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Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, February 9. Also see the video of President Obama’s weekly address, in which he “urges Congress to act to avoid a series of harmful and automatic cuts-called a sequester-from going into effect that would hurt our economy and the middle class and threaten thousands of American jobs.”

*Northeast storm lives up to its monster billing (“Snow totals surpass 2 feet, 650,000 homes and businesses without power as massive blizzard wallops Northeast.”)

*Obama will propose 1% raise for federal workforce in 2014 budget

*Spike of Virginia redistricting plans shows House speaker’s pragmatic streak

*Clinton: America’s Debt Problems ‘Can’t Be Solved’ With Austerity

*Jindal speaks at annual Cantor fundraiser; urges growth for GOP

*Warner: Sequestration Would Be ‘Worse Than You Can Imagine’

*Warner: Defense industry shares blame for sequester

*Virginia’s hi-tech corridor nervous over sequestration

*Mr. Cantor looks for middle ground

*Virginia General Assembly: The score at halftime

*Bolling to make “major announcement” March 14

*McDonnell, Senate Dem leaders exchange road notes

*Politics over sense in I.D. measures (“The notion that this measure ensures the integrity of elections has little basis in reality.”)

*McDonnell sends school security bills to lawmakers

*Hey Fairfax County, High School Seniors Can Handle ‘Beloved,’ And Learn About Racism and Sexism

*Anti-uranium legislators make their case to McDonnell

*Putney considering a re-election bid as a Republican

*This time, Roanoke Valley got biggest snowfall totals

Medicaid Expansion Approaching Finish Line!


(Also, make sure you sign the petition by Sen. Herring and Del. Hope to demand Medicaid expansion now! – promoted by lowkell)

After an eventful week in Richmond, the General Assembly has been working furiously to wrap up the business of this session.  There are many issues to consider, with transportation issues, redistricting plans, and the issue I am fighting for, Medicaid expansion.

The Senate overwhelmingly voted to move forward with expansion in their budget this week, after Lt. Bill Bolling (R) explained why he supported expansion and Secretary Bill Hazel addressed the Senate. With the Senate voting to do the right thing for Virginia, we now await action from the House of Delegates. If the House and Senate can agree on expansion in their conference committee, to work out their differences in their budget blueprints, it will be up to Governor Bob McDonnell to decide if he wants to allow Virginians to continue to pay taxes while forfeiting the benefits of Medicaid expansion to other states who chose expansion. With the Chamber of Commerce supporting Medicaid expansion, is there any other choice for the House and Governor?

If the House of Delegates comes around, we can move forward with Medicaid expansion on January 1, 2014 and begin to help 400,000 Virginians gain health insurance, create 30,000 jobs in the Commonwealth, and avoid the masochistic choice to have Virginians continue to pay their fair share of Federal Taxes and leave that funding for other states to benefit.

Listen to my radio interview radio interview from this past week to get ready to call your Delegate , and urge them to accept expansion!  

Two Virginia Candidates Capture DFA Endorsement


When Howard Dean gave up his 2004 campaign for president, he didn’t dismantle the grassroots organization that gave such vitality to his improbable run, for a while making him the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. Instead, Dean for America morphed into Democracy for America, a PAC that is dedicated to electing progressive candidates to office at all levels of government, from city councils to Congress. DFA, with more than one million members, has endorsed two of our own for the November House of Delegates election: Jennifer Boysko in the 86th District and John Bell in the 87th District.

Since 2008, Boysko has served as Legislative and Herndon Aide to Fairfax County Supervisor John Foust. This race is definitely one to watch since Barack Obama carried the 86th District with 61% of the vote, showing that if Democrats get their voters to the polls, this is quite winnable. The DFA endorsement will be extremely helpful as Boysko runs to unseat Del.Tom Rust. In addition to DFA, Boysko has been been endorsed by over 80 grassroots activists and 21 current and former elected leaders in Northern Virginia.

The DFA also has endorsed John Bell, who is running in the 87th District against first-term Del. David Ramadan. The 87th was moved from Norfolk to NoVA with the redistricting in 2011, and Ramadan won the general election.  Barack Obama carried this district with 57% of the vote. Bell, a retired Aur Force officer, served as Comptroller in the Middle East in support of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bell says that he plans to run a grassroots campaign and “reach out to voters as never before in a House of Delegate race.”

A DFA endorsement brings a national network of activists together, providing key resources to an endorsed campaign: time, people, money and media. If you are interested in being part of this progressive, grassroots PAC, go to DFA and join. Also, don’t forget to donate to the two DFA-endorsed candidates in Virginia. The money to make these two races winnable will come from small donors. Be one of them.

The 2nd Amendment Reincarnated, and What Happens Next? Part II


In Part One we traced the17th century English roots of the Second Amendment and how they were modified in the 18th century by one of our Founders, James Madison, who, in the American Bill of Rights, crafted the Second Amendment mainly to protect the Southern states’ militias (frequently used as “slave patrols”), making it yet another of those delicate political compromises which underpin our Constitution.


In the 21st century, the Amendment’s “well regulated Militia” and “right to keep and bear Arms,” has been broadened from a “collective right” into a demand for an “individual right” to unlimited firepower in the hands of private citizens, mostly thanks to lobbying by the National Rifle Association. The unspoken hidden subset of this individual right is the right to insurrection (against the national government). Without the insurrection theory there can be no rationale for a civilian in America to own an arsenal of assault weapons with huge magazines.

I believe it is easy to see the continuance of those Southern state militias, that is slave patrols, in the night riders of the KKK, and in most of the skin-head militias today; the insurrectionist theory is in full bloom among today’s states’ righters. They vigorously deny any racism, but are clearly the heirs of the plantation culture of the original states’ righters in Philadelphia in 1787 in their deep suspicion of the federal government. For most of them, their new home is in the Republican Party and its fringes.


Embedded now in popular culture is the narrative of the minuteman, of the pioneer protecting his family on the frontier, and of the good guy Western gunslinger killing the bad guys like a John Wayne movie.  Former President Bill Clinton himself recently warned Democrats that guns have a special emotional resonance in many rural states, recalling that many Democratic lawmakers who voted to ban assault weapons were roundly defeated in the 1994 mid-term Republican wave because of that vote. He clearly has a wary regard for the political clout of the gun lobby.

On the other hand, flamboyant investigative report Greg Palast, writing about gun control in Vice Magazine (19 January 2013) pointed out that, of the “31,672 gun deaths in America in 2010, the majority—- 61 percent—- were suicides.” In his view, “the real killer is despair,” because, he says, the American dream has turned into a nightmare for too many folks whose jobs have gone to China, homes are in foreclosure, and pensions have been stripped and are now fattening billionaires’ accounts in the Caymans—- “so, they’ll be goddamned if they’ll let you take their guns.” The danger, he says, is not from assault rifles, but from “the assault on working people… by a dangerous group of jackals whose weapons are the IMF… JP Morgan, ‘austerity,’ and the ‘debt ceiling.'”

He has a point.  It strikes me that there is a vast pool of anger seething just under the surface of American society, which manifests itself overtly in our gun culture, in the popularity of violent video games, sports, and movies, in the stunning numbers of suicides, in the proliferation of bizarre conspiracy theories and hate groups, and especially in anti-government propaganda (some of which unfortunately bubbles out of one of our two major political parties). Our society seems to be producing a lot of unhappy people, who show their despair as anger and fear, and are comforted by the security blanket of owning their own weapons. In the UC-Davis Law Review Dr. Bogus notes:

“The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world in which tens of thousands of citizens are killed or wounded by guns every year… The public more or less assumes that the Second Amendment prohibits the kind of gun control regulations that effectively protect public safety in other countries.”


Many members of the global corporate elite lavishly fund conservative think tanks and ultra-conservative candidates who promote the whole paranoidal  syndrome (deficit hysteria, Obamaphobia, austerity obsession, anti-environmentalism, misogyny, bigotry, militarism, attacks on entitlements and labor, rabid religiosity, and now, unlimited guns).  At first glance, many of these causes provide no obvious benefit to corporate powers, so why do they give money and approbation to the purveyors of such discordant themes?

I suspect the reasons include profits; more guns, more profits to manufacturers from foreign as well as domestic sales (America is the world’s biggest purveyor of arms).   I also believe that many other issues, which are not obviously to the benefit of the new global elite, are promoted by the Big Money interests as a diversion to distract the people, so they do not recognize and go after their real enemy, i.e, those very same corporate interests. They let such hare-braned manias like Obamaphobia and unlimited guns run their course, while the elites are following their own agenda of destroying effective democratic government and replacing it with corporate feudalism. If an alert citizenry defeats the gun lobby, even a little bit, who knows what might happen next— they might notice what’s really going on, and decide to go after something really important to the corportists.


All countries have the occasional psychopath who goes on a rampage.  We can never foresee when they may act out, like Brevik in Norway, but we could try keeping an eye on them, put them on a watch list, or even institutionalize them where they can do less harm. What I find unsettling is how many borderline unstable personalities are among us, functioning at some level, but every bit as dangerous as the psychopath. They are not on anybody’s watch list, we have no way in a free country of dealing with them in advance, even if we could pick them out, yet they have easy access to high caliber weapons.

What can we do, within, that is, the current political climate?

What is already on the table is the usual NRA type of response, which says the answer to gun violence is more guns, like arming teachers, and perhaps reining in violent video games, while insisting that expanding gun checks or abolishing assault rifles is unconstitutional. This approach is losing a little traction, and so the gun lobby is also trying to turn the problem into one of mental health (while Republican legislators are simultaneously de-funding mental health nationally and at the state level, because, they say, such frills are wasteful nanny government and we must cut the bloated budget so as to concentrate on reducing the deficit). Many progressives want to tackle those root causes outlined by Greg Palast, which would mean reducing unemployment by creating high-wage jobs, by narrowing the growing income gap, and by revitalizing the middle class—- all good policies, but also, sorry to say, a pie-in-the-sky, slow-motion long-term agenda which is anathema to Republicans and our global corporate moneymen. It would require an almost total replacement of most members of Congress; such a wrenching change of direction would take some time to achieve, no matter how desirable.

Finally, we have President Obama’s plan, which includes:

* Require background checks for all gun sales, and strengthen the system of background checks

* Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons, limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds

* Get armor-piercing bullets off the street and give law enforcement more tools to prosecute gun crime

* End freeze on gun research

* Make schools safer: more resource officers and counselors, more nurturing climate in schools

*Ensure quality coverage for mental health, especially for young people

There is nothing unreasonable about any of these proposals, but there is knee-jerk opposition from Republicans in Congress because, well, because they come from Obama— so it is all about “Obama is taking our guns away!” “The Second Amendment!” and “Socialism!” In other words, the right to insurrection rears its head. Obama’s proposals will have a hard slog in the 111th Congress, even if, as the President hopes, average Americans demand action on them. Even some rural state Democrats, mindful of Bill Clinton’s remarks, are nervous about supporting Obama’s proposals.

Johns Hopkins University “convened more than 20 of the world’s leading experts on gun violence and policy to summarize relevant research” and make a report to help lawmakers and “concerned citizens” identify policy changes. Mayor Bloomberg wrote a foreward to their report, Reducing Gun Violence in America, which is available through the HFS Fulfilment Services (phone # 410-516-6965) for $9.85 (plus shipping). Some of their recommendations:

• Set up universal background check system for “all persons purchasing a firearm from any seller”

•       Expand set of conditions that disqualifies a person with serious mental illness

• Appoint a “permanent director to ATF… with authority to develop… sanctions for gun dealers who violate gun sales or other laws”

• Provide financial incentives to states to mandate childproof or personalized guns

• Ban future sale of assault weapons and “large capacity ammunition magazines”

• Provide adequate federal funds to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, NIH, and National Institute of Justice for “research into the causes and solutions to gun-violence”

The report includes a high-level discussion oif the constitutionality of the suggestions, and a poll showing that the majority of Americans, including gun-owners, want stronger gun policies. Governor O’Malley (D, Maryland) says

“Gun violence is a public health problem… Perhaps there is no way to completely prevent the next tragedy, but that cannot be an excuse that keeps us from commonsense things… This isn’t about ideology. It’s about dignity.”

He may be right, but I myself believe it is about ideology—- and profits for the arms manufacturers. This potent combination can only be overcome by a determined, aroused citizenry which keeps up the pressure, and does not falter or go AWOL for the next election.


I believe the entire 2d Amendment gun issue is going to be used by the Republican Party asa big issue, perhaps even The Issue leading up to the 2014 mid-terms, exactly as Obamacare was used in the 2010 mid-terms. Remember the town halls from hell? That will be the template. The deficit dance of death, the battle over entitlements, the fear of socialism, America’s “decline,” and terrorism will all be rolled together, of course, but guns will be the flagship emotional cause symbolizing the Republican campaign—- all about rugged Americanism and personal liberty. I expect the immigration issue will be de-fanged by the time of the mid-terms; despite Tea Party opposition, establishment Republicans, understanding the demographics of the 2012 election, will force some sort of compromise Dream Act on their reluctant right-wingers. That will leave them looking for another emotion-laden issue to fire up their base.

The Republican Party somehow always picks the issues and defines the debate, and 2014 will be no exception—- unless, that is, Obama and the Democrats  don’t go on vacation as they did in 2010, and somehow manage to defuse or otherwise dispose of the gun issue in advance… and also manage to get out the same universe of voters who showed up in 2012, to the delight of Democrats and the astonishment of the GOP.

GOP Source: Bolling Leaning Towards Sitting Out 2013 and Preparing for 2017 Run


( – promoted by lowkell)

by Paul Goldman

My source is right about Lt. Governor Bolling’s smart, indeed only sensible play right now unless something changes dramatically. Bolling will be only 60 years old in 2017. If my source is right – and Ken Cuccinelli is unelectable – then the smart play for Bolling is easy: sit out 2013, be a loyal party guy, back whatever Governor Bob McDonnell does this year, and start running for governor in 2014. Right now, Cuccinelli is clearly the underdog against Terry McAuliffe. Given the AG’s refusal so far to help Governor McDonnell on transportation, this underdog status may get worse if he isn’t careful.

My sources tell me this Politics 101 scenario has been pressed on Bolling by some very savvy political types. He is resisting so far. But they feel he will have to agree with them in the end. It makes sense, if Bolling really believes Cuccinelli is unelectable as the LG publicly claims.

Why? Because the odds favor a Democratic sweep under those circumstances, or at least no more than one Republican elected statewide. Governor McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli would owe Bolling big time if he decided not to run and merely gave a pro forma endorsement to the GOP ticket. They would be willing to “pay up” for such a Bolling move.

If Cuccinelli gets beat as Bolling predicts, this would help the LG’s “moderate” image big time as well; and if he does the loyal thing and doesn’t run, it would gain him a lot of backers in the party in 2017 if his prediction is right.

If there is a Democratic sweep in 2013, then Bolling is the favorite to be the next GOP gubernatorial nominee. There is little chance Cuccinelli loses and both the other statewide GOP nominees win. The chance of either the Republican LG or AG winning if Cuccinelli loses is 50-50 in my view.  


Given my assumption that McDonnell gets his transportation plan passed, this will make him a very credible figure going forward in GOP circles. Should he lose, Cuccinelli is too young to be totally out of the game in 2017. So both of them will have some “juice” in 2017. Thus Bolling has reason to trade for that “juice” now in exchange for not running: and the two have reason to make the trade.

Game theory says this: Bolling is “all in” if he runs for governor against the GOP nominee. If he does that, he will have burnt not merely his bridges, but most everything else as concerns the Republican Party. It is a terrible risk vs reward play for a guy in his 50’s. Bolling is young guy in political terms, and he will still be young in 2017.

It is true, as I wrote yesterday, the Bolling for Governor campaign is credible if Cuccinelli opposes the governor on transportation, even more so if the GOP nominates a ticket of anti-MCD folks. BUT: If the GOP goes such a route, they are sure to lose, all of them.

This would be Bolling’s dream outcome for 2017!!!

                 And if the GOP nominates, as I pointed yesterday, pro-MCD transportation folks, then Bolling for Governor becomes a revenge trip, it does poorly, and he is persona non grata in the GOP.

                 Net, net: As a political matter, Bolling has already got his “revenge” on Cuccinelli and the party for screwing him last year. He has driven the image of Cuccinelli further to the right, and the AG’s team has been seen as amateurish in handling the LG.

                 Bolling, therefore, has gotten the “pay back.”

                 If Bolling runs, he totally alienates Governor McDonnell whose star may now be rising again.

                 How does such a crazy move help Bolling looking at it from any direction?

                  If Bolling were say 75, I could see him saying “hell with everyone” or if he were close in the polls.

                  Yes, the guys around Bolling want a big pay day, only possible if he runs. I get that. But Cuccinelli can make sure they are well compensated helping him, Bolling’s guys are smart, any GOP candidate should want their help. Surely they don’t want to likewise be too toxic to be hired in the GOP going forward.

                   Net, net: The smart move – not the wimp move at this point – is for Bolling to think 2017.  I agree on this.

                    Unless something huge occurs and chess board changing occurs between now and the LG’s big announcement on March 14, the gutsy play at this point is to stand down. Yes, he will lose cred and have to eat crow for a few months. But at his age, betting the “ranch” on the roulette wheel coming up Double ZERO for K-Man and T-Man is dumb and dumber.

                     If he truly has the courage of his election convictions, the easy play is to run: the hard play is to eat your words and bet the voters will agree with you in November.  

Sign Sen. Herring’s and Del. Hope’s Petition to Pass the Medicaid Expansion Immediately!


Dear Friend,

When it comes to expanding healthcare access to needy families, political gamesmanship has no place in the conversation.

But Republican extremists in the House of Delegates don’t see it that way and they proved it by blocking the expansion of Medicaid in Virginia – an expansion that will cover over 300,000 uninsured Virginians and infuse tens of billions of dollars into our state’s economy. They’re putting ideological politics ahead of Virginians.

We need to make clear where we stand on this: We want more access to healthcare, not less. We want to make sure every child can see a doctor. That a basic illness doesn’t spell financial ruin.

I’m joining with Delegate Patrick Hope to demand immediate steps to pass an expansion, but we need your support. It has to be unequivocally clear this is what Virginia wants. Send that message.

Sign our petition demanding the General Assembly vote to pass the Medicaid expansion immediately. Virginians shouldn’t be kept waiting, and we have to move to get it set up on time.

Expanding Medicaid would be a boon for struggling families and our economy. Our state ranks 48th in Medicaid coverage. We have to do better. And as we expand coverage, we’ll create up to 30,000 new jobs, which will be great for small businesses.

It will have almost no impact on our state budget because of all the job gains. There’s no reason not to get this passed. But we have to make sure Republican extremists in the General Assembly see that.

To move them to action, we need you to stand up and speak out. Make your voice heard now in support of the expansion.

Join Del. Hope and me in calling on the Genearl Assembly to immediately pass the expansion. This is an easy call.

Thanks for your support,

Mark Herring

Mail Fraud: Republicans Don’t Really Care if Postal Service Makes Money


Erdpost / Groundmail


The Postal Service suffered a $15.9 billion loss in the past budget year and has forecast more red ink in 2013. It says it expects to save $2 billion annually with the Saturday cutback. The Postal Service, an agency independent of government, does not receive tax money for its operations but is subject to congressional control over major aspects.

The majority of the service’s red ink comes from a 2006 law forcing it to pay about $5.5 billion a year into future retiree health benefits, something no other agency does. Without that payment – $11.1 billion in a two-year installment last year – and related labor expenses, the mail agency sustained an operating loss of $2.4 billion for the past fiscal year, lower than the previous year.


Video: Del. Surovell Argues for Non-Discrimination Laws in the Workplace


Thanks to Del. Surovell, and let’s all support him in his fight for a fundamental American value: that all citizens should be treated equally before the law, and that no group of citizens should be discriminated against because of who they are. Why this even has to be debated in the United States of American in the year 2013 is beyond me…

Bob McDonnell Fails to Make “The Fix”‘s First 2016 GOP Presidential Top 10


If you haven’t seen the classic film “On the Waterfront,” you definitely should. But Bob McDonnell might want to avoid it, as the classic line uttered by Marlon Brando – “I could’ve been a contender! I could’ve been somebody!” – might be a bit too painful for ol’ T-Bob to hear.

Why do I say this? Because, simply stated, McDonnell wanted to be a national “contender” – salivating and practically groveling to be Willard’s VP pick; now desperately looking for a “legacy,” or at least SOME accomplishment as governor, which he can point to when he runs for president in 2016. But after “transvaginal ultrasounds;” the antics of Ken Kookinelli (whose lunacy has overshadowed McDonnell among Teapublicans); the failure to anoint his loyal Lieutenant Governor as his successor (thanks again to Kookinelli!); and McD’s utter lack of progress on transportation funding (offshore oil revenues? selling off ABC stores? ditching the gas tax and raising the sales tax? all dead or on life support), McDonnell is almost certainly not going to be a contender for president in 2016…or ever, for that matter.

Today’s 2016 GOP presidential rankings by “The Fix” make this as clear as can be. Not that “The Fix” is the be-all/end-all in any way, but he IS very good at gathering the conventional wisdom and spewing it back at us. In this case, the conventional wisdom among Republicans is that Bob McDonnell doesn’t even make the Top 10 list for 2016 presidential contenders.

In stark contrast, the other prominent Republican who was elected governor of his state the same year as McDonnell (that would be Chris Christie of New Jersey in 2009) ranks #2. That one’s really gotta hurt, as both McDonnell and Christie were touted as rising stars, yet only one of them (Christie) has actually risen, while the other one (McDonnell) has pretty much fizzled out (a “one-way ticket to Palookaville,” as Brando says?). Also interesting to see on this list are several Tea Party newcomers – bat**** crazy Rand Paul; gay bashing/climate science denying/Grover Norquist obeying Marco Rubio – in the Top 10, but no “Bobby” (as his BFF Pat Robertson calls him) McDonnell. Sigh.

On the bright side, “The Fix” was wrong about pretty much everything in 2012 (Mitt-mentum!!! Ohio’s back to “tossup!” LOL), so most likely he’s wrong about 2016 as well. Still, when you believe you should have – could have, would have, etc. – been a contender, but now have just a few months left as governor of Virginia, with no particular path to future political office ahead of you, it’s gotta bring back those Brando “could’ve been a contender!” flashbacks. Ouch.

McDonnell’s Louisiana Education Model Comes With Few Results


Rather than pursue home grown education solutions to improve state schooling, much of Governor Bob McDonnell’s education “reform” proposals have mirrored policies pushed by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. As McDonnell appears with Jindal today to promote their plans for school “recovery districts”, it might be useful to review the programs’ outcomes in Louisiana.

  • Recent Education Week evaluation ranked Virginia 4th nationally for educational policy and performance. In contrast, Louisiana, whose model McDonnell is following, scored significantly lower and was ranked 23rd overall. Education Week 2012 State Report Cards
  • The recovery school district model, which McDonnell has labeled “Opportunity Educational Institutions”, remove community decision makers from oversight over local schools while opening the door for for-profit and charter operators to take over with little accountability.
  • Research conducted by Kristen Buras of Georgia State University’s Department of Educational Policy Studies found student achievement did not improve in Louisiana’s Recovery School Districts (RSD). National Education Policy Center
  • A separate legislative audit report found the RSD did not effectively monitor performance of the charter school operators. National Education Policy Center
  • Louisiana’s RSD was sued because charter school operators were not admitting low-income and special education students. National Public Radio
  • The Georgia State University study also found lawmakers continually changed the goal posts for failing schools, shunting more schools into the RSD and into the hands of charter school operators. National Education Policy Center