Home Tim Kaine Video: Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA04) – “This Trump shutdown was completely avoidable”

Video: Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA04) – “This Trump shutdown was completely avoidable”


Rep. Donald McEachin nails it, as he almost always does, this time on the #TrumpShutdown – who caused it (Trump and the Republicans), the damage it’s doing (a lot!), and what to do about ending it ASAP (“It’s time to do our job. The brave men and women in the military should not have to fear a lapse in their funding. Families who depend on funds to feed their families should be able to purchase food. Do not let the country down two days in a row. Pass the legislation we need. Govern responsibly. The world is watching.”). Unfortunately, as Sen. Tim Kaine just tweeted: “The Republicans just blocked my effort to reopen the government today. This makes no sense. Why are they insisting on keeping the government shut down?” Because Republicans are anti-government and anti-immigrant extremists, perhaps?

This Trump shutdown was completely avoidable. Congressional Republicans ignored Democrats requests to pass legislation that would address our domestic needs such as funding CHIP, DACA and providing resources for our armed forces. Not only must be fun CHIP, the program that needed reauthorization back in September, we have to provide these children with somewhere to receive the health care they need. Funding for community health centers in rural hospitals must be included in this legislation.

Instead of working in a bipartisan fashion since the 2018 fiscal year began 112 days ago, congressional Republicans spent all their time, energy and votes on tax breaks for the corporations and the wealthiest Americans. Now, they refuse to prioritize consideration of children’s health needs, DREAMers or even complete a budget. This Trump shutdown is not going to help anyone in my district — not the VA hospitals, not the Social Security offices, not the military bases, not the community health centers. Secretary Mattis said that no enemy in the field has done more to harm the readiness of the US military than the combined impact of defense spending cuts and these continuing resolutions.

I am deeply concerned about the unnecessary stress this government shutdown places on Virginians. We need to see an immediate end to this Trump chaos. I’m here at work today because I am ready to vote on legislation that will reopen the government and help the families in my district and across the country who depend on Congress to fund the government and keep it functioning. Government is in place to help people. The government should be open and work to make lives better — not hurt people and cause stress.

My colleagues and I are working hard to put an end to the Trump shutdown, just like we tried to keep it from happening in the first place. Republicans treat governing like it’s a game. This is not a game. Americans depend on us to do our job and to keep the lights on. It’s time to do our job. The brave men and women in the military should not have to fear a lapse in their funding. Families who depend on funds to feed their families should be able to purchase food. Do not let the country down two days in a row. Pass the legislation we need. Govern responsibly. The world is watching.


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