Home Glenn Youngkin New Survey: Virginia Government Employees “Upset and Disappointed” with Youngkin, Say “Trust...

New Survey: Virginia Government Employees “Upset and Disappointed” with Youngkin, Say “Trust Is Eroding,” Urge Him to Back Off/Reverse Sudden Policy Change Limiting Telework


Check out the results of this new survey of state employees, courtesy of the Virginia Government Employees Association (VGEA):

  • Top concerns about going back to the office include rising gas costs (50% mentioned that), childcare (25% said that was their top concern), COVID, that the policy change was “rushed and confusing,” that “one-size-fits-all is ineffective,” that there are “no offices to go to,” etc. Employees also note that teleworking has been done for many years and is effective.
  • VGEA says: “We urge the Youngkin administration to delay the implementation of the telework policy to September 12, 2022, to allow for state employees to address needs related to childcare, commuting, and a less stressful return to the office – especially after many state employees (not all) are just emerging from the life-changing trauma of the last two years of the COVID pandemic while still trying to manage many lingering, related challenges.”
  • Also from VGEA: “We ask the administration to reconsider the blanket nature of the telework policy in favor of returning to a policy that considers the complexities and nuances of all state jobs and trusts the administration of the policy to the individual agencies.”
  • And finally: “As advocates for state employees, we would be honored to provide consultation on teleworking – and this telework policy in particular – to help support and retain our valuable state employees while attracting excellent talent both now and in the future.”

In short, Virginia state employees are really not happy with Youngkin’s new policy limiting telework. And for good reason, as it’s completely nonsensical, mean-spirited, counterproductive, etc.


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