Home 2020 Elections Another Day, Another Freitas F’up…Last Time His Candidacy Filing Paperwork; This Time...

Another Day, Another Freitas F’up…Last Time His Candidacy Filing Paperwork; This Time His Financial Disclosure Forms

Let's face it, this guy's just a hot mess.


Aside from being a right-wing extremist and all-around nut, Del. Nick Freitas – the Republicans’ nominee for Congress in VA07 – also has a tendency to f*** things up. For instance, remember this (“I’ve confirmed that GOP congressional candidates [Nick Freitas] and Bob Good have both failed to file the correct paperwork with” VA Dept. of Elections) from June 2020? Or how about this (“Hard-Right Del. Nick Freitas Fails to File Properly, Announces He’s Withdrawing His Candidacy”) from July 2019? Sensing a pattern here? No, you say, you need another data point? No worries; with Freitas, you don’t have to wait long for another paperwork snafu. From this morning’s Roll Call:

Nick Freitas, the Republican challenging freshman Democrat Abigail Spanberger in Virginia’s 7th District, reported different amounts of 2019 income from his consulting business in financial disclosures he had to file this year as a state legislator and as a congressional candidate. 

In a Virginia state filing required for members of the House of Delegates, he disclosed that his income from Gold Team Consulting was $50,000 or less. However, in a federal disclosure filed with the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, Freitas listed his income from the business in 2019 as $130,900 — a difference of more than $80,000.

Brilliant, eh? Roll Call adds: “The discrepancy is the latest of a series of paperwork errors that have plagued Freitas’ campaign and complicated GOP efforts to win back a seat the party considered among its best pickup opportunities at the beginning of the cycle.” Also, as the article notes, “A knowing and intentional false statement of material fact on the Statement is a Class 5 felony.” Can’t wait to see how Freitas tries to talk his way out of his latest hot mess…including who he attempts to blame, other than himself of course!


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