Home 2019 Elections Here’s a Photo of Neo-Confederate Corey Stewart Campaigning with Barbara Comstock, Even...

Here’s a Photo of Neo-Confederate Corey Stewart Campaigning with Barbara Comstock, Even as Comstock Dodges Questions on Whether She Supports Him or Not


by Frank Anderson

In case anyone missed this gem, here is Corey Stewart campaigning at Barbara Comstock’s office grand opening event in 2014. I post this because Comstock has been super-evasive about neo-Confederate Corey, “ducking the question most on voters’ minds: will she campaign with the 2018 VA GOP standard-bearer Corey Stewart?” (even as her campaign “signage was proudly displayed alongside that of Corey Stewart”). Comstock has also used very similar messaging as Corey has, “playing the same race/immigration card Gillespie and pro-Confederate statue, race-baiting Corey Stewart, the GOP’s Senate nominee, fancy.” For just one instance of Comstock refusing to answer a simple question about Corey Stewart, see the following video from June.

Clearly, not saying clearly whether or not she’s supporting Corey Stewart is a political calculation on Comstock’s part – nothing more, nothing less – even as her signage and messaging are in sync with Corey. Tricky tricky.

P.S. Sure, this image is from 2014 but everyone knew Corey Stewart was a liability at least as far back as 2007 (note by Lowell: for more on Corey’s anti-Latino-immigrant crusade in 2007, see the superb film 9500 Liberty)!



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