Home 2023 Elections They’re All Bad, But Where Exactly Does Every Virginia Republican Candidate for...

They’re All Bad, But Where Exactly Does Every Virginia Republican Candidate for State Senate, House of Delegates Stand on Women’s Reproductive Freedom?

Fortunately, a lot of these extremists won't win, and some of the others can be beaten.


We’re now at just 92 days until the crucial 2023 Virginia elections for the entire House of Delegates and State Senate (note: early voting starts September 22), and the differences between the Democratic and Republican candidates couldn’t be any starker. That includes on the enormously important issue of women’s reproductive health/freedom to choose/bodily autonomy, which is now in deep danger in a post-“Dobbs” world.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at what all Republican candidates for House of Delegates and State Senate have said and/or how they’ve voted about this crucial issue. For incumbents, I’ll simply provide their score from ReproRising Virginia, since they have a voting record. By the way, as far as I’m aware, every Democratic incumbent and candidate for the General Assembly is strongly pro-choice, so the “choice” in November is crystal clear – vote “blue!”

SD1: Timmy French – Says he will “promote a culture of life” and “support pro-life laws.” That means, of course, that he supports banning abortion.
SD2: Sen. Mark Obenshain – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD3: Chrisopher Head – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD4: Sen. Dave Suetterlein – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia. It would be great if Democrat Trish White-Boyd could pull a huge upset here.
SD5: Sen. Travis Hackworth – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD6: Sen. Todd Pillion – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD7: Sen. Bill Stanley – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD8: Sen. Mark Peake – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD9: Sen. Frank Ruff – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD10: John McGuire – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD11: Philip Hamilton – “Philip cares about protecting the right to life that every American is granted. He is prepared to support the parents of stillborn children and pass legislation that would reverse Governor Northam’s stance that lets doctors kill babies after they are born.” Fortunately, this is a deep-“blue” district where incumbent Sen. Creigh Deeds (D) will win easily this November.
SD12: Glen Sturtevant – Says he’s “100% pro-life,” which of course means he’s 100% anti-reproductive-freedom. Let’s hope Amanda Chase’s write-in campaign siphons away enough votes so that Democratic nominee Natan McKenzie can pull off the upset in his solidly “red” district.
SD13: Eric Ditri – Nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he opposes it but doesn’t want to say so in this deep-blue district, where Lashrecse Aird (D) will win easily in November.
SD14: (No Republican candidate)
SD15: Hayden Fisher – Nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he opposes it but doesn’t want to say in this solidly blue district which Sen. Ghazala Hashmi will win reelection easily in November.
SD16: Sen. Siobhan Dunnavant – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia. Fortunately, Democrat Schuyler VanValkenburg should be able to win this race, with all of our help, this November.
SD17: Emily Brewer – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD18: Tony Goodwin – There’s nothing on his website about abortion in this deep-blue district where Sen. Louise Lucas will win reelection easily in November.
SD19: Christie New CraigSays that if elected, “she would push for new restrictions on abortion,” adding, “Roe v. Wade was overturned, so I’m hoping we can do some great things with that.” Yikes.
SD20: Sen. Bill DeSteph – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD21: (No Republican candidate)
SD22: Kevin Adams – Fanatically anti-reproductive freedom, having praised a post which said, “Too soft to place a killer in a well deserved tomb, But brave enough to kill a baby before he leaves the womb.” Adams also volunteered for the Crisis Pregnancy Center in Virginia Beach, a fake clinic “run by anti-abortion activists who have a shady, harmful agenda: to scare, shame, or pressure you out of getting an abortion, and to tell lies about abortion, birth control, and sexual health.” Fortunately, incumbent Sen. Aaron Rouse should win reelection in this solidly “blue” district.
SD23: (No Republican candidate)
SD24: Danny Diggs – Says he’s “pro-life” (aka, anti-reproductive-freedom) and will “support Governor Youngkin’s common sense proposal to allow abortion up to to 15 weeks while leaving in exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.” ‘Nuff said. Fortunately, this is a “purple” or “blue”-leaning district where incumbent Sen. Monty Mason (D) hopefully will win this November, with all of our help!
SD25: Sen. Richard Stuart – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD26: Sen. Ryan McDougle – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD27: Tara Durant – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD28: Sen. Bryce Reeves – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
SD29: Nikki Rattray BaldwinSays “The radical left, they’re pushing for abortion on demand — at any stage, for any reason, while stoking the fears of women. I will fight this nonsense, and I’ll promote a culture of life and of hope.” Uhhh…ok. Fortunately, this is a solidly “blue” district where incumbent Sen. Jeremy McPike (D) will win easily this November.
SD30: Bill WoolfDodged giving a straight answer to the question “whether he would support Gov. Youngkin’s push for a 15-week abortion ban in Virginia.” Fortunately, this is a pretty “blue” district where Danica Roem (D) should win (with all of our help) this November.
SD31: Juan Pablo Segura – Definitely a right wingnut, so is presumably 100% anti-choice, but clearly has been trying to avoid even mentioning the topic, as he knows it is a political disaster for him in this competitive (but if anything “blue”-leaning) district mostly in suburban Loudoun County. Go Russet Perry (D)!
SD32: Greg Moulthrop – In his questionnaire for the Prince William-Manassas Family Alliance, he said he supports requiring family life education curriculum “to include a live ultrasound of an unborn baby” and supports banning abortion after 20 weeks (without listing any exceptions). Fortunately, this is a deep-“blue” district where Suhas Subramanyam (D) will win easily this November.
SD33: Mike Van Meter – Has been avoiding the issue on his website, etc. Presumably, that means he’s anti-abortion but doesn’t want to say so in a deep-“blue” district where Jennifer Carroll Foy (D) will win easily this November.
SD34: Mark Springman – Has been avoiding the issue on his website, etc. Presumably, that means he’s anti-abortion but doesn’t want to say so in a deep-“blue” district where incumbent Sen. Scott Surovell (D) will win easily this November.
SD35: Mark Vafiades – He’s very right wing, so presumably is strongly anti-abortion, but avoids mentioning it on his website. Fortunately, this is a deep-“blue” district where incumbent Sen. Dave Marsden (D) will win easily this November.
SD36: Julie Perry  – Says she “will support responsible legislation that respects all human life and provides protection for mothers and unborn babies” and “will continue to support Virginia law(s) that protects family decision support to all young women in the Commonwealth.” Fortunately, this is a deep-“blue” district where Stella Pekarsky (D) will win easily this November.
SD37: Ken Reid – Doesn’t talk about abortion on his website, but wrote last year that “the June 24 overturn [of Roe v Wade] is not the travesty the Left is portraying, and it’s a symbolic victory for the pro-life movement because abortion will still continue. I am pro-life and wish that weren’t so, but the data points in that direction.” Fortunately, this is a deep-“blue” district where Saddam Salim (D) will win easily this November.
SD38: Matthew Lang – Doesn’t talk about abortion on his website, but wrote in August 2022, “@EFillerCorn cites her Jewish faith as religious reason to support abortion, yet texts and tweets on the Sabbath. Rest, Eileen.” Fortunately, this is a deep-“blue” district where incumbent Sen. Jennifer Boysko (D) will win easily this November.
SD39: Sophia Moshasha – Doesn’t talk about abortion on her website, in a deep-“blue” district where Sen. Adam Ebbin (D) will win easily this November.
SD40: David Henshaw – Doesn’t talk about abortion on his website, in a deep-“blue” district where Sen. Barbara Favola (D) will win easily this November.

HD01: (No Republican candidate)
HD02: (No Republican candidate)
HD03: (No Republican candidate)
HD04: (No Republican candidate)
HD05: (No Republican candidate)
HD06: Kristin Hoffman – Nothing on her website about abortion, which presumably means she opposes it but doesn’t want to say in this deep-“blue” district where she has no chance anyway against Del. Rip Sullivan (D).
HD07: Luellen Maskeny – nothing on her website about abortion, which presumably means she opposes it but doesn’t want to say in this in this deep-“blue” district where she has no chance anyway against Democrat Karen Keys-Gamarra.
HD08: Max Fisher – Only vague language on his website about abortion, specifically that he “support[s] doing everything possible to make sure woman have all the information and the support to make the right choices for them.” Fortunately, Fisher has no chance in this deep-“blue” district against incumbent Del. Irene Shin (D).
HD09: Nhan Huynh – Nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he opposes it but doesn’t want to say in this deep-“blue” district where he has no chance anyway against incumbent Del. Karrie Delaney (D).
HD10: James Thomas – Nothing on his website about abortion. Fortunately, he has no chance in this solidly “blue” district against Del. Dan Helmer (D).
HD11: Almira Mohammed – Nothing on her website about abortion, which presumably means she opposes it but doesn’t want to say in this deep-“blue” district where she has no chance anyway against incumbent Del. David Bulova (D).
HD12: (No Republican candidate)
HD13: (No Republican candidate)
HD14: Curtis Wells – No sign of a website for this candidate in a deep-“blue” district where he has no chance of winning anyway against incumbent Del. Vivian Watts (D).
HD15: Marcus Evans – No mention of abortion on his website, which presumably means that he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in this deep-“blue” district against Democrat Laura Jane Cohen.
HD16: (No Republican candidate)
HD17: Richard Mereu – No sign of a website for this candidate in a deep-“blue” district where he has no chance of winning anyway against incumbent Del. Mark Sickles.
HD18: Ed McGovern – On his website, claims falsely that “[p]rogressives have promoted infanticide,” declaring: “It is past time to consider the full range of views and understand there are consequences to the current Progressive/1% position of ‘absolutely no restrictions’. Allowing the abortion industry to use tax dollars to fund political campaigns has warped our local politics.” Fortunately, he has no chance in this deep-“blue” district against incumbent Del. Kathy Tran (D).
HD19: (No Republican candidate)
HD20: Sharon Ashurst – No mention of abortion on her website, which presumably means that she’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in this solid-blue district where she has no chance anyway against incumbent Del. Michelle Maldonado (D).
HD21: John Stirrup – No mention of abortion on his website, which presumably means that he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in a district that has gone Democratic in just about every election except for 2021, when it went for Glenn Youngkin by 3.4 points. Go Josh Thomas (D)!
HD22: Ian Lovejoy – There’s nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means that he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in this suburban, “purplish”-“reddish” Prince William County district. Go Travis Nembhard (D)!
HD23: James Tully – Doesn’t mention abortion on his website, which presumably means he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say in this deep-“blue” district where he has no chance anyway against Del. Candi King (D).
HD24: (No Republican candidate)
HD25: John Gray – No sign of a website, but this guy’s run before, and he’s far right all the way. Fortunately, this is a deep-“blue” district and he has zero chance against Del. Briana Sewell (D).
HD26: Rafi Khaja – Doesn’t mention abortion on his website, which presumably means he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in this deep-“blue” district where he has no chance anyway against Democratic nominee Kannan Srinivasan.
HD27: Chris Harnisch – Nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in a deep-“blue” district where he has no chance anyway against Democratic nominee Atoosa Reaser.
HD28: Paul Lott – On his website, says he’s “strongly pro-life” (aka, anti-women’s-reproductive-freedom). Fortunately, he has no chance in this solidly “blue” district against incumbent Del. David Reid (D).
HD29: Jonathan Rogers – On his website, says he’s running for “Family, Faith & Freedom,” but doesn’t talk specifically about abortion. Fortunately, he has no chance in this solidly “blue” district against Democratic nominee Marty Martinez.
HD30: Geary Higgins – This guy’s a right winger who’s most definitely against abortion, about which he says, “I am pro-life and value all human life. I support strengthening legislation to protect the most vulnerable among us…the unborn.” Go Rob Banse (D)!
HD31: Delores Oates – Says on her website: “We must protect the rights and the life of the unborn.  Human life begins at conception, and we are morally and legally obligated to safeguard the life of the unborn.  As your Delegate, I will support legislation that will defend the unborn and their mothers.”
HD32: Del. Bill Wiley – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD33: Speaker Todd Gilbert – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD34: Del. Tony Wilt – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD35: Del. Chris Runion – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD36: Del. Ellen Campbell – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD37: Del. Terry Austin – D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD38: (No Republican candidate)
HD39: Will Davis – On his website, says that “He will defend the unborn and fight for their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
HD40: Del. Joe McNamara – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD41: Chris ObenshainSays he’s “unashamedly pro-life” but “declined to tell Cardinal News what restrictions to abortion he would support.”
HD42: Del. Jason Ballard – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD43: Del. Will Morefield – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD44: Del. Israel O’Quinn – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD45: Del. Terry Kilgore – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD46: Jed Arnold – On his website, he says he’s “strongly pro-life and will support legislation to defend the rights of the unborn” and “I will strongly oppose legislative attempts to expand abortion.”
HD47: Del. Wren Williams – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD48: Del. Les Adams – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD49: Del. Danny Marshall – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD50: Del. Tommy Wright – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD51: Eric Zehr – Says on his website that he “will lead the fight to protect all innocent human life from conception” and that, “On Day One, he will introduce a Life at Conception bill in the House.” Extreme, in other words.
HD52: Del. Wendell Walker – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD53: Tim Griffin – This candidate believes that the “killing of unborn children is a stain on our national morality,” that we “must fight to abolish abortion.”
HD54: (No Republican candidate)
HD55: Steve Harvey – On his website, he says his “legislative agenda will be centered in the principle that all classes of humans are to be protected and cherished regardless of their size.” Fortunately, he has no chance in this solidly “blue” district against Democratic nominee Amy Laufer.
HD56: Tom Garrett – Brags on his website about being “100% pro-life, pro-family, and for our shared conservative values,” and vows to “support legislation that recognizes life begins at conception in the Virginia House of Delegates in the wake of the Dobbs decision.”
HD57: David Owen – Nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so, in a highly competitive, “purple,” suburban (87% Henrico County) district against a tough Democratic opponent (Susanna Gibson).
HD58: Riley Shaia – Nothing on her website about abortion, which presumably means she’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in a “blue”-leaning, suburban (Henrico County) district against Del. Rodney Willett (D).
HD59: Del. Buddy Fowler – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD60: Del. Scott Wyatt – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD61: Del. Michael Webert – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD62: Del. Nick Freitas – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD63: Del. Phillip Scott – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD64: Paul Milde – This candidate says: “Virginia Democrats have taken their advocacy for abortion to the extreme. In 2019, a Democrat delegate introduced legislation to permit abortions up to and including the moment of birth, while then-Governor Northam infamously justified denying care to a newborn infant. In 2022, General Assembly Democrats reaffirmed their extreme position by defeating legislation that would have required life-sustaining care for infants born alive. Virginia should not have abortion laws emulating China and North Korea. Paul Milde is 100% Pro-Life and will always fight against these extremist attempts to diminish the God-given right to Life.” Yikes. It’s a tough district, but go Leonard Lacey (D)!
HD65: Lee Peters – Nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he opposes it but doesn’t want to say so in a “purplish”-“blueish” district against a tough Democratic opponent, former Del. Joshua Cole, who we all should help win this race.
HD66: Del. Bobby Orrock – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD67: Hillary Pugh Kent – There’s nothing on her website about abortion, which presumably means she’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say for whatever reason(s) in this deep-red district.
HD68: Del. Keith Hodges – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD69: Chad Green – On his website, he says “I believe Governor Youngkin put forward a reasonable proposal to prevent abortion at 15 weeks with common sense exceptions to protect women in the case of rape, incest, or if their life is in danger.”
HD70: Matt Waters – Other than the phrase, “sanctity of human life,” there’s nothing on his website about abortion in a solid-blue district where Del. Shelly Simonds (D) should win reelection easily.
HD71: Del. Amanda Batten – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia. Go Jessica Anderson (D)!
HD72: Del. Lee Ware – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD73: Mark Earley, Jr. – On his website, he says “Whether the child in the womb, the orphan, or the elderly, Mark holds to a consistent ethic that every human life is sacred.” and “Mark is 100% pro-life. Mark will never shrink from the defense of all human life, especially children in the womb.”
HD74: Del. Mike Cherry – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD75: Del. Carrie Coyner – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia. This district’s a tough one, definitely leaning “red,” but go Stephen Miller-Pitts (D)!
HD76: Duc Truong – There’s nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in this deep-blue district where Democrat Debra Gardner will win easily this November.
HD77: (No Republican candidate)
HD78: (No Republican candidate)
HD79: (No Republican candidate)
HD80: (No Republican candidate)
HD81: (No Republican candidate)
HD82: Del. Kim Taylor – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia. Fortunately, Democrats have a solid shot at winning this competitive district; go Kimberly Pope Adams!
HD83: Del. Otto Wachsmann – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD84: Michael Dillender – The Virginia Society for Human Life Political Action Committee listed Dillender as one of its “pro-life candidates” in 2021, which pretty much tells us what his position is on this issue. Fortunately, former Del. Nadarius Clark (D) should be able to win this “blue”-leaning district.
HD85: (No Republican candidate)
HD86: Del. A.C. Cordoza – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia. Tough district, but go Jarris Taylor (D)!
HD87: John Chapman – There’s nothing on his website about abortion, which presumably means he’s against women’s reproductive freedom but doesn’t want to say so in this overwhelmingly blue district, represented by Del. Jeion Ward (D).
HD88: Jim Wright – No sign of a website for this candidate in this deep-blue district, represented by House Democratic Leader Don Scott.
HD89: Baxter Ennis – This guy’s far-right-wing all the way, including on abortion, about which he says he “recognizes the importance of protecting the rights of the unborn… 15 weeks is an ideal limit, with fair exceptions in cases of rape, incest and life of the mother…He also believes in ending taxpayer-funded abortions and those in the third trimester.” Fortunately, this district is VERY competitive, so…go Karen Jenkins (D)!
HD90: Del. Jay Leftwich – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD91: (No Republican candidate)
HD92: Michael Durig – no sign of a website for this candidate in an overwhelmingly blue district where Democrat Bonita Anthony will win easily.
HD93: John Sitka – Nothing on his website about abortion in an overwhelmingly blue district where Del. Jackie Glass (D) will win easily.
HD94: Andy Pittman – Says: “For Andy, pro-life is not just a political slogan. It’s a way of life…Andy believes that both Republicans and Democrats truly want to see fewer abortions, not more. He will make it easier for Virginians to adopt and will work with Governor Youngkin to protect the most precious and vulnerable among us.” Fortunately, this district is pretty strongly “blue,” and Democrats have a great candidate in Phil Hernandez!
HD95: (No Republican candidate)
HD96: Mike Karslake – nothing on his website about abortion, but he apparently did comment here: “Planned Parenthood alone is a $1 billion industry. It has the money to bring its abortion centers into compliance with these reasonable health and safety standards. It simply has to choose if it is going to spend it on womens health instead of political campaigns.” Fortunately, this is a solidly “blue” district where incumbent Del. Kelly Convirs-Fowler should win reelection easily this November.
HD97: Del. Karen Greenhalgh – “F Extremists” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD98: Del. Barry Knight – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD99: Del. Anne Tata – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia
HD100: Del. Rob Bloxom – “D” rating by ReproRising Virginia


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