Home Abortion Video: Youngkin Doubles Down On Pledge To Ban Abortion

Video: Youngkin Doubles Down On Pledge To Ban Abortion

"The governor has put it plainly: give Republicans the majority in the General Assembly, and he’ll deliver a statewide abortion ban"


From DPVA and the VA Senate Democrats:

Youngkin Doubles Down On Pledge To Ban Abortion

RICHMOND, VA – Yesterday, Youngkin reiterated his pledge to pass an abortion ban in the Commonwealth of Virginia if the GOP gains the majority in the Virginia Senate and retains its edge in the House of Delegates.

On the campaign trail, Youngkin was careful to conceal his opinion on abortion, and was even caught on tape saying he had to lie to voters about his plans for a statewide ban, or risk losing independent voters.

Once in office, however, Youngkin has been anything but moderate on abortion. In an online forum last summer, Youngkin announced he would sign “any bill that comes to [his] desk” to ban abortion in the Commonwealth “happily and gleefully.”

This pledge to sign “any bill” presumably includes the three bills killed by Senate Democrats during the 2023 General Assembly session. One proposed by GOP Delegate Marie March would have banned abortion in the Commonwealth entirely, with no exceptions for rape or incest.

“Youngkin has set the stakes for the election this November,” said Liam Watson, Press Secretary for the Democratic Party of Virginia. “The governor has put it plainly: give Republicans the majority in the General Assembly, and he’ll deliver a statewide abortion ban.”

VPM reported yesterday that North Carolina’s abortion ban will raise the stakes significantly this November, making Virginia the last remaining state in the South with broad access to abortion.


Senate Democrats Call Out Glenn Youngkin’s New Plan To Ban Abortion

Richmond, VA — Glenn Youngkin has long promised that he would support and enact draconian restrictions on Virginians’ freedom to make their own health care decisions if given a chance. Yesterday, he doubled down, telling an audience that he plans to roll back abortion access by pushing a ban on abortions after 15 weeks if Republicans take back the General Assembly in November.

“Reproductive rights are essential in our commonwealth, and Senate Democrats have been a brick wall against Glenn Youngkin and Republicans’ efforts to restrict Virginians’ freedom to make their own health care decisions,” said Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Mamie Locke. “Virginians have a clear choice in this year’s elections: Republicans’ plans to interfere in their personal health care decisions or Democrats’ commitment to protecting their freedoms.”

This year, Virginia Senate Democrats blocked Youngkin and Republicans’ abortion restrictions, stopping their plans to ban abortion after 15 weeks. Such a ban would make it even harder for Virginians to get the reproductive health care they need, and is so restrictive that even Donald Trump wouldn’t commit to supporting it.



House Democrats are committed to protecting a woman’s fundamental right

RICHMOND, VA – Yesterday, in his latest attack against the rights of hardworking Virginians, Governor Youngkin once again pledged to ban abortion if Republicans hold the House. The Governor’s comments come just a few months after he announced plans for an extreme abortion ban in his State of the Commonwealth address. His supporters followed his lead and tried to roll back access to reproductive health care to further endanger women. It’s never been clearer than it is this week that extremist Republican leadership stands against women’s rights and women’s health.

“MAGA extremists will try any and every tactic to strip away our basic civil rights, and they will not stop at healthcare,” said Leader Don Scott. “Republicans in Virginia continue to show us who they are. Virginians are clear: they do not want an abortion ban. It is our job to listen to our constituents, not dictate how they live their lives.”

“It’s never been clearer how much is at stake this November. Reproductive healthcare is on the ballot,” said Chair Charniele Herring. “I applaud anyone who stands up against Republican extremism and works to protect access to reproductive healthcare in Virginia. Throughout my time in the General Assembly, I have been fighting to protect access to reproductive healthcare and I am committed to continuing to protect a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions.”

Virginia has become a safe haven for abortion access in the wake of bans across the country, and we must protect it. Virginia House Democrats are committed to this fight and will continue to fight for a woman’s right to make decisions over her own body.


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