Home 2022 Elections Audio: Far-Right Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Says “It’s clear to me that…Kevin...

Audio: Far-Right Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Says “It’s clear to me that…Kevin McCarthy cannot get the needed 218 votes to become Speaker”

"There's...more than enough members who, like me, who are resolved not to support him"


Far-right-extremist Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05), speaking yesterday on the radio show of Trump’s former campaign chair in Virginia, had the following to say about Kevin McCarthy’s bid for Speaker of the House:

“We have a center of the Republican conference in the House that’s conservative, we need the leadership to reflect that…This myth, this scare tactic, this disinformation campaign that suggests if you don’t support the anointed person who’s supposed to be the Speaker, then somehow you’re going to help elect Democrats, that’s bogus, that’s a lie, it’s not true, it’s a scare tactic…It’s clear to me that…Kevin McCarthy cannot get the needed 218 votes to become Speaker...There’s…more than enough members who, like me, who are resolved not to support him; I will not be supporting him on January 3rd. We should not get to January 3rd…with that in question…we need to begin interviewing other candidates, and there’s several other high-quality candidates who I think will emerge once it’s clear to them that this core that’s not going to support Kevin McCarthy…I’m going to be working with my colleagues to identify and assess those candidates and to build that coalition of the 218+ votes that we need to elect the Speaker who will lead us in the fight to save the country…[McCarthy]’s not going to get to 218…he failed to do that [earn our support] for a number of reasons.”

So…not looking good for Kevin McCarthy at this point?


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