Home Education Can we do this in Virginia please?!?

Can we do this in Virginia please?!?


Why can’t we do this in Virginia?

Maryland lawmakers are trying to crack down on for-profit colleges with legislation that would impose sanctions, prohibit their students from receiving state aid and ban them from rewarding recruiters.

The bill, which is advancing in the Senate, would regulate for-profit colleges operating in Maryland — such as the Washington Post Co.’s Kaplan University, DeVry University and the University of Phoenix, according to state Sen. Paul G. Pinsky, the bill’s sponsor.

The state has no regulations covering for-profit colleges, which have come under fire after federal investigators discovered schools giving false information to prospective students to boost enrollment and secure more federal grants.

With enrollment soaring 225 percent in the last two decades, the Prince George’s County Democrat said it’s time Maryland created some laws.

Yes, it IS about time — both in Maryland and in Virginia as well. Currently, the for-profit “education” scam/industry is busy ripping off Virginians – including veterans and military people, minorities, etc. – with essentially no checks on it from the state level. A few of those “schools” are listed here, plus there are others like this monstrosity. So, as Maryland moves ahead to rein in this predatory industry, what about Virginia? I’m particularly interested in hearing from Virginia progressive legislators, but I’d think that libertarians and even conservatives might be against this complete waste of taxpayer money.


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