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ICYMI: Virginia Democrats Slam Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination As An Attack on Virginians’ Health Care 


From the Democratic Party of Virginia:

ICYMI: Virginia Democrats Slam Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination As An Attack on Virginians’ Health Care 

RICHMOND – Following President Trump’s announcement that Amy Coney Barrett would be his nominee to the Supreme Court, Virginia Democrats responded by highlighting the stakes that hang in the balance with this appointment: health care, clean air and water, voting rights, reproductive rights, immigrant rights, civil rights, and more.

If Trump succeeds and his appointee strikes down the entire Affordable Care Act – insurers could once again discriminate or drop coverage completely for more than 3.5 million Virginians living with preexisting conditions, including tens of thousands who may have lung scarring and heart damage from COVID-19.

What they’re saying:

“I’ve said from the beginning that Senator McConnell should follow his own precedent from 2016: this vacancy should be filled by the winner of the ongoing election. I intend to follow that precedent and will not support anyone’s confirmation until we know the election results. There are less than 40 days between now and Election Day, and voting is already underway in Virginia and other states. Given the stakes—health care, fundamental rights, the integrity of the Court—rushing a confirmation vote before the American people have weighed in would be reckless.” (Senator Tim Kaine)

“There is so much on the line with this Supreme Court vacancy. The next justice has the opportunity to decide the future of the Affordable Care Act, and whether Americans with preexisting conditions will continue to be protected, or if millions of Americans covered by the ACA will have their health care ripped away in the middle of a pandemic. Everything from health care to reproductive rights to voting rights hangs in the balance. Given the stakes, the American people have a right to have their voices heard before the confirmation of a new justice….Virginians are already casting their ballots. The Senate should not be considering a Supreme Court nomination before inauguration day.” (Sen. Mark Warner)

“In 2016, Senate Republicans made a sanctimonious production out of not filling Supreme Court vacancies in an election year when there were over ten months remaining in President Obama’s second term. As people are already voting, Senate Republicans are violating their own established principle without any concern for hypocrisy or fundamental fairness.

“For over three and a half years, President Trump has been relentless in his attacks on Americans’ access to affordable health care. Last June, during the height of this pandemic, his administration filed a brief with the Supreme Court asking them to invalidate the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in its entirety. If they are successful then tens of millions of people will lose their health insurance, people with pre-existing conditions will lose their protections, affordability credits will evaporate, and consumer protections will be lost. It is no coincidence that the Supreme Court will hear arguments on the latest case that could tear down the ACA days after the election.” (Rep. Bobby Scott)

“Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation threatens to set the US back decades. With one vote, the Senate will virtually guarantee the repeal of the ACA and the reversal of countless civil rights victories — including Roe v. Wade. There can be no confirmation before inauguration. Period.” (Rep. Gerry Connolly)

“After years of attacking the Affordable Care Act, — all in the middle of a pandemic — the Trump Administration is preparing for the Supreme Court to hear this November oral arguments in support of a lawsuit which would eliminate protections for more than 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, rip insurance away from millions, and could end essential health benefits from maternity care to basic prescription drugs…President Trump and Senator McConnell must not be allowed to rush to install Amy Coney Barrett for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. The stakes of this vacancy concern the future of the fundamental rights of the American people, and the American people deserve a voice in this process.” (Rep. McEachin)

“No Supreme Court nominee has ever been confirmed so close to the election. Why are Senate Republicans in such a hurry to break their 2016 promises? They want the Court to side with Trump, strike down the Affordable Care Act, and wreck your healthcare. The case hits in November.” (Rep. Don Beyer)

“In 2016, Mitch McConnell blocked a Senate vote on Merrick Garland when Obama had 11 months left in office. In 2020, McConnell is pushing through a Senate vote on a new Supreme Court justice just 38 days before the election. His hypocrisy knows no bounds.” (Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring)

“Virginia State Sen. Mamie Locke (D-Hampton) said Barrett’s anti-abortion stance could mean the Affordable Care Act and health care choices, especially for women, are at stake. ‘She has stated that she is opposed to Roe v. Wade and has stated as much,’ said Sen. Locke. ‘I think that with her appointment, should she be confirmed, Roe v. Wade is in jeopardy, and women’s ability to make their own health care choices will indeed be in jeopardy.’” (State Senator Mamie Locke (D-Hampton))


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