Home 2019 Elections BREAKING: Springfield District Dems Overwhelmingly Endorse Laura Jane Cohen for Fairfax County...

BREAKING: Springfield District Dems Overwhelmingly Endorse Laura Jane Cohen for Fairfax County School Board


Congratulations to Laura Jane Cohen (see my endorsement here), who just won the endorsement of Springfield District (Fairfax County) Democrats for the Fairfax County School Board with an overwhelming 85% of the vote! Also, thanks to Robert Walter for running; he’s a good guy, but obviously Springfield District Dems preferred Cohen, who is very impressive.

By the way, this makes me three for three in my Fairfax County School Board endorsements so far, following wins this past week by Karl Frisch (Providence District; pictured below) and by Ricardy Anderson (Mason District). These are all going to be great additions to the School Board, IMHO, once they take office in January 2020. That is, assuming they all win in November, which is highly likely in deep-blue Providence and Mason districts, but which could be more of a challenge in purple-ish Springfield, where Cohen will face faaaar-right, anti-LGBT incumbent Elizabeth Schultz and Republican-turned-independent Kyle McDaniel. So let’s all make sure we do everything we can to help Cohen – and all our candidates – win this fall, especially considering the extreme slate of candidates that Fairfax County Republicans have endorsed so far.

UPDATE: Statement by Robert Walter, below.

Over the past 12 months since beginning my campaign I have appreciated the people that I have met, the conversations about what we can do to improve education in Fairfax, and the advice and support I have received from across the District and County.

Congratulations to Laura Jane Cohen for a well-run and civil race. While I wasn’t successful in securing the committee’s endorsement, the reason that I decided to run remains – making sure that we have excellent representation for the Springfield District on the School Board. I’m positive that Laura Jane Cohen will go to work every day with the best interests in mind for ALL the students, teachers, staff, and parents in the Springfield District. We are both united in our genuine passion to serve our community and better public education.

I’m pleased to see that several of the issues that my campaign highlighted are being talked about on the School Board, or are moving forward, such as bringing solar power to all FCPS schools and buildings. We also need to continue to work on eliminating trailers as instructional space, and upgrading our bus fleet to electric-powered buses.

Let’s keep improving education together! And make sure that Elizabeth Schultz is retired this November!

From the Springfield Democrats:

Congratulations Laura Jane for FCPS for winning the committee endorsement for the #SpringfieldDistrict #SchoolBoard Member!

Thank you Robert Walter for running a strong campaign!

Onward to November!

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