Home Local Politics Virginia Democrats in Shenandoah County are about to get Some...

Virginia Democrats in Shenandoah County are about to get Some Love from a White Portland Native


My name is Paul, you can call me Dae though. Merci (french  for thank you)

This X-posted from here but I’ll write MORE than the X-post for Blue virginia but the dailykos article has pictures this one doesn’t


I’m not a Yankee. I’m NOT A YANKEE. Let that SET IN. I’m a PACIFIC NORTH WESTERNER. we Were NOT involved. Frankly I’m GLAD Lincoln kicked their asses but i’m a SUPPORTER of Woodrow Wilson.

ah the Paradox.

You could not POSSIBLY imagine how @#$#@’ed up it is to LOVE both Men.

But that’s what I am as a historian.

I understand that the north had the luxury of having diversifiied it’s economy to not be dependent upon slave labor.

unfortunately when Lincoln trounced the south it seems that the south didn’t have much of A non slavery Economy to speak of.

What I am trying to tell you is that I’m a Northwesterner who Doesn’t believe in Racial hierarchy but has a soft spot for the suffering of the south. In fact politely speaking the recent I believe that the south is  the way it is is because it profoundly was humiliated by the north in the war and has a sore spot for revenge and this doesn’t take place because the south is How do I put it… “arrogant” as much as Scorned.

Believe me when I say this I can feel the fires of that scorn but I’m for putting water on them.

Regarding the Civil rights bill allow me to correct the record somewhat though.

The Precentage of Northern Democrats who supported the civil right bills was greater than the REpublicans who did.

Also, the Southern Democrats Largely later reversed their positions. Strom Thurmond in truth was one o the few if not  the only dixiecrat to bolt. True.

George Wallace changed his position on segregation the 1980s. Al gore has never been a really good tool for the racist element and it’s not hard to see why and Robert Byrd Tried to make up for it. I maintain that I am not here to force the black community ro forgive them because as I’ve maintained that’s up to them.

However my stance is that the south needs a diversified economy and Frankly I’m completely for the Northern Democrats Allocating resources to Diversify the south in an effort to Grow our party.

My problem is very simple: The south’s economy has  sucked for over 100 years! you can STILL feel it! I live in the northwest but i’ve SPENT time in Atlanta and in Orlando and LET ME TELL YOU There’s NOTHING you could Tell me that would EVER convince me that the south hadn’t been dealt a MASSIVE upheavel by Lincoln.

Having spent my Childhood in Oregon and my ADOLESCENCE in the “rebel south” Let me Correct you right off the bat about the the mythical Democratic Hatred of “rednecks”

I don’t. In fact I’m humiliated by the fact that so many supposedly enlightened thinkers are unable to see that the stereotype is not accurate.

It’s what I call a caricature of the south. It might in some part Resemble but it’s overdone for Comedic effect and I’m sort of tired of it.  Politely Speaking Progressives OUGHT to know better! You’re supposed to be the GOOD GUYS!

I know there are a lot of Blue collar types out there-We’re from a white collar family that the crisis has TERRIBLY effected. Our jobs weren’t taken by invaders from the south let me put it like that. They were shipped off to India and China and you can SEE the growth there that we don’t have now.

Do you understand now? Finally? I’m not for btw because of what I understand a hierarchy Of american’s First.

No. In fact I have different outlook. I want Americas economy to do well so some of that technology will snowball on down to us.

Chinese Solar panels could save the world-especially if we can AFFORD THEM.

I don’t like globalization. I’m an anti-globaliztion activist but that’s not because I am afraid of the mythical NWO.

I feel sorry for China and the rest of the world too, I have an all inclusive heart.

However America has some problems and Part of it is this massive Laggard Southern Economy. This isn’t a partisan issue too but it’s an issue to which the Democratic party espeically of the north needs to realize the paramount importance of.

We need to win our traditional “enemies” over. Hearts and minds.

My goal is a More international America, but  More over the south needs it’s own marshal plan.

if you’re a progressive and you DON’T understand that this is about MUCH more than MERELY elections then you are  not thinking broadly enough.

bullet trains in america east to west coast 500mph japenese technology in america oh god the possibilities.

they’re boundless.

We need the south. the enormity of the problem that Southern opposition is… What do we have to do to break it up?


so in the comments thread THIS broke out:

* [new]  What happened to the South (3+ / 0-)

…was the victory of Ronald  Reagan.  And for the second time Southern whites were told that racial discrimination and bigotry was just a matter of traditional values.  (The first time was after the election of 1876.)

The non-South’s preservation of their own bigotry and discrimination is as much an issue as the Southern economy.  Just look at the looting of Detroit.

BTW, did you hear that Boeing is moving work from Seattle to South Carolina.  Michelin and BMW have plants in South Carolina.  Mercedes has a plant in Alabama.  Nissan has plants in Tennessee.  Just look at the economic diversity in Texas.

The economies are diverse in the urban areas.  In addition, the military, large universities, and large hospital systems are major employers–again in urban areas.

The diversity of the economy, a project of most Southern governors since the 1950s, is not the problem.

The problem is purely and simply the unwillingness of the powers that be in each state to invest tax money in better education, especially in rural areas.  And the concentration of good-paying jobs in the urban areas as manufacturing is stripped from the smaller towns.

I’m still praying that some younger and more energetic folks will honor the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer 1964 by organizing a voter registration campaign across the South.  In rural counties and urban neighborhoods there is the need for people to knock on doors to get everyone registered and ready to vote and with whatever proper IDs they need to ensure that any challenges will be invalid.

That activity will also allow people to experience what life is like in the South instead of depending on hearsay.  Because, like most places, life is complicated, not all one way.  And the good people still outnumber the Duck Dynasty wannabes.

When the suburbs of Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Cleveland are honest about the apartheid of their communities that drives bouts of gun violence, and Oakland ceases to be a police state, it will be much easier to restore sanity to the politics of the South because there won’t be the easy excuses by pointing out non-Southern hypocrisy.

The First Amendment to the Constitution precluded a de-Confederacization program like the de-Nazification program carried out in Germany or the demilitarization program in Japan.

It is now almost 150 years since the end of the Civil War.  The clear purpose of the war was to assert the privilege of creating future slave states so as to ensure that a majority would never end slavery.  Read the SC Secession document.

In light of this, the best way to show compassion is to insist that the politics of this country never tolerate the sort of harshness and bigotry that the Republican Party has reveled in the past five years.  If you can’t register voters in the South, make sure that Darrell Issa, Steve Stockman, Michele Bachman, Marsha Blackburn, Louis Goehmert, Joe Wilson, Steve King, and the rest of the clown caucus never serve in a position of public trust again.

Compassion for the South requires breaking the Republican Party’s grip on power outside the South as well as within it.

50 states, 210 media market, 435 Congressional Districts, 3080 counties, 192,480 precincts

by TarheelDem on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 06:41:39 PM PST

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* [new]  I’m moving to virginia soon but Virginia is Dem (0+ / 0-)

utopia right now, I would be more than happy to start organizing the party in Virginia tho.

http://www.actblue.com/page/ac… If the dnc dscc or dccc send you mailers, send that link back to them and tell them you won’t send money to people who defend democrats who betray progressive principals!

by daeros on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 07:54:03 PM PST

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* [new]  Depending on what part of VA (1+ / 0-)

…that surely will help.  If you have to good fortune to wind up in the Valley of Virginia or in the Piedmont, that would be the most helpful.

Welcome to the fight.

50 states, 210 media market, 435 Congressional Districts, 3080 counties, 192,480 precincts

by TarheelDem on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 08:17:37 PM PST

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* [new]  strasburg. (0+ / 0-)

http://www.actblue.com/page/ac… If the dnc dscc or dccc send you mailers, send that link back to them and tell them you won’t send money to people who defend democrats who betray progressive principals!

by daeros on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 08:19:27 PM PST

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* [new]  Looking. I think it’s in the Valley Region! wow! (0+ / 0-)

you know the upside here is my rent is DIRT cheap? Lowering my expenses to invest in solar and other stuff.

http://www.actblue.com/page/ac… If the dnc dscc or dccc send you mailers, send that link back to them and tell them you won’t send money to people who defend democrats who betray progressive principals!

by daeros on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 08:25:57 PM PST

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* [new]  n/t (0+ / 0-)

I’ve been wanting to do Local organizing for a L ONG time. Itching.

are you kidding? I understand the way the GOP beat us. They took the state houses First. It’s time for our Yin yang. TAKE BACK THE STATE GOVERNMENTS! We NEED to by 2020 ANYWAYS for the REDISTRICTING fight.

I don’t care it’s drugery or Grunt work I’ve got an itchy figner and I want to do something

do you know any organizers in the region?

http://www.actblue.com/page/ac… If the dnc dscc or dccc send you mailers, send that link back to them and tell them you won’t send money to people who defend democrats who betray progressive principals!

by daeros on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 08:35:31 PM PST

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* [new]  Shenandoah County (1+ / 0-)

2012 Election

Mitt Romney 12,538 64.71%

Barack Obama  6469 33.49%

Looks like a PVI of R +32.

You are in a good position.

Your first task is to network and find out who those 6469 Democratic voters are.  That’s just a matter of personal networking and contacting the county party organizations.

Your second task is to get to know the other communities in counties that are part of your state assembly district, state senate district, and Congressional district.

Your third task is to systematically track the local issues and analyze how they connect to the wider national issues like the sucking sound from Wall Street.  Conservatives see the sucking sound of the federal government (but don’t recognize that it’s going for military misadventures) but ignore the way money gets sucked out of rural areas to Wall Street.

Use diaries to allow the dKos community to track what you are doing.

The magic number for 2014 for Congressional Districts is 170,000.  Get that number out and voted and you win.  You need to figure out from registration and past election results what the magic number is for assemby and senate districts.  And also for primaries.    In a deep red county, it is usually easier to run more progressive candidates in a primary, but getting them past the general election requires running on a local hot button issue that the opposition has taken the wrong side.

Some potential issues IMO:

$15/hour minimum wage

Eliminating co-pays and deductions in health care insurance

Increasing Social Security payments by 20%

Financial transaction tax of $1 per $1 million of transaction.

Returning to political conversations within communities without sound bites and cuteness. Return to candidate conversations with constituents and ending the top-down marketing approach of campaigns.

Learn about how they work and what the economic consequences are.  And then test the in civil political conversations.

The South from 1950-1980 had governors to claimed a progressive brand and worked to extent infrastructure and education.

Good luck to you.  That area is a beautiful part of Virginia.

50 states, 210 media market, 435 Congressional Districts, 3080 counties, 192,480 precincts

by TarheelDem on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 09:02:12 PM PST

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* [new] Merci! (thank you!) (0+ / 0-)

Helping turn a blood red district blue…. ohhhh…the dream

this is what I’ve wanted to do for so long. So tired of debating conservatives Online. I want to do something useful.

http://www.actblue.com/page/ac… If the dnc dscc or dccc send you mailers, send that link back to them and tell them you won’t send money to people who defend democrats who betray progressive principals!

by daeros on Thu Jan 30, 2014 at 09:26:54 PM PST

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I will be in the region within a few months to chase the DREAM of working against the grain. I’ll also be benefiting off cheaper rent to Donate to the Party!

You’ve got a 27 year old Male  Feminist Grunt worker from Portland with a Long autistic memoory who remembers George Allen and his “Real virginia” s***. I’ve been a netrooters now sinee 2005. I remember George Allen going down in flames because I was  working to take down Lieberman at thet ime.

i’ve read Mydd and dailykos for YEARS and I’ve withheld.

I’ve wanted this work for a VERY , VERY Long time and I’m Estastic to finally have an opportunity to try and help the party. I must confes though that as much as I know about George Allens “macaca” moment I am more of a national dem and know more about national issues.

I am a huge natural ally to teachers I don’t know the virginia education situation though  In virginia and I’m here to some extent to be filled


My biggest hope is to get Money for education into rural  areas and to fight back against BOTH no child left behind AND race to thet op-those dollars need to go where they are needed.

not where the GOOD kids are.

I’m trying though. This is my dream. to help the party out and Help turn the tide against these republican SOCIOPATHS.

(not all republicans are sociopaths. Many are just horribly misinformed)

and I’m TIRED of being boxed in and NOT doing this work.

I can’t WAIT to start.


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