Home 2024 Elections As Kaine Campaign Announces “Record-Breaking $2.5M” Raised in 1Q24, USA Today Publishes...

As Kaine Campaign Announces “Record-Breaking $2.5M” Raised in 1Q24, USA Today Publishes Devastating Exposé of Extremist Hung Cao, One of the Leading Contenders for the 2024 VA GOP US Senate Nomination

Turns out Cao isn't just extreme, he's a big-time grifter


While the Kaine campaign announces (see press release, below) that it raised “a record-breaking $2.5M” in the first quarter of 2024 and has $8.7 million cash-on-hand, check out this devastating exposé on one of the leading Republican contenders (Hung Cao) to take on Sen. Kaine this November – and how slimy, sketchy, unscrupulous, etc. he is. A few highlights include:

  • “According to the Federal Election Commission and Virginia’s State Board of Election filings, not a single Republican candidate for state or local office received any direct financial support from [Cao’s] federal Unleash America super PAC.”
  • In February 2023, Cao had “pledged that Unleash America would support Republicans in 2023 in ‘a lot of the races that people wrote off,'” and in 2023, “Unleash America super PAC received $103,489 in individual contributions last year, according to Federal Election Commission filings,” but…nope, “It doesn’t look like Unleash American spent any money at all to support Virginia’s 2023 candidates.”
  • “When asked why money raised by Unleash America did not go to support state candidates,” the general counsel for Cao’s campaign falsely claimed that, because “Unleash America” is a federally registered super PAC, it “cannot make contributions to any campaign whatsoever” (in fact, “Virginia has no limits on campaign contributions“).
  • etc.

Unfortunately, this isn’t at all surprising for Hung Cao, when you consider stuff like this:

So yeah, let’s make damn sure we don’t just reelect Sen. Kaine this November, but do so OVERWHELMJINGLY!

Kaine For Virginia Has $8.7M On Hand, Raising A Record-Breaking $2.5M In Q1

Richmond, VA — Kaine for Virginia is announcing raising over $2.5 million in the first quarter of 2024 and has $8.7 million cash-on-hand for Senator Kaine’s re-election. This is Tim Kaine’s best election year first quarter of his Senate career.

The record-breaking haul was fueled by the most individual online donations for Tim Kaine ever in a quarter, with 25,402 individual donors contributing to the campaign.

“Virginians are standing with Senator Tim Kaine because he has stood with them in their neighborhoods, libraries, and living rooms fighting to cut taxes for working families, slashing the cost of prescription drugs, supporting military families, and protecting reproductive freedom,” said Keren Charles Dongo, Campaign Manager for Tim Kaine. “This strong fundraising quarter is more proof that Virginians are united behind Tim Kaine and are fired up and ready to send him back to the U.S. Senate so he can continue to stand up for Virginia.”

In the fourth quarter, the average grassroots contribution was $37 and more than 98 percent of donors made contributions of $100 or less. There were over 10,738 first-time donors to Kaine in this period.



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