Home Politicians Video: Rep. Dave Brat Unhinged…Women in His “Grill,” Higher Education Teaches “Catholics...

Video: Rep. Dave Brat Unhinged…Women in His “Grill,” Higher Education Teaches “Catholics Are Evil,” etc.


For more Rep. Brat lunacy at a 7th District town hall meeting yesterday at the Hanover Tavern, see here. In addition to whining about women getting in his “grill” and urging people to organize politically at churches (so much for separation of church and state, I guess), later Brat also claims the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is wrong about the enormous costs of repealing the ACA, Brat alleging (falsely) that repeal would actually reduce costs. Brat also brags about repealing regulations and how much money that will supposedly save (note: it won’t save money, but it WILL harm the environment, workers, people who breathe air and drink water, etc., etc.). Brat further claims that Republicans will “go nuclear” on Supreme Court nominee, bizarrely alleges that public education won’t mention “natural law” or “any of the Catholic teachings…no ethics at all” and that “higher ed teaches that Catholics are evil.” On and on and on with lunacy…where it stops, only his district’s voters know!


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