Home 2019 Elections Video: Democrat Donte Tanner “Gears Up For Rematch” Against Del. Tim Hugo...

Video: Democrat Donte Tanner “Gears Up For Rematch” Against Del. Tim Hugo (R) After 106-Vote Loss in 2017


The election in HD-40 (Democrat Donte Tanner lost to Republican Del. Tim Hugo by just 106 votes) was one of two or three races in 2017 which determined control of the Virginia House of Delegates, and will almost certainly be one of the keys to Democrats taking back the House of Delegates in 2019. See below for an interview, at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee training this past weekend, with Donte Tanner, who says this year he’s “starting early [for 2019], making sure that I come to trainings, build the networks,  start fundraising, doing all those things that we can do right now, because we have just under two years until the next election…”  I couldn’t agree more; 2019 is coming up faster than you think, and it’s great to see Donte Tanner – and presumably other Democratic candidates – getting ready NOW.


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