Home Budget, Economy Saturday News: “Republican Russophilia” – Trump “Putin-ised” the GOP; “It Isn’t Just...

Saturday News: “Republican Russophilia” – Trump “Putin-ised” the GOP; “It Isn’t Just Trump. America’s Whole Reputation Is Shot.”; “US consumer sentiment plunges”; “Don Deranged at DOJ”-“Trump calls for jailing his perceived opponents”; “Why Trump 2.0 Is Worse Than…Expected”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, March 15. As historian/author Kevin Kruse says, “I want to stress how far off the rails this is in terms of not just our norms and our expectations but our laws. There’s a lot that’s deeply unconstitutional here. I get that they’re trying to flood the zone and overwhelm the opposition, but the opposition shouldn’t let itself be overwhelmed. It shouldn’t accept this as the new normal, which is what the administration wants us to do.” Also, David Rothkopf writes: “If the last six weeks are any indication, the damage Trump and Musk and MAGA will do in the next six months will be horrific. Millions of lives will be shattered whether due to job losses, loss of vital government services, national economic misfortune resulting for economically ignorant policies, international programs shut down, and illegal prosecutions and arrests. Critical government capabilities will be obliterated. The rule of law and our rights under the Constitution will be relentlessly attacked.” So…on that cheery note, on to the news headlines…ugh.


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