Home 2023 Elections “After reading the article, I honestly don’t think this changes anything even...

“After reading the article, I honestly don’t think this changes anything even in a Tossup seat”

"This is about consensual acts with her husband"


See below for some commentary on the new travesty of journalism by the WaPo’s crack Virginia political “reporters” – the same fine folks who helped elect Glenn Youngkin in 2021 by normalizing/whitewashing him (e.g., as some sort of “moderate” or “mystery date”), acting as his stenographers, etc. I’m not even going to link to their latest clickbait idiocy, but it’s on their website if you’re really interested.  Anyway, with that, here are some comments which are far more intelligent than the WaPo’s article.

P.S. Also note that the WaPo, with its massive resources (Jeff Bezos, the richest guy in the world), COULD be doing serious investigative journalism in Virginia (but that would require actual effort, talent, etc.), but instead it does…this. Why?


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