Home Ralph Northam Governor Northam, Virginia House Dems: Legislature at Impasse on Redistricting, Time for...

Governor Northam, Virginia House Dems: Legislature at Impasse on Redistricting, Time for Courts to Step In


See below for statements by Gov. Northam’s office and the Virginia House Democratic Caucus about Virginia House Republicans having “failed to act in the 74 days since a court ruled 11 districts unconstitutional,” and what needs to be done now.

Governor Northam: Legislature at Impasse on Redistricting

~ Governor urges Speaker Cox to ask court to redraw House districts ~ 

RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today sent a letter to Speaker of the House Kirk Cox, urging him to request that the Court begin to redraw the 11 unconstitutional House of Delegates districts so that Virginians will have constitutional lines enacted in time for June 2019 primaries.

In the letter, Governor Northam raises concerns related to the General Assembly’s ability to enact a remedy map by the current October 30 deadline and shares his belief the legislative process has reached an impasse.

“It is imperative that constitutional district lines be in place in time for the 2019 election cycle to avoid letting another election (the last this redistricting cycle) take place under an unconstitutional map,” Governor Northam writes. “I am committed to implementing a remedy and hope that one can be in place as soon as possible to minimize impact on the state’s administrative election process. I see no reason to delay a court-drawn remedy where all signs indicate the General Assembly will not enact a remedy map by the current October 30 deadline.”

The full text of the letter can be found here.


House at an Impasse

(Richmond) – House Democratic Leader David Toscano and House Democratic Caucus Chair Charniele Herring released the following statement following Governor Northam’s letter to Speaker Cox earlier today.

“We very much regret that House Republicans have failed to act in the 74 days since a court ruled 11 districts unconstitutional. Given their continued refusal to take even the smallest step towards a remedy, we agree with Governor Northam that the legislature is at an impasse. The only solution remaining is for the court to draw it’s own remedial map. Virginians deserve fair and constitutional districts.”


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