding Hillary Clinton; in fact, these are all right-wing-echo-chamber-imagined “scandals” that exist only in their fevered imaginations.)

*In Kenya, Obama Is Upbeat but With Notes of Discord

*Obama, Kenyatta clash on gay rights in Kenya

*Republican Support for Trump Surges but his Unfavorable Ratings are Also Rising

*Trump launches offensive against Walker

*Hillary Clinton denies sending classified info from private server

*Factory farming is killing the planet: Why the meat industry’s future needs to look more like its past (It’s an abomination in every way.)

*Obama Administration Targets Trade in African Elephant Ivory

*Schapiro: McAuliffe not completing term? Fuhgettaboutit! (“Richmond’s chattering classes muse over an improbable and – for Democrats – dangerous scenario: That McAuliffe quits as governor for a position in a Hillary Clinton White House.”)

*McAuliffe PAC posts big numbers from out-of-state donors

*Justice Dept.: Virginia ignored court order on funding for the disabled

*Lesson learned in public-private deals: Be careful

*Voter turnout in Tuesday’s special election less than 5 percent

*Nationals top Pirates in Anthony Rendon’s return from disabled list

*D.C. area forecast: Staying toasty, turning up the humidity


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