Home Dominion Power Video: Del. Lee Ware (R) Quotes Gimli from Lord of the Rings,...

Video: Del. Lee Ware (R) Quotes Gimli from Lord of the Rings, Calls for Heroic Fight Against “Dominion Bill” and For the “Little Guy”


Check out the video below for a great speech earlier today by Del. Lee Ware (R), quoting the dwarf Gimli from the Lord of the Rings movie and utterly demolishing the so-called “Dominion bill.”  As Gimli said, before taking on the forces of Mordor, “Certainty of death, small chance of success– what are we waiting for?” Well, the same question can be asked, Del. Ware suggests, about Virginia’s own dark lord, Dominion Energy, and its legion of orcs…er, lobbyists. The question is, Del. Ware asks, whether the General Assembly will have the courage to stand up to Dominion’s dark army and to fight for the “little guy” for a change. We’re going to find out soon enough…


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