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Fairfax County Dem Committee Chair Calls on Bigoted, Extremist School Board Member to Resign for “just buying more ammo” “joke”


Check out the following Press Release from Fairfax County Democratic Committee Chair, Sue Langley, “calling on Elizabeth Schultz, Springfield District Member of the Fairfax County School Board, to withdraw her support of Donald Trump for President, and to resign from her position on the Fairfax County School Board.” Also, for more this extremist/bigot Schultz – the LAST person who should ever be on a School Board! – see Audio: EW Jackson Talks to Anti-#LGBT Fairfax County School Board Member Elizabeth Schultz, Far-Far-Right Fairfax County School Board Member Recommends Video by Rabid Bigot, Extremist,Video: Heated Debate Over Transgender Rights in Fairfax County Public Schools,https://bluevirginia.us/2016/05/audio-voice-reason-fairfax-county-school-board-goes-nuts-transgender-directive, Just When You Thought Fairfax County School Board Member, Anti-LGBT Extremist Elizabeth Schultz Couldn’t Get Any Crazier, etc., etc.

Fairfax County Democratic Committee Chair calls on School Board Member Elizabeth Schultz (R-Springfield) to resign from her position on the School Board

Schultz embraces Trump’s comments, jokes brazenly about firearms

(FAIRFAX, VA) Referencing the Washington Post video in which the Republican nominee for president lewdly joked about sexual harassment, in a series of wild and unhinged tweets, Fairfax County School Board Representative, Elizabeth Schultz (Springfield District), bizarrely claimed that “…the Trump tapes don’t matter.”

Schultz went on to imply that protections for transgender students were a larger threat, “When 10-yo [sic] legally changing their gender online w/ no therapy is ‘progress.’”

When pressed to explain her support for Donald Trump, Elizabeth Schultz mocked her questioner and replied, “Nope, just buying more ammo.”

Sue Langley, Chair of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, said, “I am appalled by Donald Trump’s remarks about women, but unfortunately, I am not surprised. What is downright insulting to Fairfax County families is that Elizabeth Schultz, who purports to stand for family values and is tasked with oversight of our great school system, is not only defending Donald Trump’s disgusting comments, but joking about them.”

“As an economist, naturalized citizen, taxpayer and registered voter, there is plenty about Donald Trump that I find distasteful,” said Langley. “As a mother who raised a family here in Fairfax County, and now a grandmother, I am absolutely disgusted with the poor example Elizabeth Schultz is setting for our children.”

“For a School Board member to defend Donald Trump’s demeaning and despicable remarks about women, and to casually joke about guns while doing so, is intolerable and completely inappropriate. Elizabeth Schultz should apologize, rescind her support of Donald Trump, and resign from her position as the Springfield Representative to the Fairfax County School Board.”


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