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Wednesday News: “By any objective measurement, the GOP had a bad night” in Virginia


by Lowell

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, November 4. It actually turned out to be a very good night in Northern Virginia (see photo at right, by Catherine Read, of victorious Fairfax Democrats celebrating), and to a somewhat lesser extent in Hampton Roads, Henrico County, Roanoke City, etc. The #1 unfortunate result of last night, which of course is what the corporate media blared in headlines, was that Democrats came up juuuuuuust short of taking back the State Senate. Other than that, though, not too shabby, and a major rebuke to the Republicans I saw predicting a GOP sweep last night and even that Virginia would return to being a “red state.” Sorry, ain’t happenin’. 😉

(lots more after the “flip”)

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