Home Ralph Northam Saturday News: Time for Ralph Northam to Resign as Governor; “Virginia Democrats...

Saturday News: Time for Ralph Northam to Resign as Governor; “Virginia Democrats overwhelmingly call on Northam to resign”; “McAuliffe calls on Northam to resign: Situation in Virginia is ‘untenable’”; “Justin Fairfax: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know”


by Lowell

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, February 2. As for Gov. Northam, I believe at this point he’s lost all political and moral authority to lead Virginia and should resign immediately. By the way, the fact that Northam ran for office in 2007, 2011, 2013 and 2017, all while *knowing* this crap was in his background, really says a lot about his level of arrogance and cluelessness. I’m glad I have never supported him in a Democratic primary. Finally, I’d point out that Virginia Republicans – the party of racists Corey Stewart, George Allen and many others – has ZERO moral authority to say anything here.


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