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Friday News: “Prisoner swap a ‘remarkable display’ of ‘successful’ diplomacy by Biden Administration”; Harris Campaign’s “Harris Blows Trump’s Fundraising Numbers Out of the Water”; “”Whatever Trump says about Project 2025, his ties to it are undeniable”; As 100% Expected, Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Loses Recount


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, August 2.

Sen. Mark Warner: “Today, thanks to the work of the Biden-Harris administration, Evan is free along with former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, Virginia resident and pro-democracy activist Vladimir Kara-Murza and 12 others”


See below for some reactions to the prisoner swap, negotiated by the Biden administration (great work!) with Russia’s criminal Vladimir Putin regime, that resulted in the release of unjustly imprisoned journalist Evan Gershkovich, pro-democracy activist Vladimir Kara-Murza, etc.

Sen. Mark Warner: “The sham arrest and conviction of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was a devastating blow to freedom of the press across the globe. Today, thanks to the work of the Biden-Harris administration, Evan is free along with former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, Virginia resident and pro-democracy activist Vladimir Kara-Murza and 12 others who were wrongfully detained by Russia for too long in yet another testament to the cruelty and cowardice of Vladimir Putin. I am grateful to President Biden and our allies abroad for their efforts to rectify a gross injustice and put an end to the nightmare for these brave individuals and their respective loved ones. I look forward to continue working with this administration to free those who remain unjustly held, including American schoolteacher Marc Fogel.”

Kamala Harris for Virginia 2024 Director Jake Rubenstein: “This [Donald Trump] is the man @GlennYoungkin sold his soul to”


Very well said by Kamala Harris for Virginia 2024 director Jake Rubenstein: Glenn Youngkin “sold his soul to” Donald Trump – a virulent racist, misogynist, rapist, traitor, insurrectionist, felon, traitor, corrupt scumbag, etc. And why did Youngkin sell his soul?  All for POWER – or the lust for power, anyway. Just repulsive. And yes; as Jake Rubenstein says, Youngkin “has proven to be the worst Virginia governor of the modern era” (even worse than Jim Gilmore, who was a disaster, or George “Felix Macacawitz” Allen…).

Speaking of “worst ever,” note that Jason Miyares (second-worst Virginia AG in history, with only Ken Cuccinelli being worse) and Rep. Jen Kiggans (worst VA02 member of Congress in history? close competition with Scott Taylor) also endorsed Trump. As has the entire Virginia GOP, really. Which is all you need to know about Virginia Republicans – and more than enough motivation to vote against these @#$%s in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION – local, state, national, whatever.

The VA Dems chime in, ask if Youngkin, Kiggans, Miyares, Anderson, Cao, etc. are “going to condemn Trump’s blatant and awful racism.”

Standing “Shoulder to Shoulder”: UAW Endorses Vice President Harris


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign:

Standing “Shoulder to Shoulder”: UAW Endorses Vice President Harris

Yesterday, the United Auto Workers endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States, citing her long record of standing up for working families.

As UAW President Shawn Fain told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace yesterday, “You have one candidate in Trump who represents the billionaire class, I call him the lap dog for the billionaires. And you have a candidate in Kamala Harris, who stands for working class people and she’s shown it through her actions and so that’s what this is about.”

See coverage below:

On the Airwaves:

On MSNBC’s Deadline: White House, UAW President Shawn Fain:

“This election is about, you have one candidate in Trump who represents the billionaire class, I call him the lap dog for the billionaires. And you have a candidate in Kamala Harris, who stands for working class people and she’s shown it through her actions and so that’s what this is about. It’s about working class people taking their lives back. Nothing could be more important than that. … The Biden-Harris Administration have went to work. They’re creating jobs in America— literally tens of thousands of jobs in the battery EV industry. … Also saving jobs, saving communities. Lordstown, Ohio, Lordstown assembly workers were left behind by Donald Trump. He did nothing to protect a plant that was closed there. Those workers were sent all over the country. Under Biden-Harris, some of those workers are coming home now to Lordstown because there’s a battery plant there. And they helped save a community in Belvedere, Illinois that was written off for dead. That plant was closed. They went to work with us and the company and our bargaining and helped us get funding so that that factory will come back. There’s a big difference in what Trump says and what he does. Trump is a liar and Kamala Harris has been there with us every step of the way.

On CNN’s NewsNight, UAW President Shawn Fain:

“I think there’s a lot of energy around the campaign and I know our members are very excited about Vice President Harris’ candidacy and so I think there’s just a lot of energy around the campaign… One thing my grandparents taught us growing up and my parents taught us was you never forget where you come from, and JD Vance went to work with a venture capitalist and a billionaire and obviously those people go after, they have no concern for working class people. They have no concern for businesses they take over and pillage and rip apart and tear communities apart. So well, he can claim he’s for the working people. I mean, his body of work shows different.”

In Print:

CBS: UAW endorses Kamala Harris for president ahead of Detroit visit

[Joseph Buczek, 7/31/24]

Ahead of her visit to Detroit next week, the United Auto Workers union endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president Wednesday…

“Our job in this election is to defeat Donald Trump and elect Kamala Harris to build on her proven track record of delivering for the working class,” said UAW President Shawn Fain in a statement. “We stand at a crossroads in this country. We can put a billionaire back in office who stands against everything our union stands for, or we can elect Kamala Harris who will stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our war on corporate greed. This campaign is bringing together people from all walks of life, building a movement that can defeat Donald Trump at the ballot box. For our one million active and retired members, the choice is clear: We will elect Kamala Harris to be our next President this November.”

In a release, the UAW said Harris previously joined the union on the picket line with striking autoworkers in 2019.

New York Times: Autoworkers Union Endorses Kamala Harris for President

[Nicholas Nehamas and Noam Scheiber, 7/31/24]

The U.A.W.’s endorsement throws the union’s powerful organizing muscle behind Ms. Harris, who faces a tight race against former President Donald J. Trump. The union has about 370,000 members, with large presences in key battleground states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

“We stand at a crossroads in this country,” the U.A.W.’s president, Shawn Fain, said in a statement, adding, “We can put a billionaire back in office who stands against everything our union stands for, or we can elect Kamala Harris who will stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our war on corporate greed.”

CNBC: UAW union endorses Vice President Kamala Harris for president over Trump

[Michael Wayland, 7/31/24]

The United Auto Workers on Wednesday endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris over Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump.

The union’s endorsement should not be surprising. UAW President Shawn Fain has been outspoken against Trump. The Detroit union also has historically supported Democrats, including President Joe Biden.

Fain’s criticism of Trump continued when endorsing Harris.

“Our job in this election is to defeat Donald Trump and elect Kamala Harris to build on her proven track record of delivering for the working class,” Fain said in a statement. “We can put a billionaire back in office who stands against everything our union stands for, or we can elect Kamala Harris who will stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our war on corporate greed.”

Associated Press: UAW endorses Harris, giving her blue-collar firepower in industrial states

[Tom Krisher and Josh Boak, 7/31/24]

The United Auto Workers on Wednesday endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president, giving her union firepower for the likely contest this November against Republican Donald Trump.

UAW President Shawn Fain said in a statement that the union’s “job” in this year’s election was to defeat Trump. The union has more than a million active and retired members with a strong base in what the Democrats call the “blue wall” states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

“We can put a billionaire back in office who stands against everything our union stands for, or we can elect Kamala Harris who will stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our war on corporate greed,” Fain said.

The Hill: UAW endorses Harris, citing ‘track record’ with workers

[Taylor Giorno, 7/31/24]

The United Auto Workers (UAW) endorsed Vice President Harris on Wednesday in the upcoming presidential election.

UAW President Shawn Fain praised Harris ahead of her planned appearance at a rally with union members on Aug. 7 and took aim at former President Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.

“Our job in this election is to defeat Donald Trump and elect Kamala Harris to build on her proven track record of delivering for the working class,” Fain said in a statement.


Axios: UAW endorses Kamala Harris for president

[Emily Peck and Nathan Bomey, 7/31/24]

The United Auto Workers endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president on Wednesday afternoon.

Why it matters: The UAW had been one of the few large unions to withhold an endorsement, as both parties vie to be seen as supporting labor and working-class Americans.

What they’re saying: “Our job in this election is to defeat Donald Trump and elect Kamala Harris to build on her proven track record of delivering for the working class,” said UAW President Shawn Fain in a statement.

Reuters: United Auto Workers union endorses Harris’ bid for US president

[Nora Eckert and David Shepardson, 7/31/24]

The United Auto Workers union endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for U.S. president on Wednesday, providing a likely boost for Harris in the swing state of Michigan as her recently launched campaign ramps up.

UAW President Shawn Fain, who spoke by phone last week with Harris, praised the vice president’s record “of delivering for the working class” and said she “will stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our war on corporate greed.” […]

Fain has criticized Trump for months, telling a conference in Baltimore, Maryland, earlier this month that “it’s clear that Donald Trump in the White House would be a complete disaster for the working class.”

Michigan Advance: UAW endorses Harris, says rally planned with the VP in Detroit next week

[Jon King, 7/31/24]

In an appearance last week on MSNBC, Fain said the union planned to take its time and carefully consider its options.

“We want to have fruitful discussions when we meet, and I think it’s important we do that. We owe that to them,” he told host Jen Psaki.

Wednesday’s announcement ended that speculation, as the union said Harris’ “historic candidacy builds on the Biden-Harris administration’s proven track record of standing with the UAW and delivering major gains for the working class.”

Detroit Free Press: UAW endorses Kamala Harris for president, plans big presence at Detroit rally next week

[Eric D. Lawrence, 7/31/24]

The endorsement was not unexpected. Following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would drop out of the race against Republican Donald Trump, the UAW highlighted the vice president’s record in the union’s statement about Biden’s service. That record includes Harris walking the picket line with UAW members during the union’s 2019 strike against General Motors.

The union’s president, Shawn Fain, has also made no secret of his disdain for Trump, who has called for Fain’s firing.

“Our job in this election is to defeat Donald Trump and elect Kamala Harris to build on her proven track record of delivering for the working class,” Fain said in a news release.


Paid for by Harris for President

Thursday News: “Heat wave blanketing Olympics ‘impossible’ without climate change”; “A very dangerous 24 hours in the Middle East”; “Speaking to Black journalists, Trump reminded everyone how racist [and unlikable] he can be”; “What Harris’ VP Pick Will Say About the Campaign She Is About to Run”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headline, political and otherwise, for Thursday, August 1.

Video: “11-minute supercut of Trump angrily self-immolating at the NABJ before his handlers pulled him from the stage”


My god…how on earth can ANYONE in their right mind – or hell, even people NOT in their right minds, lol – support this unhinged lunatic, racist, ignoramus, moron, etc. This afternoon, at the National Association of Black Journalists, Donald Trump “angrily self-immolat[ed]…before his handlers pulled him from the stage.” Among other crazy shit, Trump said:

  • “I didn’t know [Kamala Harris] was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”
  • “[Kamala Harris] was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden, she made a turn, and she went, she became a Black person.”
  • “A Black job is anybody who has a job.”
  • “I came onto a stage like this and I got treated so rudely” (actually, he was asked 100% legitimate, relevant, appropriate questions about things HE has said and done!)

In sum, Trump is a total nutjob, completely unhinged, and unfit to hold ANY office in America, from the proverbial “dog catcher” to…anything, let alone having his finger anywhere near the “nuclear button.”


Sen. Tim Kaine: “July was the month when I pardoned Virginian Grace Sherwood posthumously for a bogus 300 year old witchcraft conviction. My Senate opponent is deeply worried about witchcraft…in 2024!”


It’s a year-old video, but it’s still highly relevant, as 2024 VA GOP US Senate nominee Hung Cao was an extremist/nutjob then – and he’s an extremist/nutjob now. I mean, what even IS this lunacy???

P.S. For a few more examples of Cao’s weirdness, see After Hung Cao Argues That Voters Want “Hard Men,” “Alpha Males,” “Meat Eaters,” Sen. Tim Kaine’s Communications Director Responds, “‘Hard men’ don’t duck debates”, Video: Likely 2024 VA GOP US Senate Nominee Hung Cao “flips out when someone from Southwest Virginia confronts him about his ‘podunk’ comments”, Meet Hung Cao, Endorsed by Donald Trump, and Now the Likely 2024 VA GOP Nominee for US Senate (Cao compares abortion to the Holocaust, thinks “wiccans have taken over parts of California” and “we can’t let that happen in Virginia,” etc.)…

VA State Sen. Barbara Favola (D-Arlington) calls on the State Bureau of Insurance to Investigate Violations of the Affordable Care Act Regarding the Cost of Contraceptives


From VA State Senator Barbara Favola (D-Arlington):

Wednesday News: “Hamas political leader killed in Iran as fears of wider war grow”; Harris to Trump – “Say it to my face!”; “Conservative obsessions with fertility and sexuality really are weird”; “Bob Good will get his recount Thursday. It could cost him.”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, July 31.

DNC and DNCC Chairs Announce Results of Presidential Nominating Petition Process and Opening of Virtual Roll Call on August 1; Only VP Kamala Harris Qualifies for Ballot


From the DNC:

DNC and DNCC Chairs Announce Results of Presidential Nominating Petition Process and Opening of Virtual Roll Call on August 1
Today, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNCC Chair Minyon Moore announced the results of the petitioning for the Democratic presidential ballot, with only Vice President Kamala Harris qualifying for the ballot. 3,923 delegates from across the country petitioned to put Vice President Harris on the ballot for the Democratic nomination, and Vice President Harris secured the support of 99% of participating delegates. The Chairs also announced today that voting on the virtual roll call – the process through which Vice President Harris will officially become the Democratic nominee – will begin on August 1 and end on August 5.

DNC Chair Harrison and DNCC Chair Moore released the following statement:

“Democratic delegates from across the nation made their voices heard, overwhelmingly backing Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee. As we prepare to open the voting on our virtual roll call, we move to this final stage of our nomination process with unprecedented momentum and unity across our party. We stand united in our mission to elect a Democratic nominee who has the experience, the wisdom, and the bold determination to lead our country, and we stand united in our mission to defeat Donald Trump once again. 

“Our delegates have an important responsibility – and opportunity – in the days ahead to cast their history-making ballots for Vice President Harris, ensuring that she will be on the ballot in every state this November. 

“Our Party has met this unprecedented moment with a transparent, democratic, and orderly process to unite behind a nominee with a proven record who will lead us in the fight ahead. We look forward to celebrating together with all of our delegates in Chicago, where we will show up in full force as a strong, united Party laser-focused on defeating Donald Trump and JD Vance in November.” 

Highlights of the Democratic nomination process:

  • 3,923 delegates from across the country petitioned to put Vice President Harris on the ballot for the Democratic nomination, and Vice President Harris secured the support of 99% of participating delegates, with 84% of total delegates submitting a signature during the petitioning phase. No other candidate met the threshold of 300 delegate signatures to qualify for the ballot.
  • The DNC Chair and DNCC Chair announced today that the electronic roll call will commence at 9:00 AM ET on August 1, marking the official beginning of the 2024 Convention. Delegates will receive a secure ballot and support to cast their vote on a rolling basis starting at 9:00 AM ET. 
  • The roll call voting period will end at 6:00 PM ET on August 5, the deadline for delegates to return their ballot. 
  • Because Kamala Harris has the verified support of a number of pledged delegates equal to or greater than a majority of all pledged and automatic delegates, the votes of both pledged delegates and automatic delegates will be counted on the first ballot.