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Moran Slams Brakes on Approaching Traffic Nightmare


Press release from Rep. Moran’s office, this truly is a “nightmare.”

Moran Slams Brakes on Approaching Traffic Nightmare

Caps parking at 1,000 spaces at BRAC facility to mitigate gridlock

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jim Moran, Virginia Democrat and senior member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, included language in the FY ’11 Defense Authorization bill which would cap the amount of available parking at the Washington Headquarters Service facility currently being constructed at the Mark Center in Alexandria (map) at 1,000 spaces. VDOT has projected that even with the current transportation management plan, I-395 and local roadways and intersections will experience failing levels of service that will heavily increase traffic during morning and evening rush hour.

“If nothing is done and the relocation continues as scheduled, VDOT has stated there will be ‘complete gridlock’ on Seminary Road and Beauregard Street and ‘severe’ congestion between the King Street and Duke Street exits on I-395,” said Moran.

The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) plan requires that 6,400 defense personnel currently working in Metro-accessible leased office space in Northern Virginia must move to the new Mark Center facility by September 2011.

The Moran language limits the number of cars commuting to and from the Mark Center by restricting the number of parking spaces that would be available for DoD use, as well as banning the lease of additional spaces in the immediate vicinity. “Our goal is to force the Army to put an effective transportation solution in place before the majority of workers are allowed in the building. Under the current plan, the traffic situation will be intolerable.”

Under the language, the DoD must first receive congressional approval for a detailed traffic management plan that would prevent service levels at six key intersections near the facility from being negatively affected.  Next, the DoD would be required to complete construction of the transportation improvements such as access roads and ramps before the parking cap is lifted.

The six intersections in question include:

(1) The intersection of Beauregard Street and Mark Center Drive.

(2) The intersection of Beauregard Street and Seminary Road.

(3) The intersection of Seminary Road and Mark Center Drive.

(4) The intersection of Seminary Road and the northbound entrance-ramp to I-395.

(5) The intersection of Seminary Road and the northbound exit-ramp from I-395.

(6) The intersection of Seminary Road and the southbound exit-ramp from I-395.

“The Pentagon dropped the ball on transportation planning for the base realignment at the Mark Center. A building of this size with no access to Metro should never have been considered at this location,” said Moran. “Now we’re pulling out all the stops to mitigate the consequences of the Defense Department’s mistakes.”  

Moran and local officials in Alexandria and Fairfax County have called on the military to construct a direct access ramp to the Mark Center from I-395 to help alleviate some of the congestion.

The language was included in the FY’11 Defense Authorization bill which passed committee on Friday and is scheduled for consideration on the House floor this week.

Upcoming Event: “How Clean Energy Will Benefit My Business”


This looks like a good event by Repower America, check it out!

Arlington Small Business Roundtable: How Clean Energy Will Benefit My Business

You are cordially invited to attend a gathering of local business leaders in Arlington to discuss the benefits of clean energy. This will be a chance to interact with other businesses in the area, exchange ideas and learn what you can do right now as a business leader. No matter if you own a used bookstore or install solar panels, this breakfast is for you.

A clean energy economy will help Virginia businesses save money and create jobs. This breakfast gathering will highlight how your business can benefit from clean energy and learn how to get more involved regarding clean energy in your community.

When: 7:30 to 8:30 AM, Friday, June 4

Where: Café Assorti (1800 Wilson Boulevard, near the Rosslyn and Court House Metro Stations)

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you about this exciting event!

Please RSVP to

chris.janszky@climateprotect.org or 203.253.7213

Thank you,

Chris Jánszky

Message to Sen. Webb: No More Study, It’s Time to End DADT


First, here’s Jim Webb’s statement on “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”

Secretary of Defense Gates and Admiral Mullen have laid out a specific and responsible plan to examine the current ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy in a manner that includes a comprehensive survey of those wearing the uniform. The White House and Secretary Gates both said today that, ideally, the Defense Department should complete this review before legislative action is taken. There is no question that a review of the policy is necessary and important. I see no reason for the political process to pre-empt it.

Now, here’s my response to Sen. Webb.  

First, this policy has been an abject failure almost any way you want to look at it. In a military that’s overstretched as it is, the concept that we would discharge highly-trained (at high cost to taxpayers), highly-qualified people, such as experts in the Arabic language, makes absolutely no sense.

Second, most other countries in the western world already allow gays to serve openly in the military, and they seem to be doing just fine. That includes the Israeli armed forces, not exactly known as a pushover as a military force.

Third, we don’t need any more “study” about whether to end DADT; we already know it makes no sense and serves no useful purpose. The only question is exactly how to end it, which the military should figure out in the next few months. Other than that, there’s zero reason to keep DADT on the books for another minute.

Fourth, not that we should base public policy on opinion polls, but according to a new CNN poll, the American people overwhelmingly (nearly 8 in 10) support ending DADT.

Finally, DADT should be repealed because it is deeply unjust and fundamentally unfair.  Just as you opened more operational billets to women than any other Navy Secretary, today it’s time for you to support opening the military to gays and lesbians who want to serve their country.

Thank you.

Internal Fimian Poll Claims 13-Point Lead Over Herrity


I’m not sure what to make of this poll, but as the Virginia Politics blog points out, “Herrity did not offer any recent polling data to contradict Fimian’s survey.” Hmmmm.

Is The War Making You Poor?


Alan Grayson, the quirky progressive Democratic Congressman from Florida, has introduced a piece of legislation in the House of Representatives with that title: The War Is Making Your Poor Act. It eliminates separate funding for our two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so citizens can actually see how much those wars cost. Of course, for the past nine years the wars have been funded through special, “emergency” supplementals, rather than laid out in, and included in, the normal budgeting process. In case you are curious, the Independent Media Institute in San Francisco has figured next year’s cost of the two wars at $195,000,000,000.

The War Is Making You Poor Act not only ends the dodgy emergency supplemental funding for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, but also eliminates federal income taxes on the first $35,000 of income ($70,000 for couples) and pays down the national debt. What could be wrong with that?  Well, it could be the industrial-defense complex might prefer taxpayers did not know what our military interventions cost us, so Congressman Grayson needs the help of concerned citizens everywhere to support his dandy little The War Is Making You Poor Act, so Don Hazen (Executive Editor at AlterNet.org) sent around an e-mail with a petition from Change.org you can sign, supporting the Act


Sen. McEachin Responds to Gov. McDonnell’s Acceptance and Tolerance of Illegal, Unethical Behavior


Earlier today, Bob McDonnell was on WTOP’s “Ask the Governor” program. The interview in general was pretty rough, but the last few minutes were a true meltdown by McDonnell. Just pathetic. Among other things, McDonnell managed to claim he had no idea about Fred Malek’s history as a “Jew counter” in the Nixon White House, or as being forced to pay a huge fine for ripping off Connecticut pension funds. Instead, he actually claimed that Malek is a “reform” and a “change agent” with a “distinguished track record of getting things done.” Yeah, like carrying out Richard Nixon’s demented orders and ripping off the pension funds of another state!  As WTOP’s Marc Plotkin said, “This in itself…is enough to disqualify [Malek].” But not, apparently, in Bob McDonnell’s ethical world view.

With that, here’s what Sen. Donald McEachin thinks of McDonnell’s comments this morning on “Ask the Governor.” McEachin, by the way, has been doing superb work in holding McDonnell’s and Cooch’s feet to the fire over the past few months. Thank you, Senator!

Richmond- Senator A. Donald McEachin (D-Henrico) today responded to Governor McDonnell’s remarks this morning on WTOP’s “Ask the Governor” show, where the Governor said he did not know the details of Fred Malek’s, chair of the Governor’s newly appointed commission on governmental reform, $100,000 SEC fine. The governor then further said that these things happen in business, that “people in business 20, 30, 40, 50 years often have regulatory violations,” without ever acknowledging that Mr. Malek and his firm actually paid a quarter of a million dollar fine.

Senator McEachin expressed his very serious concerns with the Governor’s seeming acceptance and indifference to unethical and illegal behavior that resulted in a substantial fine. Senator McEachin stated, “For Governor McDonnell to imply that this kind of behavior is acceptable and allowable, even normal, is exactly the very reason that Virginians and Americans are frustrated and fed up with government. This did not happen thirty or forty years ago, but happened in 2004, a few short years ago! To ever tolerate corruption and illegal activity is totally unacceptable. Virginians deserve better. We deserve to know that our governor will seek out the very best, most highly qualified and above ethical reproach individuals to serve in our government. This government belongs to Virginians and we need that the individuals participating in it be ethical and above board. For us to have any confidence in the workings of this commission and this administration, we need to know that the Governor will insist on the highest ethical standards and will not tolerate illegal behavior of any kind.

“For Governor McDonnell to first say he was unaware of these details, and ignorant of a six figure fine, is absolutely stunning and, frankly, beyond belief. When any Virginian applies for a job, he is expected to fill out an application that asks about past activities. Is Governor McDonnell not even asking his appointees for the same minimal information? Instead, it seems we have yet another example of insider cronyism where the governor simply appoints his highly placed friends, perhaps in exchange for future endorsements or monetary support.

This is simply unacceptable. I would ask the governor again to replace Fred Malek. In no way, shape or form should an individual who was fined for his illegal behavior with another state’s pension funds be involved, let alone in charge of, “reforming” Virginia state government. The governor needs to find someone to lead this commission who is above ethical reproach, who has not been fined by the SEC and who the governor has ensured is the best qualified person for the job.”

P.S. So much for this silliness.

UPDATE: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, right Tucker, that’s what this is all about!  Hahahaha.

“A small handful of liberal Democrats don’t want the governor to reduce state spending and make government smaller and more efficient. That’s what this transparent partisan attack is really about.

UPDATE #2: David Englin, the evil liberal (heh), responds:

Ha – My favorite thing about Tucker Martin’s attack is how transparently partisan it is!  That’s cute.

Felix Macacawitz: Liar


Desperate to resurrect his political career, George Allen has now resorted to telling an outright lie.

In August 2006, Allen pointed out a videographer paid by Webb’s campaign to track Allen at campaign stops. At a rally before a mostly white crowd in far southwestern Virginia, Allen pointed out S.R. Sidarth, the American-born son of Indian immigrants.

“In the process I gave the young cameraman the unfortunate, made-up nickname of Macaca (or Makaka),” Allen writes in the book’s final chapter. “I thought of it as a nonsense word. If I had known the nickname could be considered a racial slur, I would not have said it. But that is how it was characterized. The poor judgment was mine. I should never have dragged this young man into the debate when my real target was my opponent. I apologized to him, and take full responsibility for the remark and its aftermath, which should have been handled much better.”

That, in a word, is bull****.  As was well documented at the time, the fact is that the word “macaca” is a common racial slur in French North Africa, where George Allen’s mother was “born and raised”.  For more, see Salon’s “Stepping in Macaca”.

Though he doesn’t like to use it, the senator’s full name is George F. Allen. He gets the middle initial from his grandfather, Felix Lumbrosso, a French-Italian who was incarcerated by the Nazis during World War II. Felix raised Allen’s mother, Etty, in Tunisia, a French protectorate in North Africa. As a child, Allen’s grandparents lived near the family home, and Etty spoke five languages around the house. Allen makes no secret of his heritage on the campaign trail. “I have my grandfather’s bloodlines,” he said at a recent swing through a suburb of Richmond. “My grandfather is French-Italian. I have about one-sixteenth Spanish in me.”

In North Africa, the word “macaca,” often spelled “macaco” or “macaque,” is far more than a string of random syllables. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word dates back to the mid-1600s, as a Flemish approximation of the Bantu word for monkey in the Congo and southern Gabon. The word migrated north, taking on all the racist connotations that followed African colonization. By the early 1800s, Jacko Maccacco, a famous fighting monkey, could be found on display in Westminster Pit, a notorious London arena for dog fights. The word had entered the common vernacular, and it eventually became a racist shorthand for blacks.

Today, the word is used mainly by two groups of people: scientists studying African and Asian primates, and bullies looking to insult others for the color of their skin. An online dictionary of ethnic slurs lists “macaque” as a French and Belgian word for black North Africans.

Maybe George “Felix Macacawitz” Allen thinks we’ve all forgotten this over the past 4 years, or maybe he just thinks we’re idiots.  Fortunately, through the wonders of “Google,” we can quickly debunk revisionist history and outright lies, such as the one Allen just spewed forth in the Washington Post. The question is, will the corporate media let him get away with this attempt at resurrecting his image, via an outright lie, or what?

Urgent help needed for special election on June 15


The contents of an email just received from Del. David Englin:

Dear Ken,

Three weeks from today — on June 15 — Democrats have an opportunity to pick up a seat in the House of Delegates that we’d have almost no chance of winning any other time. Our Democratic nominee, Kai Degner, is a grassroots community organizer who, at age 27 was elected Mayor of Harrisonburg, winning every precinct in the city and receiving more votes than John McCain and Sarah Palin. For the past two years, he’s been hard at work creating jobs, making government more transparent, increasing citizen involvement, and working toward a more sustainable Harrisonburg.

Now he’s running in the June 15 special election to fill the seat vacated by Matt Lohr, a Republican who has accepted a position in the McDonnell Administration. During a regular election, it would be very difficult for a Democrat to win this heavily Republican district. However, special elections are different, and the candidate with the best grassroots operation who can target and turnout voters can win. Mayor Kai Degner is that candidate. Better still, the Republican candidate has virtually gone into hiding, and there’s an Independent candidate running as an even more conservative alternative to the Republican. In other words, with your help and support, this could be the perfect storm for an upset victory by a terrific Democrat!

Mayor Kai Degner needs all the help he can get down the home stretch. Can you please contribute $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford right now so he has the resources to win an upset victory on June 15?
