Home 2023 Elections Democrat Amy Laufer Endorsed for HD55 by “over two dozen local Democratic...

Democrat Amy Laufer Endorsed for HD55 by “over two dozen local Democratic leaders,” Including Albemarle County Chair Donna Price, Who Had Been a Candidate for This Seat


For good reason, right now we’re all focused on the all-important midterm elections in just three weeks. Once those are over, though, we will all need to start turning our attentions to important – crucial, really – Virginia legislative and local elections in 2023, including the battle for control of the State Senate (currently 21-19 Democratic) and the House of Delegates (currently 52-48 Republican). Keep in mind that if Glenn Youngkin succeeds in gaining a governing “trifecta” – Republican control of the State Senate, House of Delegates and governorship –  it’s almost guaranteed that Republicans will roll back many of the rights we have in Virginia, including a woman’s right to reproductive freedom. So, needless to say, we have to make sure that does NOT happen!

With that in mind, see below for a press release from Democrat Amy Laufer – who ran for State Senate in 2019 and is now running for House of Delegates in HD55 (82.5% in Albemarle County, 11.2% in Louisa County, 6.3% in Nelson County and 0.04% in Fluvanna County), which has been redistricted from a “red” district to one that was won by Terry McAuliffe last year 55.5%-43.8%. So this is definitely a seat that Democrats need to pick up next year, by ousting the abysmal incumbent, right-wing Republican Del. Rob Bell, and replacing him with one of the two Democrats – Amy Laufer or Kellen Squire – running for the nomination.

As for the press release, what jumped out at me is that Laufer has been endorsed by “over two dozen local Democratic leaders,” including Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Chair Donna Price, who had been a candidate for this nomination; Charlottesville Mayor Lloyd Snook; former 5th CD Democratic candidate Claire Russo; etc. Check it out – and stay tuned after November 8th for more coverage of the battle for control of the Virginia House of Delegates!


Nearly two dozen Democratic Leaders across the community formally endorse Amy Laufer for HD-55

Albemarle, VA – Today, Amy Laufer has released the names of over two dozen local Democratic leaders who have endorsed her candidacy for Virginia’s House of Delegates. They believe Amy is the right fighter to protect our core values and the only one capable of flipping this district from red to blue.

“Amy’s long-standing commitment and activism for progressive policies and programs as well as her demonstrated leadership, clearly set her apart, making her – by far – the most qualified and best candidate for the House of Delegates.”  – Chair of Albemarle Board of Supervisors Donna Price

“When Amy told me she was running for delegate, it put a smile on my face and hope in my heart. Amy shows up everyday for Virginia. Her leadership, her volunteerism and her commitment make her the best candidate for the 55th. As a survivor of sexual assault, I know that Amy will fight for every survivors right to choose. We must elect a candidate who has the tenacity to fight for the reproductive rights of every woman. We must elect Amy .”  –Former Democratic Candidate for 5th CD Claire Russo

List of Local Democratic Endorsers

  • Ned Galloway, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
  • Bea LaPisto-Kirtley, Vice Chair Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
  • Diantha McKeel, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
  • Donna Price, Chair Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
  • Ernie Reed, Nelson County Board of Supervisor
  • Lloyd Snook, Mayor Charlottesville City
  • Juan Diego Wade, Vice Mayor Charlottesville City
  • James Bryant, Charlottesville City School Board
  • Elly and Bill Tucker, Community Leader
  • Charlotte Gibson, Community Leader
  • Virginia Daughtery, Former Mayor of Charlottesville City Council
  • Norman Dill, Former Albemarle County Board of Supervisor
  • Liz Palmer, Former Chair Albemarle County Board of Supervisor
  • David Sluztky, Former Chair Albemarle Board of Supervisor
  • Mary Cunningham, Former Nelson County School Board Member
  • Kay Slaughter, Former Charlottesville Mayor
  • Nancy O’Brien, Former Charlottesville Mayor
  • Tom Vandever, Former Charlottesville Mayor
  • Leah Puryear, Former Chair Charlottesville City School Board
  • Claire Russo, Former Candidate for 5th Congressional District
  • Annette Hyde, Former Candidate for House of Delegates
  • Elaine Freeland, Former Chair Orange County Democratic Committee
  • Heidi Gilman Bennett, Community Leader
  • Claire Kaplan, Community Leader
  • Dave Oberg, Albemarle County School Board
  • Kate Acuff, Albemarle County School Board

Laufer has served her community for decades, solving problems and delivering results. She’s a teacher, former school board chair, founder of Virginia’s List, serves on many boards and commissions in the area, community leader, disability rights champion, former Chair of the Albemarle Democrats and mother of three. Laufer’s running because Central Virginia needs a strong voice for our core values in the General Assembly.

Laufer is the Founder of Virginia’s List, which provides critical support for Democratic women running for state office, such as Delegates Danica Roem, Elizabeth Guzman, Lashrecse Aird, Jennifer Carroll Foy and Hala Ayala. As Chair of the Albemarle Democrats, Laufer also spearheaded efforts to grow grassroots infrastructure in order to ensure Democratic success.

Laufer will prioritize and support legislation that provides access to quality affordable healthcare, gives every Virginia student a world class education, gun violence prevention and builds a green economy that works to solve our climate change crisis.

Amy grew up on a dairy farm in rural Wisconsin; she’s a first-generation college graduate. After a stint in the Peace Core and a graduate degree in Education, Amy taught math and science at Louisa Middle School and Tandem Friends School. Elected to the Charlottesville City School Board in November of 2011, she was re-elected and then served as Vice Chair and Chair of the School Board from 2012-2016. In 2014, she founded a women’s empowerment group that has supported many women currently serving in the General Assembly. Amy ran for State Senate District 17 in 2018, earning 48% of the vote in a +12 Republican district.

Amy and her husband live in Albemarle County, where they are raising their three active children, Hannah, 18, Adam, 17 and Henry, 15. In her limited free time, she enjoys traveling and walking their dog Skyler.

For more information please visit our website: www.LauferForDelegate.com


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