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Thursday News: “Vladimir Putin manipulated Donald Trump’s ‘ego and insecurities’, book says”; “Oprah, ‘Coach’ Walz and Freedom Are the Stars at Democratic Convention”; “The Democratic Party Rebrands Itself Before Viewers’ Eyes”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, August 22.

Video: Eugene Vindman Campaign releases First General Digital Election Ad—“Derrick Anderson’s Extreme Agenda”


From the Eugene Vindman for VA07 campaign, which hopefully will outspend their far-right-Republican opponent by a massive margin this fall!

Vindman Campaign releases First General Digital Election Ad—“Derrick Anderson’s Extreme Agenda” part of 7-Figure Program

Dale City, VA – Today, the Vindman for Congress Campaign released their first ad of the cycle, entitled “Derrick Anderson’s Extreme Agenda.”

This advertisement highlights Derrick Anderson’s radical agenda – letting politicians ban all abortion, working with his allies who would let the government create a list of pregnant women and prosecute those who miscarry, and Project 2025. This advertisement has already started running and will be the start of a program the Vindman campaign will run through election day and total 7-figures on digital platforms.

The advertisement and transcript are below:

“Derrick Anderson’s Extreme Agenda”

Narrator: Anderson would let politicians ban all abortions.

His allies would even let the government create a list of pregnant women. And prosecute women who miscarry.

Project 2025. A secret plan by far-right radicals.

MAGA. Extreme. That’s Anderson.


Colonel (fmr.) Eugene Vindman, U.S. Army (ret.), was born in Soviet Ukraine. His family arrived as refugees with less than $800 in their pockets and worked hard to achieve the American dream. Vindman joined the U.S. Army after college, serving around the world including a combat tour in Iraq. In 2019, while serving on the White House National Security Council as the senior ethics attorney, he blew the whistle on the infamous phone call in which President Trump attempted to extort Ukraine unless it investigated Joe Biden. Trump’s vengeance cost him his career. Now, Colonel Vindman is running to represent Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, to preserve democracy and advocate for Virginia voters.

Wednesday News: “‘Yes she can’ and the ‘comeback’ of hope” – Obamas Electrify Energized Convention, Skewer Trump (Who Reportedly “mocked his [own] supporters as ‘basement dwellers’”); “Virginia Democrats says theirs is a convention about optimism”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, August 21.

Video: At Democratic National Convention, Sen. Mark Warner Says “The best is yet to come with [Kamala Harris]….I think she is going to be a great president.”


Interesting comments by Sen. Mark Warner (see video, below) on a number of topics this afternooon at the Democratic National Convention. Here are some highlights:

  • “I think it was a great speech [by President Biden last night], I think President Biden laid out in great detail his many, many accomplishments, and I think many of those accomplishments have not been fully felt by the American people yet…the list of accomplishments [is] huge.”
  • “I think Joe Biden has been a remarkable president, I think he with enormous grace last night passed the torch to Kamala Harris…”
  • “The best is yet to come with [Kamala Harris]….I think she is going to be a great president.”
  • Kamala Harris “did such a great job of questioning then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, that I even felt sorry for Jeff Sessions, and that takes a lot.”
  • He discussed his “schooling” by Kamala Harris on making a tuna melt, lol.
  • To the question, “Is Virginia in play?”, Warner responded: “Listen, if the Trump campaign decides to spend a whole lot more money in Virginia and put their non-existent field operation all in Virginia, it wouldn’t make me or Tim Kaine too upset…As somebody who had a near-death experience in 2014…you can’t take anything for granted in Virginia…Tim Kaine is working his tail off, the Donald Trump/MAGA version of Republicanism, I don’t think it sells that much [in Virginia]…We have not one but two former Virginia Congresspeople, Denver Riggleman and Barbara Comstock, who’ve both endorsed VP Harris…”
  • “I think Kamala Harris is doing fine on her issue rollout…I think…we’ve been in a pretty dark spot in our politics…I think she’s brought a joy back to politics.”
  • “I think on national security, [Kamala Harris] is going to be great…”
  • “The conflict that kills more people every day than Gaza and Ukraine combined is Sudan…I think it is time for America…if we could show that we are actually interested in stopping conflict in Africa…I think it’s huge…If we could move the Sunni Arab states to closer alignment with us…they’re ready to do a recognition of Israel, but that is not going to happen until there is a path forward on Gaza and a ceasefire and a path forward for the Palestinians.”
  • “I agree that…I do think the Administration with some of the weapons that we’ve given them need to take off some of the shackles so that the Ukrainians in terms of hitting some of the  airfields and some of the missile-launching sites can go beyond the 80-mile or 80-kilometer limit we’ve got right now. Clearly, Russia has not observed any of that. I think the American people were never as isolationist as Donald Trump or JD Vance were about Ukraine.”

Virginia Senate Democrats Celebrate Education Gains Linked to Strategic Investments


From the VA Senate Democratic Caucus:

Virginia Senate Democrats Celebrate Education Gains Linked to Strategic Investments

RICHMOND, VA – The Virginia Department of Education has announced the latest Standard of Learning (SOL) test scores, showing marked improvements in student achievement across multiple subjects. These encouraging results highlight the effectiveness of the significant investments made in Virginia’s public education system, which have been central to restoring and strengthening the academic foundation of the Commonwealth’s schools. The progress demonstrated by these scores underscores the importance of sustained efforts to support students and educators alike.

Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Mamie Locke, Chair of Senate Finance and Appropriations L. Louise Lucas, and Chair of Senate Education and Health, Ghazala Hashmi have issued the following statements:

“The progress reflected in these SOL scores is the result of thoughtful, Democratic-led legislation that has consistently placed the needs of our students at the forefront. We fought for a budget that ensured adequate funding for Virginia’s schools, and we are seeing the benefits of those investments. While there is still work to be done, it’s clear that our approach is working, and we are proud to have contributed to these gains. Moving forward, we remain committed to working with our colleagues across the aisle and with the administration to continue making positive strides in education,” said Senate Democratic Caucus Chair, Mamie E. Locke.

“The progress in our students’ SOL scores is a testament to the strategic investments and dedicated work we’ve put in over the years. Key investments like expanding early childhood education, raising teacher salaries, and closing the achievement gap have laid the foundation for today’s success. These achievements are the result of collaborative efforts to support our students and educators, and I remain committed to continuing this vital work. Education will always be my top priority,” said Chair of Senate Finance and Appropriations, L. Louise Lucas.

“Let’s remember that the historic investments in our students, public education, educators, and schools were led by Democrats who fought hard to address the critical needs highlighted by the JLARC report. We ensured that this year’s biennium budget included strong funding for the students and schools most in need, reimbursed localities for the grocery tax, and worked diligently to bring Virginia teachers’ salaries closer to the national average. Our Democratic leadership has been pivotal in addressing these gaps, and we look forward to continuing our work with colleagues across the aisle and the administration to deliver a world-class education for Virginia’s students,” said Chair of Senate Education and Health, Ghazala Hashmi.


This New Roanoke College “Poll” Has Some Really, Really Bizarre, Non-Credible, Skewed-Towards-Republicans Sh** In It, Such as Having Tim Walz’s Favorability at -17 Points (WTF???)


What a bizarre, bizarre poll (or maybe “poll” in air quotes) from Roanoke College. Why do I say this? Let us count the ways…at least 10 of them that jumped out at me (and jumped out at other Virginia Democratic politicos who I’ve been chatting with this morning).

  1. First of all, Kamala Harris is definitely going to win Virginia by more than 3 points; most likely, we’re talking 5-10 points in the end. So this just seems like a Republican-leaning poll from a pollster that’s been consistently Republican-leaning this cycle. Bizarre.
  2. Tim Walz at -17 favorability (34%-51%) is absolutely unbelievable when Walz has consistently been at around +5 favorability nationally. That alone calls into serious question the credibility (or complete lack thereof) of this “poll.”
  3. It’s also VERY odd to see Kamala Harris at -10 favorability (43%-53%) in this “poll,” when she’s been at +2 to +6 favorability in polls since August 12. Why on earth would she be 12 to 18 points lesss favorable in Virginia than nationally? Who the hell knows.
  4.  Glenn Youngkin’s favorability ratings in this “poll” bizarrely surged, from +9 in May to +14 points now, as if he had had some kind of massive success since then. Which, of course, he hasn’t. So…why??? Totally not credible.
  5. Also, why on earth would Trump’s favorability rating in Virginia have increased by 4 points since May? Crazy.
  6. The idea that Virginians are almost evenly split on whether or not Trump’s a threat to democracy isn’t credible, nor is the near-even split among Virginians who supposedly think that the switch from Biden to Harris was a threat to democracy. No chance any of that is even remotely accurate.
  7. It’s hard to believe that Virginians, by a 13-point margin, actually think “Donald Trump has the strength required to deal with adversaries of the U.S. such as Vladimir Putin.” If so, just….WTF???
  8. Trump with a 6-point lead (43%-37%) over Biden in the question, “If I had interviewed you before President Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 race, who did you plan to vote for in the November General Election?” That makes zero sense whatsoever, and indicates that the poll’s sample is heavily skewed Republican.
  9. The geographic and educational breakouts seem to be skewed towards rural areas, which obviously lean heavily Republican…
  10. Harris is currently about +2.9 points ahead of Trump nationally, per FiveThirtyEight, so this Roanoke College “poll” is saying that Virginia – which went by 10+ points for Biden in 2020 (compared to Biden +4.5 points nationally), 5 points for Clinton in 2016 (compared to Clinton +2.1 points nationally), etc. – is almost exactly the same as the national polling average? Hard to believe.

Bottom line: This Roanoke College “poll” appears to be seriously flawed – maybe a really bad sample? other egregious mistakes? both?  And yet, even in this “poll,” Harris is up by 3 points. So whatever, just ignore these moronic “polls” and work like we’re tied – and we’ll see how Virginia goes on election day.

Video: VA02 Dem Nominee Missy Cotter Smasal Releases First TV Ad: “Teammates” 


From the Missy Cotter Smasal for VA02 campaign:

Missy Cotter Smasal Releases First TV Ad: “Teammates” 

“Teammates” highlights the contrast between Missy Cotter Smasal and Jen Kiggans, who is friends with MAGA extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene who want to ban abortion

Today, Missy Cotter Smasal, Democratic Candidate for Virginia’s Second Congressional District, is launching her first paid ad of the cycle. “Teammates” includes Jen Kiggans in her own words calling Marjorie Taylor Greene her “teammate” and their shared goal to ban abortion in Virginia. The ad then introduces Cotter Smasal, highlighting her background as a Navy veteran, mom, and former small business owner.

The ad is airing in the Norfolk media market and will be on broadcast television, digital, and streaming.



Anti-choice Jen Kiggans is teaming up with MAGA extremists behind our backs.

Kiggans: Marjorie Taylor Greene, she has been very nice to me. They’re on my team, right? They are my teammates. We all want the same things.

They want to overturn Virginia law to ban abortions.

Kiggans: We all want the same things.

Missy Cotter Smasal is the teammate we need. A US Navy veteran and mom who owned a small business.

Missy: I’m Missy Cotter Smasal. I approve this message because I fight for one team and that’s Coastal Virginia.


Missy Cotter Smasal served as a Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy and deployed aboard the U.S.S. Trenton during Operation Enduring Freedom. After her active duty service, Missy started a small business in Virginia Beach, Rita’s Shore Drive, which she owned and operated for more than 10 years.

Missy currently serves as the Virginia Citizen Representative on the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a bipartisan commission that has achieved consistently strong and effective results in pursuit of Bay restoration goals. She is the Executive Director for Valor Run, a local non-profit that produces running events to honor the U.S. military women who have served our nation since 9/11. She is also an adjunct professor at Old Dominion University.

She and her husband, Bryan, who served as an Army Officer, are the proud parents of two great kids in Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Missy is running for Congress to fight for coastal Virginians, military families, and veterans. She will stand up for our local values and priorities, and push back against extreme politicians in DC.

Tuesday News: “Thank You Joe!”; Biden “Passes Torch” as “Fiery Finale Sets Stage for Kamala Harris”; “Trump portrays Harris as foreign, echoing past attacks on Democrats of color”; “DNC Crowd Roars ‘Lock Him Up!’ as Hillary Clinton Slams Felon Trump”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, August 20.

VIDEO: Ahead of Democratic National Convention, Delegates Hernandez, Feggans Contrast Health Care Accomplishments of Biden-Harris Administration with Trump and Project 2025’s Plans to Rip Care Away from Virginians


From Protect Our Care:

NORFOLK, Va. – In case you missed it, Delegate Phil Hernandez (D-Norfolk) and Delegate Michael Feggans (D-Virginia Beach) joined Protect Our Care Virginia at Slover Library on Aug. 16 to preview the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The delegates contrasted the differences Virginians should expect to see this week between the Biden-Harris administration’s record of protecting and expanding health care and Donald Trump and Project 2025’s plans to rip health care away from seniors and hardworking families.

Friday’s event coincided with the second anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, which narrowly passed the U.S. Senate when Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote. Thanks to the landmark law, the cost of insulin for seniors on Medicare is capped at $35 dollars, seniors are protected from drug company price hikes, and seniors’ prescription drug costs will be capped at $2,000 dollars per year starting next year. The Inflation Reduction Act also ensured that for the first time in history, Medicare is negotiating prescription drug prices with pharmaceutical companies to lower costs for seniors. The Biden-Harris administration last week announced the new, lower prices for 10 of the highest-cost, most popular drugs taken by people on Medicare. These new prices are known as “maximum fair prices,” and are the highest prices drug companies are allowed to charge for these life-saving medications.

Meanwhile, Project 2025 calls for the repeal of the health care provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.

“The two different visions that you’re hearing about health care could not be more different,” said Delegate Hernandez. “On one hand, you’ve got President Biden and Vice President Harris, who, two years ago, signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act …. One of the really powerful things that it did was giving Medicare, for the first time in history, the ability to negotiate prescription drug prices. That’s something that has been in the works for a long, long time. They actually got it done.”

“The bottom line is that the former president’s plan is to really just empower Big Pharma and hurt families,” said Delegate Feggans. “Thankfully, though, you know what we’ve seen over the past two and a half years, President Biden and Vice President Harris’ administration has been time and time again stepping forward to take care of everyday citizens. Vice President Harris was the one who actually cast the tie-breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, and it shows you where her priorities are.”

“Project 2025, and yes, I read the veterans portion specifically, Project 2025 wants to privatize the VA,” said Susan Hippen, a veteran from Virginia Beach. “That means they want to provide us health care at their profit. No, no, no, no, no. Health care is a right. I have paid into it, you have paid into it … You take Medicare out of your taxes. We are all paying for this, and no one should grow rich because my grandmother had colon cancer. Or my sister has ovarian cancer, they shouldn’t be getting rich off of this. That’s just morally wrong.”

Laurice Yarn, a retired high school counselor from Virginia Beach, shared her story of managing ulcerative colitis, which requires high-cost prescription drugs.

“Without Medicare, I probably would not take my prescription drugs as prescribed. I would probably cut back a little here and there, trying to save money. However, because with Medicare and the cap of $3,000 right now, I can afford my meds, and I’m looking forward to it becoming the $2,000 … I am thankful that the Inflation Reduction Act is helping me save money, and I will save far more money in the future. We need to protect this law against any attempts to take it away from us. Thank you, President Biden, Vice President Harris, Delegate Hernandez, Delegate Feggans, for championing our health care.”

At the event, Protect Our Care Virginia State Director Katie Baker read a statement from Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach on the Biden-Harris administration’s announcement on the savings from the first round of Medicare price negotiation.

“For too long, we’ve lived in a broken system that has allowed drug companies to charge whatever they want while hardworking Americans struggle to afford the medications they need to survive,” said Dach. “This announcement is 40 years in the making. The Biden-Harris administration and Democrats in Congress stood up to the greed of big drug companies and won, and now prices will come down for millions of seniors. The Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program will give seniors long overdue relief while saving taxpayers billions of dollars: it’s a win-win for the American people. Meanwhile, after spending $100 million to try to stop the Inflation Reduction Act, drug companies are still working with their Republican allies to repeal the law and ban Medicare from negotiating lower prices. As the Biden-Harris administration delivers savings to seniors, the contrast with Republicans could not be more clear.”

You can watch the full event here, and learn more about the MAGA Republican attacks on affordable health care here.


Protect Our Care is dedicated to making high-quality, affordable and equitable health care a right, and not a privilege, for everyone in America. We educate the public, influence policy, support health care champions and hold politicians accountable. We fight to expand access to affordable, high-quality health insurance, lower the cost of health care for individuals and families, and reduce inequities in health care based on gender, income, race, ethnicity, geography, or sexual preference.

Sen. Tim Kaine Campaign Statement On Hung Cao Skipping The Northern Virginia Chamber Debate And AARP Forum  


From Sen. Tim Kaine’s reelection campaign:

Kaine Campaign Statement On Hung Cao Skipping The Northern Virginia Chamber Debate And AARP Forum   

Richmond, VA — Last week, the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce/NBC4 and AARP had to cancel their respective Senate debate and forum because the Cao campaign informed them that he refused to participate. The Northern Virginia Chamber/NBC4 debate was originally scheduled for September 19, and the AARP forum was scheduled for September 13.

Michael Beyer, Communications Director for Kaine for Virginia, released the following statement in response:

“As is tradition, Senator Kaine accepted four invitations for debates and candidate forums in different regions of the Commonwealth. He is disappointed that his opponent has refused to participate in the first three. But he isn’t surprised—his opponent skipped 12 of 13 candidate forums during the GOP primary.

“Senator Kaine looks forward to appearing with his opponent in Norfolk on October 2 to talk about his record of standing up for Virginians and describing his ongoing work to create high-quality jobs, reduce health care costs, protect reproductive freedom, and support our military families and veterans.”

Last month, the Virginia Bar Association canceled their debate on July 20 because they were “unable to obtain a timely commitment to participate from the Cao campaign.”

Cao skipped 12 out of 13 candidate forums during the GOP primary, only attending a single forum in his home county. The list of GOP forums he skipped is as follows:
