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Cenk Uygur, Paul Krugman on Eric Cantor, Right-Wing Victimhood, etc.


The following “Young Turks” video and excerpt from today’s Paul Krugman column pretty much sum up my feelings toward Eric Cantor’s “bullet through my office window” story. Enjoy.

Now, here’s Paul Krugman.

What has been really striking has been the eliminationist rhetoric of the G.O.P., coming not from some radical fringe but from the party’s leaders. John Boehner, the House minority leader, declared that the passage of health reform was “Armageddon.” The Republican National Committee put out a fund-raising appeal that included a picture of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, surrounded by flames, while the committee’s chairman declared that it was time to put Ms. Pelosi on “the firing line.” And Sarah Palin put out a map literally putting Democratic lawmakers in the cross hairs of a rifle sight.

All of this goes far beyond politics as usual. Democrats had a lot of harsh things to say about former President George W. Bush – but you’ll search in vain for anything comparably menacing, anything that even hinted at an appeal to violence, from members of Congress, let alone senior party officials.

Of course, the facts would interfere with right wingers’ desperate attempts at false equivalency and victimhood, not to mention the cowardly corporate media’s eager embrace of this meme.  So, carry on, cowardly corporate media, you’re doing a heckuva job as always!

UPDATE: Cantor’s story continues to crumble.

Cantor: Another GOP Embarrassment


(Also posted at Blue Commonwealth)

As if the Virginia Republicans hadn’t inflicted enough on the rest of us with the timid, hesitating guy who was elected governor and the fire-breathing wing nut who became attorney general, now we have Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th), GOP House whip, blaming the Democrats for the crazies that the GOP encouraged and assisted in their campaign to demonize the President of the United States and the health care reform bill.

Now we have the absurdity of Cantor blaming the people who have been victimized by death threats and obscene comments left on answering machines for the hatred the Republican party has only too happily promoted.

Cantor angrily lashed out at several Democratic leaders, accusing them of “dangerously fanning the flames” by blaming the GOP. He said he, too, has also been the recipient of threats.

The incident he was evidently referring to was last week when Cantor’s office in Richmond had a window broken by a bullet. Police now believe that someone fired a weapon in the air after hours, and the bullet broke the window as it fell to the earth. It did not even have enough force to penetrate the window’s blinds.

(I once had my classroom penetrated by a bullet after school hours. A window was broken and the bullet lodged in the wall opposite the windows. The police determined the bullet was probably fired by vandals with no malice. So, Mr. Cantor, don’t worry. Your incident was probably like mine.)

That’s not what we are talking about here. We are discussing why Republicans have spent most of this year fanning the fires of extremism and why Eric Cantor would dare to blame the Democrats for it.

Cantor continued, “I have deep concerns that some – DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen and DNC Chairman Tim Kaine in particular – are dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting that these incidents be used as a political weapon. Security threats against members of Congress is [sic] not a partisan issue, and they should not be treated that way. To use such threats as political weapons is reprehensible.”

Excuse me, Cantor, but you people have been “fanning” that fire for months. Face it, Cantor. You and the rest of your party have acquiesced in allowing Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and others like them become the face of the GOP. You were deliriously happy when Dick Armey and some of his friends decided to invent the “Tea Party.” Far too many of your party – including Bob Goodlatte – decided that they would jump on the “Tea Party” hate wagon and go for a ride.

I personally witnessed my so-called “representative,” Bob Goodlatte (R-6th), smile and encourage the “Tea Baggers” who packed his phony “town hall meeting” last August. Goodlatte called on many of the extremists in attendance to ask questions. He preened and pranced around, approving the venom they spewed and distorting what the legislation that has now passed Congress would do. The few people who tried to speak rationally were shouted down by the “Tea Beggers,” and Goodlatte did nothing to stop them.

Now, all you Republicans are reaping the harvest of your reliance on hatred to replace a viable political philosophy.

When Republican members of Congress go out and applaud the people in a rowdy crowd below, the same people who had called Rep. Barney Frank a “faggot,” who had called Rep. John Lewis and other Black members of Congress “Ni**ers” and spat on them, who cursed Democratic representatives entering Congress…the result is that the Republicans become part of that mob.

Eric Cantor may try to deflect the backlash from his political party but to no avail. He and his ilk have become the “Party of Hate” as well as “the Party of No.”

I find myself agreeing with David Frum, former speech writer for George W. Bush, who recently said, “Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we’re discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party.”

“We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat,” Frum said.

He might have added that it led them to make themselves a laughingstock, instead of a viable alternative to the Democrats. It also unleashed a dangerous force into our society.

It Can’t Be Unconstitutional If It’s Not A Mandate


As I’m sure you heard, our fine Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, is working hard to defend us against the evils of having to buy health insurance. In fact, Cooch claims, this is not just a bad policy but actually unconstitutional, and he’s on a mission to prove it. Now, there are any number of obstacles to this suit making any headway, including the fact that its utterly devoid of any merit.  But minor quibbles aside (heh), let’s start at the beginning, with Cooch claiming a “mandate” is unconstitutional. There’s only one problem, as Ezra Klein explains: this isn’t really a “mandate” at all.

Most people will never notice the mandate, as they get insurance through their employer and that’s good enough for the government. But of those who aren’t exempt and aren’t insured, the choice will be this: Purchase insurance or pay a small fine. In 2016, the first year the fine is fully in place, it will be $695 a year or 2.5 percent of income, whichever is higher. That makes the mandate progressive.

And what happens if you don’t buy insurance and you don’t pay the penalty? Well, not much. The law specifically says that no criminal action or liens can be imposed on people who don’t pay the fine. If this actually leads to a world in which large numbers of people don’t buy insurance and tell the IRS to stuff it, you could see that change. But for now, the penalties are low and the enforcement is non-existent.

That’s right, you have the option of buying health insurance or not buying health insurance. And if you don’t buy health insurance, what happens to you? Not much, or at worst a “fine” – essentially a fee for being a “free rider” on the system – that you  have essentially chosen to pay in order to not carry health insurance coverage.  That’s some onerous “mandate,” huh?  No, didn’t think so. In fact, it’s far more accurate to call this a combination incentive and disincentive to purchase health insurance. But you don’t HAVE to. So where’s the “mandate” exactly?

By the way, what’s so hilarious about the sudden Republican hysteria on the individual (non-)mandate is that they’re the ones who came up with this idea in the first place! That’s right, back in 1993, Republicans supported the individual mandate “as a competition to the employer mandate focus of the Democrats at the time.” Even in 2006, Republican Mitt Romney wrote the following in the Wall Street Journal:

Some of my libertarian friends balk at what looks like an individual mandate…But remember, someone has to pay for the health care that must, by law, be provided: Either the individual pays or the taxpayers pay. A free ride on government is not libertarian.

Today, suddenly, Romney and other Republicans are against THEIR OWN IDEA of an “individual mandate,” because that’s the politically expedient thing for them to do. But that doesn’t mean there’s any merit to their argument that it’s “unconstitutional.”  And that’s before we even address the question of whether being given the OPTION of purchasing insurance or paying a fee/fine/whatever is truly a “mandate” at all. I’d argue it isn’t, since you don’t have to do it (which is what “mandate” means, right?).  

Regardless, there’s almost certainly nothing unconstitutional about government requiring people to pay a fee/fine/tax/whatever, unless the courts decide to overturn centuries of legal precedent. Which means that Ken Cuccinelli is simply wasting everyone’s time and money on a wild goose chase that will lead nowhere, instead of doing his job – cracking down on predatory lenders, internet predators, gangs, etc., etc.  Gee, aren’t you glad you hired the “tough-on-crime” Republican as Attorney General?  

Broadband.gov – Testing Connection Speeds


The FCC has recently rolled out an ambitious plan to dramatically improve broadband access and speed across the country.  One of the primary goals that should get everyone’s attention is to achieve “actual download speeds of at least 100 megabits per second and actual upload speeds of at least 50 megabits” for 100 million+ homes.  And the key word “affordable” is repeated in almost every goal.   The entire National Broadband Plan can be found at http://www.broadband.gov.  There are a lot of good ideas in there.

But this post isn’t about the plan in general, just a specific aspect – the viewing and collection of download speed data.   Under the heading of Consumer Broadband Test on the site you can test your current internet connection speed.  The stated purpose:

The purpose of the Consumer Broadband Test (Beta) is to give consumers additional information about the quality of their broadband connections and to create awareness about the importance of broadband quality in accessing content and services over the internet. Additionally, the FCC may use data collected from the Consumer Broadband Test (Beta), along with submitted street address, to analyze broadband quality and availability on a geographic basis across the United States.

I highly encourage everyone to participate (at least give it one try) for two reasons:

1. It’ll give you some information about your download speeds.  It probably won’t come as a big surprise, but to see some actual numbers against what you’re paying your internet provider for could be eye opening.  

2. If you’re not paranoid about the government (yes, they do ask for your location) spying on you, this will give the FCC valuable information to help them move the National Plan along.

Wait, there’s more…

If you have an iPhone or an Android based smart phone you can do the same test for them from anywhere.  

For kicks I downloaded the iPhone version and so far it’s told me that AT&T isn’t doing a great job in the D.C. area.  Check out some data points from random tests I’ve done the past two weeks (all speeds in Mbps):

Download Upload
1.00 0.02
0.37 0.05
1.11 0.33
0.41 0.05
0.86 0.28
1.13 0.22
0.18 0.08

Compared to Chicago (where I had a chance to test briefly last weekend).

Download Upload
1.48 0.23
1.87 0.21

Uploads weren’t great in the Windy City, but the two download data points smoked the average I’m getting around D.C.

Not ground breaking (yet), but overall this is an ambitious and potentially awesome plan and I recommend everyone at least check it out.  And participate with the data collection if you can.

Webb, Warner Vote For Reconciliation Package


Thank you to Jim Webb and Mark Warner, who both voted for the House “reconciliation” bill this afternoon, sending it back to the House of Representatives for final approval. Hopefully, the House will vote early this evening and send the “fixes” package to President Obama for his signature.  With that, the year-long odyssey of health care reform will be finished, and we can move on to other, pressing business – the economy, immigration reform, clean energy/climate legislation, financial reform, etc.

Example #Infinity: When Democrats Vote For Right-Wing Bills, It Kills Their Message


There are so many examples of this phenomenon, it’s hard to know where to start. I’m talking about Democrats voting for a right-wing bill, then hoping that nobody remembers (or something) so they can use that same bill as a campaign issue against Republicans.  Recent Virginia examples that leap to mind include: Democrats voting for – and Tim Kaine signing into law – the 2007 “transportation monstrosity” (including “abuser fees” and “regional taxation authorities”), which took that issue off the table for Democrats in the General Assembly elections that fall; Democrats voting for Bob McDonnell’s crappy budget this year, then hoping to run against McDonnell’s policies next year; Democrats voting for Bob Marshall’s crazy anti-“mandate” bill, then attempting to criticize Ken Cuccinelli’s constitutional challenge to mandates.

On that latter issue, a classic example came yesterday, as Democrats held a press conference in Richmond to denounced Cuccinelli’s anti-“mandate” lawsuit. The two featured speakers were Sen. Donald McEachin and Del. Jennifer McClellan (also a member of the DNC, a “superdelegate,” and vice chair of the DPVA). In McEachin’s case, that’s fine, as he voted against this horrible bill. The problem is with Jennifer McClellan, who – believe it or not – actually voted for the so-called “Health Care Freedom Act,” which declares “that a resident of the Commonwealth shall not be required to obtain or maintain a policy of individual insurance coverage.”  In short, Del. McClellan spoke at the press conference yesterday denouncing HB 10, even though she voted for HB10. I’m confused.

By the way, Jennifer McClellan was not the only Democrat who voted for this horrible piece of legislation. The only reason I’m singling her out is that she was chosen to represent Democrats at a high-profile press conference denouncing that very same legislation. Does that make any sense to anyone? If so, I’d love to hear the explanation.

P.S. I forgot to mention earlier, the VA GOP Caucus posted about this first thing this morning, pointing to the difference on this issue between Jennifer McClellan and her husband, DPVA Executive Director Dave Mills. You see how this undercuts our messaging?

UPDATE: It’s worth noting that Del. McClellan voted “no” on this bill multiple times prior to voting “yes” on the Senate substitute.

NRCC Spokesman Condones Threats Against Perriello


In the past 24 hours, several Republicans – Ken Cuccinelli, Bob McDonnell, Lawrence Verga, Feda Morton, etc. – have condemned acts of violence or threats of violence against Tom Perriello.  For instance, Verga says, “If you disagree with him then don’t vote for him in November, but promoting and/or committing any act of violence toward him or his family should not and will not be tolerated.”  Cuccinelli called the posting of Perriello’s brother’s address, “appalling,” adding, “I think that is way over the line. I don’t think it’s even close.” And Bob McDonnell chimed in as well: “I certainly condemn anybody using any acts of vandalism or violence to express their opinion…That’s not the way we do business in Virginia.”

But not National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) spokesman Andy Sere.  Instead, he’s in pure “blame the victim” mode. Check this out.

While his organization doesn’t condone such behavior, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Andy Sere said Perriello is not the victim.

“Central and Southside Virginians are the ones who are going to have the bear the burden of increased taxes,” he said. “What you’re seeing is a frustration among his constituents who believe he’s not listening to them.”

That’s right, according to the NRCC spokesman, threats of violence (and worse) against his family are actually Tom Perriello’s fault because he had the audacity to vote for health care reform.  In other words, the NRCC spokesman is arguing, in America if you disagree with a policy of your government or a vote by your duly elected representative, the recourse is not the “ballot box” but the metaphorical “bullet box.”  So, Republicans, which is it going to be: are you going to unequivocally condemn violence and incitement to violence, or are you going to condone it and end up with blood on your hands? It’s your choice.

P.S. Just to be clear, I absolutely and strongly condemn ANY violence or threats of violence against ANYONE in politics (or otherwise), whether they are people on the left making threats against George W. Bush (or other Republican candidates or elected officials) or people on the right making threats against Barack Obama (or other Democratic candidates or elected officials). Having said that, can anyone recall an equivalent back in the Reagan or Bush days to what’s going on now, with high-ranking Democratic officials condoning or even advocating violence against Reagan or Bush?  I can’t.

UPDATE: NotAndySere writes about Sen. Robert Hurt’s shameful, cowardly, inexcusable silence.

A day after all of the Charlottesville area candidates managed to come out against threats of violence, where is Robert Hurt? Is Hurt too busy fundraising at the end of the financial quarter to make a statement? Is he too worried about coming out in opposition to the antics of the Danville Tea Party, which have been condemned by the local paper? Is this just how they do things down in Southside? Or maybe Hurt’s going to let a spokesman explain everything for us because he’s too afraid to do anything on his own?

UPDATE #2: Tom Perriello talks on CNN about these threats.

UPDATE #3: Andy Sere is completely wrong on the substance of his charge that “Central and Southside Virginians are the ones who are going to have the bear the burden of increased taxes.” In fact, according to the Census Bureau, only 6.1% of Virginia households make more than $200,000 per year, and obviously an even smaller share make $250,000 per year, which is the threshold for paying higher taxes under this legislation. In addition, median income in the 5th CD is significantly lower than in Virginia as whole. The bottom line is that we’re talking about maybe 2% or 3% of 5th CD households facing tax increases, while 97%-98% of 5th CD households receive subsidies, tax cuts, and the many other benefits (on pre-existing conditions, closing the “donut hole,” etc.) this legislation offers.  Also see this fact sheet, which notes, “There are 183,000 households in the district that could qualify for these credits if they purchase health insurance through the exchange or, in the case of households with incomes below 133% of poverty, receive coverage through Medicaid.”

UPDATE 3a: It’s also worth pointing out that over 50% of those households are in Albemarle and Charlottesville, so the tax effect on Southside and other (comparatively) economically-distressed areas of the 5th is even LESS significant…than the 1%-2% of the district as a whole. Probably down to 0.5% or so of households outside of Albemarle and C-ville.

UPDATE #4: Actually, it turns out that only 2.3% of 5th CD households earn over $200,000 per year.  I don’t see the statistics, but obviously, an even lower percentage earns more than $250,000 per year, the threshold for paying higher taxes under the new health care reform law. So, we’re talking about 1%-2% of (the wealthiest) 5th CD residents facing higher taxes, 98%-99% seeing the same or lower taxes (plus all the other benefits of health care reform). Sere is simply wrong.

UPDATE #5: Virgil Goode also condones the threats and illegality against Tom Perriello, saying “that’s just part of being a public official.”

UPDATE #6: The DCCC has issued a statement in response to Sere.

House Republicans and Right Wing extremists are completely out of control and are now justifying and validating dangerous new levels of violence. This is exactly the type of extremist and despicable behavior that turns off independents and just about everyone else. Given the current threats against House Democrats and their families, House Minority Leader John Boehner and NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions must apologize immediately for this disgraceful comment from their own ranks.

UPDATE #7: And Sere (incredibly) holds his ground.

Deplorable as it is, we’re not going to allow Tom Perriello to use one isolated incident as a cynical ploy to distract Virginians from the higher taxes and Medicare cuts he just imposed on them. Thousands of Rep. Perriello’s constituents have legitimately expressed their frustration with him via letters, rallies and town hall meetings, and we will always support their right to do so.

Amazing. As if anyone is against peoples’ rights to peaceful protest against policies they disagree with. What we ARE against is violence and threats of violence.  What about that doesn’t Andy Sere understand? Or, does he understand it perfectly well and simply agree with it?

UPDATE #8: Eric Cantor somehow manages to blame Tim Kaine and Chris Van Hollen “for ‘dangerously fanning the flames’ by using threats against Dem lwmkrs as a ‘political weapon.'”

UPDATE #9: Robert Hurt tweets, “I condemn the vandalism that occurred at Rep. Perriello’s brother’s home and any other attacks that have taken place across the country.”

Quick Reminder on Who Has the Support of Virginians


OFA Health Care Reform'edReview time — the number of Virginians who voted to elect:

Barack Obama & Joe Biden: 1,959,532

Bob McDonnell & Ken Cuccinelli (avg): 1,141,426

In other words, 72% more Virginians voted for Obama/Biden than voted for McDonnell/Cuccinelli. Let’s keep that in mind the next time someone claims to speak for Virginians.

What’s that you say? A lieutenant governor? Yeah, I remember hearing something about that last November too, but I haven’t heard a word since then.