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Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, January 5. Also, check out Del. Scott Surovell speaking about the death of former Rep. Herb Harris, who Surovell explains was the “first progressive Democratic hero in Fairfax County.”

*Lawrence Summers: Oil’s swoon creates the opening for a carbon tax (Exactly!)

*Senator Pushes Keystone XL Pipeline With Egregiously Misleading Statistic (The myth of “42,000 jobs” vs. the reality of 35 permanent jobs? Details details. Oh, and Chuckie Todd didn’t call him on it. #FAIL)

*Paul Krugman: Presidents and the Economy (“The improving economy is surely one factor in President Obama’s rising approval rating. And there’s a palpable sense of panic among Republicans, despite their victory in the midterms. They expected to run in 2016 against a record of failure; what do they do if the economy is looking pretty good?…Do those who were blaming Mr. Obama for all our economic ills now look like knaves and fools? Yes, they do. And that’s because they are.”)

*In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial, a Search for Justice and Closure

*Republicans Say They’ll Act Fast to Push Their Agenda (This could be hilarious!)

*McDonnell juror speaks out ahead of former governor’s sentencing

*Warner on sexual assault: It’s safer for women not to be in college (“Warner’s statement ignores a credible and more current body of research that offered an opposite conclusion to his. We rate his statement Mostly False.”)

*End erosion of wages for state workers (“It will likely take years for the state to bring its compensation schedules back to providing a living wage for all employees, or at least to the point where they were in 2007, when only a dozen state employees received any subsidized aid.”)

*Letter: A green light for pipeline would sell out Virginians — dirt cheap

*Getting there: Virginia has lowest total of roads deaths since 90s

*Augusta, Nelson county residents won’t back down over Atlantic Coast Pipeline

*Portsmouth City Council today chooses a new vice mayor

*Prince William considers lower property tax increase

*Winter means business this week

Radical rightwing anti-Muslim to spread his lies to 99th District Tea Party


Here in the 99th House of Delegates district we are cursed with an active Tea Party.  These are the folks who gave rise to Catherine Crabill who urged us, if we don’t get satisfaction from the ballot box, we should use “the bullet box.”

Here’s a LONG item copied from their website announcing the speaker at their 13 Jan meeting.  The Stupid here makes my head hurt — but — this is what these people are being fed and they lap it up.

Our first meeting of 2015 may well be the most interesting and informative we’ve had in quite some time.

The 99th District Tea Party-Lively will meet on Tuesday, January 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Upper Ruritan Club, 3989 White Chapel Rd, Lively. The speaker will be John Guandolo, founder of UnderstandingtheThreat.com  an organization dedicated to providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, and training for federal, state, and local leadership and agencies, and designing strategies at all levels of the community to defeat the enemy.

After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1989, Mr. Guandolo took a commission in the US Marine Corps, where he served as an Infantry Platoon Commander in Operation Desert Storm and later in 2d Force Reconnaissance Company, including missions to the Adriatic and Bosnian areas.  Among his other military achievements, Mr. Guandolo graduated from the U.S. Army Ranger School and certified as a combat diver and military free-fall parachutist.

In 1996, Mr. Guandolo resigned his commission in the Marine Corps and joined the FBI in Washington, DC as a narcotics investigator domestically and internationally, liaison to US Capital Police investigating threats on high-level officials, and after 9/11as creator and implementer of the FBI’s first counterterrorism training program.  For his efforts, he received the “Defender of the Homeland” Award in 2007.

Currently, Mr. Guandolo advises governments – U.S. and others – on national security, specifically the threat from the Global Islamic Movement.  He is the co-author of “Shariah – the Threat to America” and the author of “Raising a Jihadi Generation” (Sep 2013).  He frequently appears on TV and radio and regularly publishes articles in a number of media outlets.

The meeting is open to the public. Mr. Guandolo has a unique insight into the threats facing the world from the Islamic Jihad and will take questions following his presentation.

To read a detailed bio of Mr. Guandolo, please click here:

Don Johnson


Virginia’s 99th District Tea Party


Murphy campaign holes show VA Dems still need to talk about “digital” GOTV 101


So, I was planning on volunteering for Kathleen Murphy today but am once again disappointed in the  way Virginia Democrats are handling their digital outreach efforts.

You need to get the basics right before you share pics online and give your twitter shout-outs.

Here is the quick list from a brief review:

-> The email with a “Jim, plans tomorrow?” subject line might be better served by mentioning special guests Congressman Don Beyer and Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam. This message is easy to skip otherwise…it’s better to share the strongest headline or hook rather than just ask a general pseudo-personal question.

-> There are twitter shoutouts with pics of Beyer at the morning event but no advance warning of the 10am canvass to build attendance. There was a facebook post about it but without a clickable link to sign up just an email address….I would also recommend more than one post unless it is sponsored because facebook organic reach is harder than twitter reach nowadays. That’s why I would recommend a facebook group for smaller communities like your volunteer army to connect easier.

-> The email about the canvass today includes a broken link to some kind of NGP sign up page, a graphic about the canvass that isn’t linked to a signed up page but also the email address to RSVP which helps but for a major canvass it would be better to use a sign up page when something as simple as eventbrite can create a nice spreadsheet of all your sign ups with information on preferred shifts, driver/carpooler and other details from volunteers. And the best part is these forms usually have an email confirmation too.

-> If you didn’t get the email but want to get involved by checking the web site then a google search doesn’t produce http://www.murphyfordelegate.com. The best the SEO does is the NGP-branded version of the web site in the 7th listing. And to show the importance of facebook her page is the 1st listing.

-> Once you find the web site, there is no reference to today’s canvass or Events or a Campaign Office address with hours of operation or even a phone number.

-> The Contact page and Volunteer pages only allow you to fill out a form but is the campaign going to respond in time if i want to volunteer today??? I filled it out to find out….stay tuned.

Now we can simply dismiss some of these things as items that very few people who are motivated enough to volunteer will miss but it is a sign that digital is a dormant tool and not being utilized properly.

And it does affect volunteers of all levels of participation. I saw a facebook post from a very active volunteer today asking how to phone bank for the campaign….all i had was an email address for him.

So, if people crazy enough to proactively look for how to get involved like us are getting confused then imagine what it is like for someone who we’re trying to recruit for the first time.

Winning campaigns needed to start somewhere….and I don’t see the foundation being laid in this campaign or several others in Northern Virginia.

UPDATE: 20 minutes before the 1pm canvass the Virginia Young Democrats notified us that Northam will be in Great Falls not McLean as advertised. We’ll see if the campaign ever contacts us.

Virginia State Sen. Steve Martin: Muslim Americans Shouldn’t be Protected by U.S. Constitution


More extremism, intolerance and bigotry from far-right-wing Virginia State Senator Steve Martin (R-Wingnuttia). On his Facebook page, Martin first writes, “I’m thinking that if one’s religion requires they kill others to get to heaven, it’s okay not to tolerate that.”  Obviously, Martin’s referring to Islam (which he frequently rants against), and just as obviously he’s dead wrong — Islam of course does NOT require its adherents to “kill others to get to heaven.” I’d also note that if Martin’s going to make that “argument” against Islam, then he’d better be ready to explain the long history of religious violence in ALL world religions, including his own religion of Christianity (ever hear of the Crusades and/or the Inquisition, Senator Martin?), but that doesn’t mean that those other religions require their adherents to “kill others to get to heaven” either. Yeah, I know, those pesky things called “facts” rear their inconvenient heads again.

Next, a commenter asks Martin on his Facebook page, “Will their religion, culture and laws be protected,under the Constitution?” Martin’s response is chilling and profoundly unAmerican:

No, it won’t Karen. Because life and liberty are governments’ first two responsibilities – both of which their “religion” opposes. They celebrate death. We celebrate life. They celebrate denial of liberty. We celebrate liberty restrained by virtue.

In this comment, Martin doubles (triples? quadruples?) down on his ignorance and bigotry. First, he actually puts the word “religion” in quotes, as if Islam isn’t really a religion. Martin further claims that Muslims – 1.6 billion adherents, or 23% of earth’s population, the fastest growing religion on earth – all “celebrate death” and the “denial of liberty,” which of course is beyond ridiculous. Just speaking from personal experience, I’ve known many Muslims in my life, and I can’t think of a single one who believes either of those things.

By the way, it’s also worth noting that Steve Martin and his ilk are the same people who support torture (see “Child’s Host” State Senator: Torture Justified “no matter what body parts are lost in the process”), war, no limits on guns, etc., so they’re not exactly people we should listen to on “denial of liberty” or “celebrating life.” So yeah, Martin et al are extremist nutjobs who should by all rights be completely ignored. Except for one problem: Martin is a Virginia State Senator, and he’s not even necessarily the craziest and most extreme on the Republican side of the aisle (e.g., Sen. Dick Black would give him a good run for his money). Scary.

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, January 4. Also, don’t forget there’s an important special election coming up for the Virginia House of Delegates’ 34th district seat (the one Barbara Comstock has vacated due to her election to the U.S. House of Representatives). Obviously, if you live in the 34th, make sure you vote Tuesday for Kathleen Murphy!

*Playing Dumb on Climate Change (“The evidence is mounting that scientists have underpredicted the threat. Perhaps this is another reason – along with our polarized politics and the effect of fossil-fuel lobbying – we have underreacted to the reality, now unfolding before our eyes, of dangerous climate change.”)

*Bad news on sea levels calls for forward-thinking solutions (“It’s fine if Republicans want to get rid of the EPA’s regulations, which aren’t the cheapest way to cut carbon emissions. But in that case, they should enact another, more efficient anti-carbon policy with similar or greater ambition. Doing anything else would be sheer malpractice – and proof that the GOP does not deserve the public’s trust.”)

*The Senate’s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans (“The problem isn’t that the deck is stacked in favor of Republicans. The problem is that the deck is stacked in favor of small states, which receive equal representation in the Senate despite dramatic variance in population. The Senate is a profoundly anti-democratic body and should be abolished.”)

*G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda (“‘What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,’ said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. ‘That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.'”)

*Jeff E. Schapiro: 2015 begins with 2014 hangover

*Gas pipeline faces mountain of opposition in western Virginia (As well it should. This is a horrible idea.)

*Our view: Key ethics reform isn’t gifts limit (“The test for state officeholders will be their willingness to do that which political leaders are most loath to do: Give authority to an independent body to uphold and enforce the higher standards legislators presumably will set for themselves in the upcoming General Assembly session.”)

*McDonnell, Morrissey – for politics and drama, look no further than Virginia

*Opinion/Column: Leniency for McDonnell would send wrong signal (“A signal needs to be sent that we’ve turned a corner and corruption will no longer be tolerated in the commonwealth. What better place to start than with McDonnell, convicted last September of 11 counts of corruption for accepting $120,000 in sweetheart loans, lavish vacations and golf outings from a Richmond businessman?”)

*Bob McDonnell hardly alone when it comes to corrupt governors

*As sentencing approaches, McDonnell leans on his friends and faith (Bottom line: McDonnell’s sentence should be decided completely impartially, not based on his fame, etc., just like any other Virginian.)

*How much time could former Gov. Bob McDonnell get? What’s next?

*Power company, preservationists face off over proposed towers across the James River (If we had laws that encouraged energy efficiency and rooftop solar power, we wouldn’t need new transmission lines.)

*Region’s airports board, once scolded for lavish travel, has cut way back (As well they should!)

*UVa continues reforms despite magazine story’s problems

*Hundreds rally at Town Center in Virginia Beach to support police (The issue isn’t “supporting” or “not supporting” the police, it’s making sure that policing is the best, fairest, etc. that it can be.)

*D.C. area forecast: Warmer but still damp for Sunday; wintry blast on the horizon

Virginia GOP’s Ugly, Xenophobic Attitude Towards Immigrants: “foreigners on the fast track”


It’s sadly unsurprising, but this morning’s Washington Post reports on yet another example of the Republican Party’s hostility towards immigrants (really, towards people of color in general). First, bat****-crazy, right-wing extremist State Senator Dick Black (for more on him, see What Is It With Loudoun Republicans?!? Dick Black on Spousal Rape, “Nighties,” etc. and Republican Loudoun-sanity Continues: Dick Black Rails Against Gays in the Military):

*”We’ve got families who have paid Virginia taxes for a lifetime in the hopes that maybe one of their kids can go to a state institution of higher learning, and all of a sudden, we’re going to have foreigners on the fast track.”

Now, fellow far-right-wing Republican, Del. David Ramadan:

*”A ban “is what constituents want; this is what Virginians want; this is what my constituents are telling me – people who work hard and earn their money and earn their status.”

Of course, that’s exactly what comprehensive immigration reform – which Republicans have been blocking in the U.S. House of Representatives, even though it would have passed last year if Boehner et al. had simply put it to a vote – would do: give hard-working people a path to EARNED citizenship. And that’s what the vast majority of Americans support. But not the likes of Dick Black, David Ramadan, and Virginia Republicans, who seem to spend inordinate amounts of their time and energy figuring out ways to deny Latinos…well, pretty much anything. As Del. Alfonso Lopez puts it:

These anti-immigrant bills from Black and Ramadan are shortsighted, wrongheaded and ugly. The Virginia DREAM Act is the right thing to do – not only morally – but also economically. Why would we invest in these students’ education from kindergarten through twelfth grade, but then put up a barrier after graduation that only serves to drive away top talent from Virginia? The Black/Ramadan Anti-Dream Act bills would waste our investment in these incredible students.

Yes, this makes total sense economically, not to mention morally, but for Virginia Republicans like Dick Black and David Ramadan, apparently none of that matters. Remind me again, why does anyone vote for these people exactly?

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, January 3. Also see the weekly White House address, this time by VP Joe Biden.

*With control in many states, GOP will press agenda (It’s so frustrating that Democrats haven’t had a coherent state-level strategy. Let’s see what they do in Virginia in 2015.)

*New Mayor Bowser pledges to make city healthier, safer

*More Sanctions on North Korea After Sony Case

*New diet guidelines might reflect environment cost (Basically, if you care about the environment – or animals – don’t eat meat.)

*Harry Reid discharged from hospital after breaking ribs, facial bones in exercise accident

*‘Selma’s Missing Epilogue: The Recent Dissolution Of The Voting Rights Act

*On last day in Congress, Rep. Jim Moran talks with ABC7’s Rebecca Cooper

*Jim Webb hires journalist Crawford as communications director

*Six voice interest in running for Watkins’ open seat in Virginia Senate (This should be one of the most interesting races of 2015 in Virginia.)

*Loudoun lawmakers oppose in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants (Right wingnuts Dick Black and David Ramadan strike again…)

*In note to federal judge, UVa’s Sullivan asks for leniency for Bob McDonnell (“The letter is one of more than 400 sent to Spencer in support of McDonnell ahead of his sentencing Tuesday…”)

*VDOT again looking at how to make Interstate 264 most effective

*The seesaw weather begins: Chilly today, balmy Sunday, then cold

Video: All You Need to Know About New PW County Supervisor Jeanine Lawson at 3:57 of This Video


Yep, it’s a huge, enthusiastic ovation for extremist nutjob/former Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli from the crowd on hand to support newly-elected Prince William County Supervisor Jeanine Lawson (Tea Party Republican). As for Lawson’s remarks, yes, we DO know what you “stand for” (far-right-wing Tea Party values), and that’s what is so disturbing. In fact, a leading Prince William County Democrat tells me that “she will be the most extreme right winger on the Board” (which is saying a lot, given that people like “illegal” immigrant basher Corey Stewart is chair of said Board), for instance saying supposedly saying stuff (according to my PW County Democratic source) in the past about how “preschool is a waste of money.” This should be…uh, interesting?

Shooting in Idaho Walmart puts focus on gun safety


There has been a fair amount of discussion of gun safety following the incident in Idaho in which a 2 year old accidently shot his mother with her own 9 mm pistol in a Walmart.


One statement in the Jonathan Turley post caught my attention:

It is not clear if the safety was on the weapon, though as an experienced gun owner I assume that Rutledge had the safety on. However, it is not difficult for a child to switch of a safety.

About a year ago, I was surprised to learn that there are 9 mm semiautomatic pistols on the market which do not have a safety, unless I missed it in the manufacturer’s manual and schematic diagrams.  Specifically, I am talking about the Smith & Wesson SD9 VE.  

Before that, I never heard of a handgun that didn’t have a safety.  What is the thinking that lead to this “feature?”  Is the pistol safer to use without a safety?

From what I’ve been reading on the internet, the logic frequently used by “concealed carry” advocates goes something like this:  

First, if you decide you need a concealed carry permit, then by definition the weapon you carry needs to be loaded, because an unloaded weapon makes a lousy rock.  If you need the weapon, there’s no time to load it.  

Second, by the same reasoning, if you need the weapon, there’s not going to be any time to chamber a round.  You might not even be able to draw the weapon before you need to start shooting through your coat or pocket.  So you carry the weapon with a round in the chamber.  

Third, in a true emergency situation, an external safety is just one more thing that you have to remember and which can malfunction.  Police officers supposedly requested the production of Smith & Wesson semi-automatic handguns without external safety mechanisms, because the external safety can be hard to use under extreme cold or heat, or with wet or bloody hands.  Thus, there are those with concealed carry permits who purposely select a weapon with no external safety mechanism.

Fourth, they are fond of saying that no safety mechanism makes a handgun safe; rather, safety depends on the skill, training and experience of the user.

Interestingly, though, the military — which knows a thing or two about combat with firearms — is still buying handguns with external safety mechanisms.  For example, the U.S. Marine Corps recently selected an updated version of the .45 for its standard sidearm, with a big thumb safety on both sides of the slide.


I’ve also seen some references to Jeff Cooper’s four rules for firearm safety, which I guess are kind of famous:

   1.  All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.

   2.  Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. (For those who insist that this particular gun is unloaded, see Rule 1.)

   3.  Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target. This is the Golden Rule. Its violation is directly responsible for about 60 percent of inadvertent discharges.

   4.  Identify your target, and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything that you have not positively identified.

The shooting in the Idaho Walmart exposes the fallacy of over-reliance on such aphorisms and the skill and training of the individual gun owner.  Safety mechanisms need to be on handguns because there are inevitably going to be instances where a child or someone with little training is able to touch the weapon. The service life of a reasonably maintained handgun is probably equivalent to several generations.