Home Donald Trump Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08)’s Deputy Chief of Staff Aaron Fritschner Warns: “complacency,...

Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08)’s Deputy Chief of Staff Aaron Fritschner Warns: “complacency, acceptance, and cowardice are powerful forces aiding those attacking our Constitution”

"We have to start calling this what it is."


Where we’re currently at, from Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08)’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Aaron Fritschner. Is there a serious (e.g., not “hand waving” or “remain calm”/”things will work out fine”/”keep on keeping on” bullsh*t) counterargument to any of this? If so, what is it? Because I’m not seeing it.


“They’re breaking laws to dismantle the US govt
The Legislative Branch is a rubber stamp
They neuter legal consequences with DOJ purges and pardons
They call reporters who cover them criminals
They call political opposition criminals
They’re preparing to ignore the Judicial Branch

I’d say official Washington and American civil society are acting like slowly-boiled frogs but this is happening fast.

I’ve seen movies about historical or fictional events of mass upheaval where people cling to normalcy in ways that seem crazy. Didn’t expect to see it in person

Items 2 & 3 below are done. The rest are in progress; if this was happening elsewhere you’d expect those to increase along with:
– deploy police/military to suppress political/popular opposition
– criminalize dissent
– suspend elections or make meaningless

This will sound hysterical to some people and look, nobody wants that to be true more than me. I fervently hope I am wrong. But things like this have happened before elsewhere, and there were people who warned about it, and there were people who called those warnings hysteria

The United States Constitution is a marvelous thing, but it’s not self-enforcing. It depends on a system of checks and balances to stop a return to the monarchy and despotism the Founders sought to escape. Right now those checks and balances are failing one by one before our eyes

I’m not saying all is lost and I’m not for giving up. We are fighting this. But complacency, acceptance, and cowardice are powerful forces aiding those attacking our Constitution, just as they were for other authoritarians through history. We have to start calling this what it is.”


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