From the Sam Rasoul for Lt. Governor campaign:
The Marshall Plan for Moms was the first comprehensive plan released by Rasoul’s campaign as national data showed women’s workforce participation hit a 33-year low in January 2021. Senator Elizabeth Warren pointed to policies in the Marshall Plan in her endorsement of Rasoul’s campaign earlier this month. Rasoul’s campaign has hosted virtual listening sessions with Virginia moms to introduce the plan and hear how longstanding inequities made worse by the pandemic have upended their careers. Rasoul also pledged that a senior staffer in his Lieutenant Governor’s office would be a Director of Mothers Advocacy to focus on enacting policies in the Marshall Plan. The ad will air on both cable and broadcast in the Richmond media market and on cable in the Northern Virginia market. It will also run on digital platforms. |
[Delegate Sam Rasoul] The burden on moms has always been unfair, and the pandemic has only made it worse. I’m Sam Rasoul, running for Lieutenant Governor with a Marshall Plan to help Virginia moms. Affordable child care for every child in Virginia, paid medical and sick leave, fair scheduling or hourly workers, and higher wages for all. Because all Virginia moms are essential. ###