Home Race Video: Great Great Granddaughter of USA’s 1st Reform Rabbi Confronts KKK at...

Video: Great Great Granddaughter of USA’s 1st Reform Rabbi Confronts KKK at Hanover County Courthouse


On the one hand, I hate giving these racists any publicity whatsoever. On the other hand, the woman who confronts them – Shannon Lewis, who says she’s “the great great great granddaughter of America’s first Reform Rabbi” – outside the Hanover County court house is so awesome, I feel like *she* certainly deserves publicity for being willing – as she puts it – to “confront the KKK” (100% non-violently, of course). And, of course, she’s absolutely right when she says, “you’re an absolute disgrace to this country and you don’t belong here at all…get out of my county!” That about sums it up right there…


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