Home Abortion Glenn Youngkin’s Most Extreme, Bizarre Appointment Yet? Extremist Yesli Vega – Who...

Glenn Youngkin’s Most Extreme, Bizarre Appointment Yet? Extremist Yesli Vega – Who Doubts Pregnancy After Rape – to the State Board of Health?!?

FAR from being a "moderate," Youngkin just keeps going further and further off the MAGA deep end.


And we have a new contender for Youngkin’s worst, most bats***-crazy appointment to a state board, commission, etc. Yesli Vega to the State Board of Health? Wait, you mean THIS Yesli Vega, the one who said the following about it supposedly being harder for a woman to get pregnant if she’s been raped (note: that’s totally/wildly/insanely false!)?

“Well, maybe because there’s so much going on in the body. I don’t know. I haven’t, you know, seen any studies. But if I’m processing what you’re saying, it wouldn’t surprise me. Because it’s not something that’s happening organically. You’re forcing it. The individual, the male, is doing it as quickly — it’s not like, you know — and so I can see why there is truth to that. It’s unfortunate.”

And the same Yesli Vega who suggested said “abortion’s not going to be an option”; who defended the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists; who opposes same-sex marriage; etc. Yeah, great pick by Youngkin – you know that fabled “moderate” or “mystery date” (according to political “journalists” at the WaPo) – for the State Board of Health – not!


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