Home Education Stafford County Board of Supervisors Pay-to-Play for CARES Act Funds

Stafford County Board of Supervisors Pay-to-Play for CARES Act Funds


by Marc Broklawski, cross posted on Medium

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Left to Right: Supervisor Meg Bohmke, Supervisor Gary Snellings, Supervisor Mark Dudenhefer and Supervisor Crystal Vanuch

  • Boswell’s Automotive is owned by Roy and Melissa Boswell. They received a grant of $5,000. The business and couple had made donations to several members of the Board of Supervisors including Supervisors Crystal Vanuch and Garry Snellings totaling $1,250.
  • Communication Specialists is owned by William S. Hoovler. He received a grant of $5,000 and had made several donations to several members of the Board of Supervisors including Supervisors Meg Bohmke and Gary Snellings totaling $1,250.
  • Naim Corporation (Sam’s Pizza & Subs) is a Stock Corporation owned with Ehsan Kamel as President, Kamil Kamel as Vice President and Bahi Kamel as Secretary. They received a grant of $5,000 and have made several donations to several members of the Board of Supervisors including Supervisors Gary Snellings and Mark Dudenhefer totaling $1,350.
  • The next company is JIFFCO, Inc. (Sams Pizza & Subs). They received a grant of $5,000 and have previously made a donation to Supervisor Mark Dudenhefer totaling $250.
  • Sam’s Pizza & Subs also donated a total of $450 to Supervisors Crystal Vanuch and Gary Snellings. It’s unclear whether these donations were associated with Naim Corporation of JIFFCO, Inc — both who received $5,000 grants.
  • The next company is The Three D’s Inc. (Del’s Automotive). They received a grant of $5,000 and previously made a donation to Supervisor Crystal Vanuch totaling $500.
  • Next up is 610 Car Wash LLC. They received a grant of $7,500 and previously made a donation to Supervisor Crystal Vanuch totaling $250.
  • Then there is Burton’s Automotive owned by Robert Burton. They received a grant of $5,000 and previously made donations to Supervisor Gary Snellings totaling $2,050.
  • Caldwell Consultants LLC is owned by Chris Caldwell. They received a grant of $2,000 and previously made a donation to Supervisor Mark Dudenhefer totaling $1,304.
  • Development Construction Services, Inc. is owned by Samer and Catherine Shalaby. They received a grant of $5,000 and previously made donations to Supervisor Mark Dudenhefer totaling $1,000.

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