Home 2021 Elections Majority of Virginia Senate Democrats Endorse AG Mark Herring for Reelection

Majority of Virginia Senate Democrats Endorse AG Mark Herring for Reelection


From the Mark Herring for Attorney General reelection campaign:


~ 12 Democratic senators, including Senate Democratic leadership, among those backing Herring for re-election ~

RICHMOND – Today, Mark Herring’s campaign for re-election announced he has earned endorsements from a majority of Virginia Senate Democrats, including Senate President Pro Tempore Louise Lucas, Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, and Senate Finance Chair Janet Howell. The senators endorsing Herring today represent localities from across the Commonwealth. During his first two terms, Herring has built an unequaled record of achievement and led Virginia in a progressive transformation through his work to protect Virginians’ rights as the peoples’ lawyer.

The following Democratic senators have endorsed Herring for re-election:

  • Senate President Pro Tempore Louise Lucas
  • Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw
  • Senator Janet Howell
  • Senator Ghazala Hashmi
  • Senator John Bell
  • Senator Jennifer Boysko
  • Senator Adam Ebbin
  • Senator Barbara Favola
  • Senator George Barker
  • Senator Dave Marsden
  • Senator Chap Petersen
  • Senator Scott Surovell

“I spent seven years as a state senator and I am honored to have the support of my colleagues and friends in the Virginia Senate,” said Attorney General Herring. “I am proud of the work we have been able to do together to make Virginia a more open, welcoming, and safe place. I look forward to our continued partnership as we build on our progress and work together to achieve our goals for the Commonwealth.”

“In the past year, we’ve made so much progress in Virginia, and my longtime friend Mark Herring has been a full partner in that. He has always stood for progress – going to court to fight for the Affordable Care Act, protecting access to women’s health care, fighting for much-needed criminal justice reform, taking on racism in Virginia public schools, and defending our rights to take down Confederate propaganda. Time and again, Mark Herring has stood for us, which is why I am proud to support him, again, for Attorney General.” – Senate President Pro Tempore Lousie Lucas.

“Throughout all the years I have known Mark, he has always fought for what was right and he’s never backed down one inch, even when he’s fighting against the President of the United States. As we emerge from the economic crisis brought on by this pandemic, we need leaders like Mark who understand that a strong economy requires an attorney general who will stand up for every Virginian and prioritize justice, opportunity, and equality for all. As our attorney general, Mark has fought back successfully against the Trump Administration’s seemingly endless attacks on our democracy, and defended Virginia’s new gun safety measures in court numerous times – but I know that he can do even more with a third term.” – Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw.

“Mark has been a driving force behind Virginia’s progressive transformation over the past few years. Whether he’s championing marriage equality, working on groundbreaking civil rights cases like his fight to make sure the ERA is recognized or defending Virginians’ rights in court against illegal and oftentimes cruel attacks from the Trump Administration, Mark has made sure that Virginia gets on the right side of history. Mark Herring has worked tirelessly on behalf of all Virginians to make the Commonwealth an open, welcoming and just place, and I know he will continue to do so, which is why he should be our Attorney General for the next four years.” – Senator and Chair of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee Janet Howell

“Both during his time in the Senate and as attorney general, Mark has been a true progressive leader in Virginia. Throughout his career, Mark has been dedicated to protecting the rights of all Virginians, but especially through landmark lawsuits and groundbreaking civil rights cases. I am honored to call Mark Herring a friend and partner and I look forward to continuing to work with him to advance our goals towards progress in Virginia.” – Senator George Barker

“When you look at Mark Herring’s record you see the heart, compassion, courage, and experience that makes him the best choice for attorney general. Mark has taken on big challenges like the opioid epidemic with tenacity, creativity, and commitment, not for headlines or attention, but because he knows that Virginians are hurting and need their attorney general to stand up for them. He’s fought to protect DREAMers and DACA, led the charge for marriage equality, helped make smart criminal justice reforms, and so much more to make sure the Commonwealth is on the right side of history. I am proud to call Mark Herring a friend and colleague, and maybe, more importantly, a fellow Loudouner, and I look forward to working with him for another four years as attorney general.” – Senator John Bell

“As attorney general, Mark hasn’t been afraid to take on the big challenges directly and stand up for what is right, even if it wasn’t the easy or the convenient road to take. He’s gone to court over and over again to protect Virginians’ rights against dangerous attacks from the Trump Administration. He’s fought to protect DACA and DREAMers, and he’s holding opioid manufacturers accountable. Here in Loudoun, we’re proud to count Mark Herring as one of our own and I can’t wait to see what else he will be able to accomplish with another four years as Virginia’s attorney general.” – Senator Jennifer Boysko.

“Throughout his career in public service, but especially as attorney general, Mark has made it a top priority to ensure that every Virginian, no matter who they are, what they look like, or who they love, feels safe and protected in the Commonwealth. I have been proud to work alongside him on many of our shared priorities including updating the definition of a hate crime, marijuana reform, and protecting LGBTQ Virginians from discrimination. Mark has always stood up for the rights and dignity of all Virginians and I know he will continue to do so with another term as attorney general.” Senator Adam Ebbin

“Mark Herring is the most pro-choice, pro-worker, and pro-environment attorney general in Virginia history, and he has my full support as he seeks re-election. He has done historic work to protect women’s’ reproductive and economic rights and issued important legal advice that protected abortion access and helped reverse some of the damage done by his predecessor, Ken Cuccinelli. Mark’s work to transform Virginia’s response to sexual and domestic violence has truly changed lives. I was proud to work with Mark on his project to completely eliminate Virginia’s backlog of untested rape kits and to pass new laws to ensure it will never come back. Mark has been a champion for Virginians’ rights, and he deserves to be re-elected.” – Senator Barbara Favola.

“Under Mark’s leadership as attorney general, we’ve watched Virginia transform into the progressive Commonwealth it is today. Through his work fighting for marriage equality, defending healthcare and a woman’s right to choose, or championing criminal justice reform – Mark has always fought hard to protect all Virginians. As attorney general, Mark Herring has made Virginia a safer, more just, equal and fair place and I know he can do even more if he stays in office for another four years.” – Senator Ghazala Hashmi.

“Mark is truly an attorney general for all Virginians, and I’m really proud to support his re-election. He has been a leading voice in Virginia for marijuana reform and decriminalization, and a reliable partner in all of our work together to build a more just, fair, and equitable criminal justice system. He created the nation’s first Animal Law Unit to end animal fighting and protect animals from abuse, and he helped reduce the gruesome practice of fox-penning after years of gridlock and inaction. Mark has the experience and the record of achievement we need in our attorney general.” – Senator Dave Marsden

“I’m happy to endorse Mark Herring for re-election to his position as Attorney General.  For the past eight years, Mark has directed an office that has accomplished major things in defining and protecting the rights of Virginians.  He has also been willing to stand up to the major corporations and hold them accountable.  He has assembled an excellent team of attorneys to represent the Commonwealth, and I’m pleased to endorse his re-election” – Senator Chap Petersen.

“Mark Herring has completely transformed the role of Virginia attorney general from a national punchline under Ken Cuccinelli into a nationally respected powerhouse for protecting people’s rights. Mark stepped up to protect Virginians by creating the OAG’s first-ever predatory lending unit, winning millions in restitution and debt forgiveness for thousands of Virginians who had been abused by high-interest loans. He’s taken on big fights to protect immigrants and DREAMers, including his historic move that gave DREAMers a chance at an affordable education here in Virginia. He’s the best attorney general of my lifetime and I’m proud to support his re-election.” – Senator Scott Surovell

Mark Herring is the most accomplished and consequential Attorney General in Virginia history. During his two terms, he has taken on tough fights on behalf of Virginians and won time and time again. He has transformed the role of attorney general after a generation of Republican control, focusing on protecting Virginians and their rights, and helped make Virginia a national leader on progressive priorities like criminal justice reform, police accountability, access to affordable healthcare, gun violence prevention, women’s’ rights, and environmental protection.


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