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Catherine Crabill on Muslim Prayer to House of Delegates: “Just say NO to this blasphemy!”


I may just make this a regular feature of Blue Virginia: “It’s not just crazy, it’s 1st CD (Republican? Tea Party?) candidate (well, maybe) Catherine Crabill Crazy!!!”  Here’s the latest from her Facebook page, in reaction to this article in today’s Washington Post (“Boycott urged for Muslim imam’s prayer in Virginia House”).  Take it away – far, far away! – Catherine “Bullet Box” Crabill!

Again, this is a Christian Nation that extends grace to people of other faith’s that are not reciprocated to Christians. Just say NO to this blasphemy! Islam is the enemy of liberty, period.

I reject Muslim’s offering prayers sanctified by any branch or office of our government. The Koran is the antithesis of liberty. And because of the Christianity of our nation you Muslims have been offered a refuge here that we would NEVER be offered in your world. Please respect OUR faith and OUR heritage just as you would NEVER allow a Christian or Jew to pray in your mosque or place of government which does not offend me.

Baliles: Cooch’s Legal Reasoning Flawed [UPDATE: Two Lies from Cooch]


Former Gov. (and former Attorney General) Gerald Baliles refutes Ken Cuccinelli’s legal reasoning on whether Virginia colleges and universities can protect gay students, professors, etc. from discrimination.

The Attorney General’s opinion, in my judgment, erroneously attempts to place colleges and universities into the same category as “local governments,” and therefore, subject to the Dillon Rule’s requirement of operating only within specific enumerated grants of power from the General Assembly.

For years – decades, even –public colleges and universities have operated pursuant to their “own charters.” In the Educational Institutions title of the Virginia Code, the specific statutes creating the Commonwealth’s public colleges and universities, and amended over the years, including recent restructuring legislation, grant very broad powers to presidents and boards of visitors to “make all needful rules and regulations” concerning their operations and to “generally direct the affairs of their institutions.” Thus, unless the General Assembly affirmatively revokes such powers, Virginia’s public colleges and universities may continue to engage in adopting rules and regulations necessary to their operations, including standards of conduct.

In short, we have an Attorney General who, aside from being a raging homophobe, is also ignorant of Virginia law. Great combination, huh?

h/t: Rosalind Helderman at the Virginia Politics Blog

UPDATE #1: The Alexandria City Council weighs in.

UPDATE #2: Cuccinelli makes a couple of claims that are almost certainly not true. First, Cooch that nobody disagrees with his legal reasoning. On this point, see Baliles’ opinion above. Second, Cooch repeatedly claims that his office was just answering a question, and that there’s no political motivation or anything else in this. The problem is, at least as far as I know, Cooch’s office hasn’t provided any evidence that it received a request on this subject.  If so, I’d love to hear who made that “request,” but barring any evidence, my assumption is that Cooch undertook all this on his own initiative.

Farris Blasts McDonnell On The “Sin” of Homosexuality


It looks like Bob McDonnell’s “base” isn’t happy about his “executive directive” on anti-gay discrimination in state employment.

“I think this action is incredibly disappointing, to the point of being shocking,” said Michael P. Farris, the chancellor of Patrick Henry College, a private Christian college in Loudoun County. “The deeper message it sends is that people who think homosexuality is a sin are wrong. They are irrational.”

Farris, a lawyer and constitutional scholar who ran for lieutenant governor in 1993, said he thinks McDonnell’s policy statement will be used in courts to help challenge Virginia’s constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, which McDonnell supported. “I don’t think the people advising him were doing anything other than reading polls,” Farris said.

In addition to Farris, we’ve also got “Sideshow” Bob Marshall calling McDonnell’s directive no more than “a press release with fluff around it” and Virginia Cobb of the Family Foundation declaring that “adding additional classes of persons to the Commonwealth’s non-discrimination policy is unnecessary.”

The bottom line is that McDonnell may have defused this issue with most people, but he doesn’t appear to have mollified his “base” in the least.  Unfortunately for McDonnell, defusing social issues while not completely pissing off his base is going to represent a continuing, and difficult, challenge on “social issues” like this one, all while he attempts to be the “Bob’s for Jobs” governor in the middle of a deep recession. If he can pull all that off, I’ll definitely take my hat off to his political skills.  If he can’t, well, he didn’t really want to be president anyway. 🙂

UPDATE: VA Social Conservative writes, “I also have to side with Dr. Farris in expressing my disappointment in Governor McDonnell. If you can’t stand up for traditional values when the law is on your side and the General Assembly is with you, when can you?”

Screw You BCS


I love NFL football. But I’m completely disinterested in NCAA football. Why?

If you hate watching meaningful football games, you should love college football’s Bowl Championship Series. Maryland played East Carolina this week at RFK Stadium. Announced attendance was 38,062, thousands below capacity – at a stadium just nine miles from the Maryland campus. Feel the bowl excitement!

If you hate Cinderella stories, you should love the BCS. Texas Christian University went undefeated this year, but cannot win the national title. Boise State has finished undefeated twice in recent years, both times winning the Fiesta Bowl, without being allowed a chance at the national title either time.

If you like preserving wealth & power in the hands of the privileged few over a true meritocracy, you should love the BCS. Only 14 teams have appeared in the 13 BCS Championship games, with 10 of the 26 slots going to just 3 teams (Oklahoma, Ohio State & Florida State).

College football’s lack of a playoff system is one of the great enduring atrocities of modern sports. Look at it this way: Can you imagine any other sport dismantling their playoff system in exchange for a lone title game in which the participants are based in large part on subjective opinions? What if the NCAA proposed canceling the NCAA basketball tournament & just letting #1 & #2 play for the title? Or if the NFL skipped the playoffs and put the Patriots & Falcons in the Super Bowl right now?

Amazingly, the BCS still has some misguided defenders. Just listen to this convoluted defense of the system from Not Larry Sabato:

[L]et’s explore what this season would look like with an eight team playoff.  Assuming the first rounds were held at home, with the semifinals and national championship held at neutral sites at a traditional bowl this is what we would be looking at:

(8) Arkansas at (1) Auburn

plays the winner of

(5) Wisconsin at (4) Stanford

(6) Ohio State at (3) TCU

plays the winner of

(7) Oklahoma at (2) Oregon

HOLY CRAP DOES THAT LOOK AWESOME! Wait, is NLS arguing for or against a college football playoff here? Let’s see:

How is this outcome superior to the BCS?  Auburn and Arkansas already played this season- and Auburn won. The controversy of who qualifies for the BCS Championship Game today would shift to which teams qualify for the final playoff slots.  

Why should Wisconsin (11-1) and Ohio State (11-1) get road playoff games for a chance to move into position for a national championship when their co-conference champion Michigan State (11-1) wouldn’t qualify for the playoffs as the #9 team in the country?  Why does PAC-10 runner up Stanford deserve a potential shot at Auburn in a semi-final game to move into a potential national championship against Oregon that already defeated them?

What this season once again shows is despite all of the complaints and teeth-gnashing about the BCS each year, the system continues to work and provide the best possible outcome.  This year the two teams that deserve to play for a national championship are Auburn and Oregon and they both will get that opportunity.

How is it superior to get 7 awesome meaningful football games and a true champion, instead of just 1 meaningful game and a champion who may have to answer critics who say TCU might’ve been better? And when teams play twice or more in the same season in other leagues, it’s called drama & rivalry.

NLS doesn’t get into it here, but BCS defenders will also say student athletes shouldn’t that many games. What they ignore is that college football players already play 2-3 more games per year than they did just two decades ago. It’s OK for players to play more games to fill BCS coffers, but not to give fans a true champion?

It’s well past time for a college football playoff.

Exclusive Blue Virginia Interview: Krystal Ball (D-1st CD)


The other day, I sent out questionnaires to both Democratic Congressional candidates – Krystal Ball and Scott Robinson – in the 1st Congressional District (currently misrepresented by Rob Wittman) Here are Krystal Ball’s Q&A’s; I will print Scott Robinson’s as soon as I receive them. After that, and having already spoken in person with both candidates, I will consider making an endorsement in this race. In the meantime, thanks very much to Krystal Ball for responding promptly, and also for her thorough, well-thought-out answers to my questions!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself, and specifically, what made you decide to run for Congress at this time?

I was born and raised in King George, Virginia and educated in King George public schools.  I attended Clemson University as an NCAA Div I scholarship swimmer and then transferred to the University of Virginia, where I played water polo and graduated with a degree in economics.  I am a CPA.  I previously worked for a large contractor to the Federal Government designing and implementing accounting software for the US Federal Courts.  I currently have a small business, which I founded with my husband three years ago and which develops educational software for clients in the United States and around the world.  Thousands of students every day use the software we have created.  I have also worked on literacy issues in the developing world, particularly for women and girls, and have spent considerable time in India on my philanthropic, educational work.  I have also worked with education partners in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Jordan and South Korea.

Those are my biographical details.  To put these details in context, my father was raised in poverty in West Virginia, the son of a union coal miner and a teacher.  They lived in a trailer and eventually built a house with their own hands.  My father, who was an excellent student in rural, West Virginia public schools, got straight As his whole life and attended West Virginia University and Indiana University on government scholarships, earned his PhD in theoretical physics and spent his entire career working on technologies to defend our country at the Dahlgren Naval Surface Warfare Center, in the 1st CD.  My mother was the daughter of a union sheet metal worker who stormed the beaches of Normandy during World War II and a union postal worker.  She attended college with the financial support of the Catholic Church and went on to be a teacher, assistant principal and school board chairwoman.

My grandparents were able to provide a life for my parents that allowed them to go to college because of the assistance of unions and the government, combined with my parents’ hard work.  They didn’t have to do it alone.  My parents were able to provide a wonderful life for my sisters and me, complete with goats and fruit trees in King George, because of help from the government and their own hard work.  They didn’t have to do it alone.  I am now able to provide my own daughter with an upper middle class lifestyle and achieve the American Dream of having my own small business based on their sacrifices.  That’s why I never got a B in high school, it’s why I never lost a swimming race in Virginia in high school, it’s why I never got a B when studying economics, it’s why I earned a perfect score on the auditing and attestation CPA exam…it’s why I get up at 4:30 AM every day now and work on my business and why I ultimately decided to run for Congress.   I have the life that I have through the hard work, sacrifice and dedication of people like my parents and grandparents and the assistance of strong unions and government help.  I will not stand by and watch as those with a contempt for government, a disdain for working class people and hatred of unions make it so difficult for poor people today to enter the middle class the way my family did.

I am running for Congress because it’s time to say “enough” to those who want to gut the very government services that help lift people out of poverty, who vote against health care for poor children, who refuse to give gay Americans equal rights, who would take away a woman’s right to choose and who would not just stand by in indifference as income inequality destroys the middle class, but would actually enact tax cuts for the wealthy.  I want a food supply for my daughter regulated by people who care about our planet and our families and not who serve the interests of agribusiness.  I want a country where the environment is protected and where everyone has health care.  That’s why I’m running.  People like me, people under 30, became active in the political process only recently, in 2008.  Now they are disillusioned and adrift and in Virginia they didn’t vote in the last election.  I want my campaign to serve as an example to them of the way that our generation has to do its part to make this country the way we want it to be.  I want to show that there is a place for idealism in this country and that our generation can be a part of the political process.  Right now, not in the mythical someday soon that’s never going to arrive unless ordinary people step up, run for office and win.

2. What three issues are you most passionate about and why?


This is my number one issue.  I believe every child deserves the opportunity to live up to their potential.  Education is why my family is not still living in a trailer in West Virginia and struggling to put food on the table.  Education allows human potential to be realized.  Education should be the embodiment of equal treatment under the law where every child, white or black, rich or poor, is treated equally and given equal access to a world class education.  And we have failed miserably in this regard and it is a source of deep human pain, violence and huge social problems.  I work in this field and I want to run for Congress because I have seen and been involved in creating educational models that work for everyone, that are affordable and that properly honor and compensate teachers as the motive force in sustaining democracy and I want these, and other models to be adopted so that we realize the true promise of public education and transform this country as a result.

Environmental Protection

I watch in horror as my own elected Congressman, Rob Wittman, votes against cap and trade.  The 1st is home to the Chesapeake Bay and is all too aware of the damage caused by a polluted environment.  A lot of people don’t realize this but all of our Bay conservation efforts will be wasted if we do not halt global warming which is (among other things) a major contributor to the algal blooms which are so harmful to Bay ecology.  My generation does not, by and large, deny global warming.  We want energy independence through green technology, we want organic foods available at a low cost, we don’t want families to have to choose between poisoning themselves and food they can’t afford.  We want water that is clean, air that’s breathable and an environment that is not a toxic stew of agricultural run-off, industrial carcinogens and climate crushing green house gases.  I am passionate about this because we are shaping the world my daughter will live in and she can’t do anything about it except look to me and to us for the leadership that absolutely must come forward and protect this planet now.  I’m a pro-growth environmentalist because I believe that sustainability, technology and a healthy population are essential to long-term economic growth.

Technology Based Job Creation

The only way that income inequality is going to change, the only way that the next generation is going to be able to be lifted out of poverty the way that my parents’  generation was, is through job creation in areas that the United States has significant comparative advantage.  I work in the field of computer based education, where the US is unquestionably the world leader and I watch my colleagues who work in other aspects of our technology sector, from software to renewable energy to nanotechnology to genomics and pharmacology and I see our comparative advantage every day.  We have hard working people throughout the 1st CD and America who can be trained to work in high tech industries, especially those industries that become economically viable as the costs of environmental destruction are brought from externalities to business expenses.  We can lead the world in next generation technologies, including green energy.  We are the world’s largest energy consumers.  With proper government leadership and the right regulations, we should have a job creation engine of dignified wage jobs, not an anemic economy unable even to generate enough minimum wage jobs to keep people from desperation.

3. How would you describe yourself ideologically – “progressive,” “conservative,” “moderate,”  “liberal,” or something else?

I am a pro-growth progressive.  I support industry and economic growth, but in the service of a higher quality of life, not as the master.  I believe in government’s basic role as a social equalizer, leveling the playing field in favor of those struggling in poverty, the working middle class and small business owners, especially those just starting a business.  I believe in strong environmental and financial regulation.  I believe in civil liberties, the right to choose for ourselves in marriage, reproduction and self-defense.  

4. Who is your favorite Virginia politician and why?

My favorite Virginia politician is Senator Mark Warner.  I love Mark Warner because he has built businesses, created jobs and chose public service.  He ran and governed as a moderate.  He displayed exceptional management competence and fiscal discipline, he made Virginia the most business-friendly state and he didn’t leave working families behind.  He united Republicans and Democrats under the banner of good governance.  Mark Warner helped turn Virginia blue, or at least purple.  I just hope he doesn’t let us down on health care!

I’m also a great supporter of Congressman Tom Perriello who was part of my inspiration to run for office.  I think he’s provided a phenomenal model for how to champion our Democratic values in a way that appeals to and is respectful of conservative-leaning voters.  He’s incredibly hard-working, smart, and devoted to his constituents.  I also think he’s shown a lot of courage since he’s been in office.

5. Arguably, the biggest debate politically this year in the United States has been over health reform.  If you were in Congress right now, how would you vote on: a) a robust public option; b) allowing public funds to be used to provide abortion coverage; c) allowing undocumented immigrants to buy health insurance (with their own money) on the proposed insurance “exchanges;” and d) a surcharge on wealthy Americans in order to pay for this bill?

I’d vote in favor of a robust public option, in favor of allowing public funds to be used to provide abortion coverage, in favor of allowing illegal immigrants to buy health insurance with their own money on exchanges and in favor of an income surcharge on wealthy Americans if necessary to pay for this bill.

6. With regard to another top issue –  energy and the environment – if you were in Congress right now, how would you vote on: a) a revenue-neutral carbon tax; b) a strong cap-and-trade bill; c) aggressive mandatory renewable energy standards; d) sharply increasing energy efficiency standards for vehicles, appliances, etc.; e) oil drilling off Virginia’s coast or other environmentally sensitive areas (e.g., ANWR); and f) mountaintop removal coal mining.

I would vote in favor of a revenue neutral carbon tax, in favor of a strong cap and trade bill, in favor of aggressive mandatory renewable energy standards for vehicles, appliances, etc, and against drilling off Virginia’s coast or environmentally sensitive areas, ANWR and against mountaintop removal coal mining.

7. In 2006, Jim Webb talked about America dividing into “three pieces,” with the “rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and the middle class getting squeezed.”  If you are elected to Congress, what will you do about this situation?

I am passionate about income inequality and tilting the playing field in favor of the poor and middle class.  I talk a lot about this in the section I wrote for you on Technology Based Job Creation, but I also have other ideas, including strong unions, affordable daycare, making community college free or close to free, local provisioning of social and governmental services (i.e. using child care subsidies to pay home based providers in local neighborhoods, having government call center functions distributed in economically challenged areas, increased support for telecommuting).  Education, however, is the ultimate equalizer and I believe that one of the reasons income inequality has increased is because of the way that our public education system has failed many of our most vulnerable students.

8. Education is crucial to our nation’s future, yet there are indications we are falling further and further behind to rising nations like China and India every year that goes by.  What would you do to reverse this trend and ensure that America remains the best educated nation in the world?

Let me first say, having spent a lot of time in India, I don’t want us to be like China and India.  I also don’t want us to exaggerate the extent of problems in our education system, which are much more about parity, equality, attracting new people to the teaching profession and supporting the excellent teachers we have.  India and China have absolutely inferior public education systems to our own.  We do not want to replicate their systems.  I have written in the education section of this questionnaire about my thoughts on education, but I believe our system can be revitalized through a combination of increased teacher salaries, implementation of technology within the classroom, increased teacher training and mentoring, an emphasis on local control over standardized test norms, an incentive based model to replicate excellence in teaching, shared national resources to promote excellent teaching and increased support for underperforming schools that is non-punitive and designed to address issues inside and outside of the classroom that impact student success.

9. On GLBT issues, where do you stand on: 1) repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” 2) allowing gays and lesbians to marry; 3) “hate crimes” legislation?

I am 100% committed to full LGBT equality at every level including repealing “DADT”, allowing full marriage equality and I am in full support of hate crimes legislation.

10. Finally, given that you have a Democratic opponent, why should voters – whether in a primary or a convention – support you as opposed to the other Democrat in the race?

Scott Robinson has served our country and I am grateful for his service.  There are two reasons to support me over Scott, one related to issues and the other related to electability.  Scott is opposed to marriage equality, has made public statements against the public option, has not articulated a position on a woman’s right to choose (I fully support the a woman’s right to choose).  Scott is not sufficiently distinguishable from Rob Wittman on electoral issues to make a meaningful difference for us in Washington.  Scott’s hesitation to take public positions on issues, despite the fact that he has been planning a run for this seat for several years, demonstrates to me a lack of political courage.  This does not serve our party and will ultimately not serve our country or the citizens of this district.  

We need leaders who take clear stands, popular or not and actually lead, who are committed to something more than getting elected.  I have demonstrated this clearly from the very first day of my campaign and I think that my clearly articulated, public stands on issues are an embodiment of the type of leader I will be, if elected.  Democrats, to succeed in elections or governance, must run based on core distinguishing principles.  I believe that my clear, distinct disagreements with Rob Wittman on virtually every significant national issue except gun control will make a clear choice for Democratic voters.  We know what happens when Democratic voters don’t have a clear choice, they don’t show up at the polls.  

This brings me to electability.  I have demonstrated the ability to attract national donors to this race, which is critical to raising the $2 million to $3 million it will take to beat Rob Wittman in the Fall.  I have also attracted hundreds of volunteers, thousands of campaign supporters and hundreds of donors because my campaign has an excitement that has galvanized people.  I can attract the thousands of volunteers it will require to run a successful GOTV and field operation.  

In addition, winning in the 1st CD is all about getting Obama voters to actually show up for a mid-term election.  With the uniqueness and energy of my campaign, with our proven ability to generate earned media, from local papers to Lou Dobbs and with our particular appeal to young voters who are crucial to Democratic victory, I am the only candidate who can win for Democrats in the 1st CD. There is no doubt that this is a tough district and to win we have to do something different.

Top 10 Virginia Political Stories of the Decade


Defining the decade as 2000-2009 and not the more technically correct 2001-2010, here are my “Top 10 Virginia Political Stories” of the past 10 years.

1. 2006: Jim Webb Beats George Allen, “Macaca” Enters the Lexicon

Former Reagan Administration Navy Secretary James Webb switches party, is “drafted,” and ultimately defeats incumbent U.S. Senator George Allen after a historic campaign. Among other things, the contest features a heated Democratic primary (against lobbyist Harris Miller) and then the near-complete meltdown of George Allen, who – among other things – introduces the word “macaca” into the lexicon. Also, a shoutout to Jim Webb’s 10,000-strong, grassroots/netroots “ragtag army” is most definitely in order here, because Webb most definitely wouldn’t have overcome George Allen’s huge money advantage without it.

2. 2008: Barack Obama Carries the Commonwealth

Barack Obama becomes the first Democratic presidential candidate since LBJ in 1964 to carry Virginia. Final result: Obama 1.96 million (53%)-McCain 1.73 million (46%) votes. [Also worth nothing, the Virginia Democratic primary on February 12, 2008 was a crucial victory for Barack Obama on his path to the nomination]

3. 2005: Tim Kaine Elected as “Mark Warner Part II.”

Mark Warner’s Lieutenant Governor, Tim Kaine, trails for much of the summer and fall against Attorney General Jerry Kilgore, before surging the last few weeks and winning by 6 points (52%-46%) on election day. Highlights of the campaign include Kilgore’s infamous “Hitler ad,” which is widely seen as having gone way beyond the bounds of acceptability. Kaine runs as “Mark Warner Part II,” and also ties Jerry Kilgore to the increasingly unpopular George W. Bush. Also worth noting: the Virginia pro-Democratic blogosphere comes to the fore, with blogs like Raising Kaine, Not Larry Sabato, and Waldo Jaquith leading the way.

4. 2001: Mark Warner Defeats Mark Earley for Governor

Less than two months after the 9/11 attacks, which included a plane slamming into the Pentagon, Mark Warner defeats Attorney General Mark Earley 52%-47% to become governor of Virginia. Warner goes on to become one of the most popular and most successful governors in Virginia history, then is elected to the U.S. Senate in 2008. By the way, I would have put this one higher, except that at the time (after the 9/11 attacks and the invasion of Afghanistan) I don’t think most people were particularly focused on Virginia politics.

5. 2000: George Allen Defeats Chuck Robb for U.S. Senate

Former Lieutenant Governor, former Governor, and two-term U.S. Senator Chuck Robb is defeated by former Governor George Allen by 4 points (52%-48%), on the same day that George W. Bush defeats Al Gore by 8 points (52.5%-44.4%). Robb had previously survived a tight race against Oliver North in the “Republican Revolution” year of 1994, but he couldn’t quite make it in 2000.

6. 2009: Bob McDonnell Annihilates Creigh Deeds for Governor

Creigh Deeds is trounced by Bob McDonnell, 58.6%-41.3%, in one of the worst defeats in Virginia gubernatorial history. Prior landslides include George Allen by 17 points (58%-41%) over Mary Sue Terry in 1993 and Jim Gilmore over Don Beyer by 13 points (55.8%-42.6%). Deeds unsuccessfully attempts to make McDonnell’s Regent University thesis an issue, while McDonnell focuses on economic issues at a time of serious recession. Deeds also turns off many “base” voters by proclaiming that he’s not a “Barack Obama Democrat,” as well as by stating his opposition to “cap and trade” legislation and to the “public option.”

7. 2009: Brian Moran, Creigh Deeds and Terry McAuliffe Battle for Democratic Gubernatorial Nomination

Having been in the middle of this one, first as a pro-Brian Moran blogger, then as as a pro-Terry McAuliffe blogger, I can tell you it wasn’t fun. Friends divided against friends. People accusing other people – with zero evidence, of course – of having “sold out.” Moran and McAuliffe knocking each other silly, allowing underdog (and Blue Dog) Creigh Deeds to swipe the nomination. This Democratic primary, the first on the governor’s side since 1977 (turnout: 319,168), was one for the ages.

8. 2005: Bob McDonnell Beats Creigh Deeds In a Recount For Attorney General

In the end, this race came down to a recount in which Bob McDonnell defeated Creigh Deeds by 323 votes out of 1,940,236 cast. It doesn’t get much closer than that, and it made all the difference, as Bob McDonnell became Attorney General, a strong contender for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in 2009, and ultimately governor of Virginia.  Meanwhile, as we all know, Creigh Deeds would decide to take on McDonnell again, this time for governor in 2009.  Not a wise decision…

9. 2008: Tom Perriello Unseats Virgil Goode for U.S. House of Representatives.

At the start of this race, almost nobody thought that some unknown guy named with a last name people couldn’t pronounce would defeat Congressman-for-life Virgil Goode in the 5th Congressional district. I’m proud to say that I was one of those delusional people, and in the end, Tom Perriello proved people like me right and all the “sayers of nay” wrong.  🙂  Seriously, though, this was probably the biggest upset for Congress in the decade. Now, we’ll see if Tom Perriello can hold this seat in November 2010, and if the naysayers are proved wrong once again.

10. 2005: Bob McDonnell and Bill Bolling Each Win Republican Nomination

Bill Bolling beat Sean Connaughton 58%-42%, and Bob McDonnell defeated Stephen Baril 66%-34%, starting both Bolling and McDonnell on the road to victories in 2005 and 2009. Now, Connaughton will be McDonnell’s Transportation Secretary, while Bolling will be lieutenant governor and probably run for governor in 4 years.  And the rest is history, as the saying goes…

Dreaming of Elected “Rocker Chicks” in Arlington?


Over at the Sun Gazette, editor Scott McCaffrey is dreaming about elected “rocker chicks” from Arlington.

I certainly have a lot of respect for Arlington School Board Vice Chairman Sally Baird, but “rocker chick” is not a phrase I would ordinarily apply to her. Until now.

In a dream that bubbled up in the subconscious Saturday night, I was chatting at some event with Ms. Baird when she invited me to a performance of her band, which was playing in D.C.

So far as I know, she has no band. Arlington’s Commissioner of Revenue, Ingrid Morroy, has one, but no other local official to my knowledge does. Let me know if I am wrong on that.

Alas, the dream ended when I mentioned that I had another commitment and couldn’t make it across the river to see the show.

As to Mr. McCaffrey sharing the content of his dreams with the rest of Arlington – although, I’ll just say that I greatly prefer hearing about his “rocker chick” dreams than about his thoughts on politics (e.g., his endorsement of George Allen over Jim Webb was classic). Anyway, to the best of my knowledge, Sally Baird isn’t in a band, but my friend Ingrid Morroy certainly is. For those who haven’t heard her play, Ingrid’s band is called The Constituents (“They play popular music often combined with Caribbean soca, kaseko, reggae, Latin salsa, and merengue rhythms”) and I’ve had the pleasure of listening to them on several occasions.

The photograph at the top of this article is of Ingrid’s band playing at the Clarendon Day Festival in Arlington on October 21, 2006. The stickers on Ingrid’s knees are “Jim Webb for U.S. Senate,” which Ingrid played a large role in making happen – not the least of which, with her voice (microphone, bullhorn, you name it). As to Sally Baird, she’s a fine school board member (first elected in 2006 along with Jim Webb to the U.S. Senate). I hope Sally will let me know if she’s planning on starting up a band – or just joining Ingrid’s! 🙂

Washington Post on Prince William County “Hounding Immigrants”


By: Lowell
Published On: 7/8/2007 9:03:56 AM

Today’s Washington Post has an important editorial on “hounding immigrants” in Prince William County.  According to the Post, Prince William is “a booming jurisdiction where Hispanics, who registered scarcely 10 percent of the population in 2000, now approach 20 percent.”  Now, “[p]rodded by angry constituents, the county Board of Supervisors looks set to adopt a resolution whose evident purpose is to harass illegal immigrants in hopes that they move elsewhere.”

The editorial then describes how John T. Stirrup, Jr. (R-Gainesville), who is sponsoring that resolution, blames illegal immigrants for pretty much everything, from “economic hardship” to “lawlessness” (despite the fact that “prosecutors say most are law-abiding”).  What next, immigrants cause the common cold and eat puppy dogs for breakfast?  What a joke.

Worse than a joke is the concept of “denying thousands of illegal immigrant children the right to attend school.”  What good does that do?  Yeah, driving kids onto the streets, where they will be more likely to get into trouble, makes a TON of sense.  That’s good ol’ fashioned Republican governing philosphy if I’ve ever heard it: be a hard ass to others even if it hurts YOUR ass as well.  Oh yeah, and encourage the economic forces (e.g., “free trade” agreements and cheap labor for big corporations) drawing illegal immigrants into this country in the first place, then “[slap] them around…once they are settled here.”

As the Post concludes, that’s “shameful, hypocritical and ugly.”  It’s also quintessentially Republican: short-sighted, lacking in compassion or empathy, violating the very religious principles they claim to believe in (e.g., “The alien who resides among you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.”), xenophobic, and just downright stupid.  Heckuva job, Prince William Republicans!