Home African Americans VA Del. Candi King Rips LG Winsome Sears For Her “silence on...

VA Del. Candi King Rips LG Winsome Sears For Her “silence on the racist and dangerous comments of [ VA’s Chief Public Health Official] Colin Greene”

Sears DOES have time to cut a video for her pals at the NRA, in which she declares, "keep your hands off our Second Amendment rights,""


Del. Candi King nails it as usual, this time regarding LG Winsome Sears’ “silence on the racist and dangerous comments of Colin Greene “ and how her silence ” shows that the health and welfare of Black people are not a priority for her.” (for more on Colin Greene, see here; also note that Youngkin still hasn’t said a word about the WaPo story on Greene, nor has Youngkin fired his racist, batsh*t-crazy ass).

The fact is, as Del. King points out, “We are tired of losing mamas, sisters, aunts and friends in childbirth at 2-3 times the rate of our non-Black sisters.” And a lot of that is due to systemic racism over many, many years. Also, check out the video Sears made for her pals at the NRA, during which Sears claims the media is “obsessed…with race,” and supposedly “working hard not to say my name.”  Riiiiight. And she declares, “keep your hands off our Second Amendment rights,” by which she means the absolute right for an individual – not in the context of what the Founding Fathers were talking about in the late 1700s, with no standing army, guns no more powerful than muskets, and also with a “well regulated militia.” Details, details…


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