While our Governor continues to pursue the conservative fantasy of
drill baby drill spill baby spill, some real Virginians have been making real progress toward a real solution to our real energy problems.
A big Congratulations to the Virgina Tech team that just won the 2010 European Solar Decathlon Design Competition, held in Madrid this year, with their entry “Lumenhaus“. The stated goal of this architectural design-build competition is to challenge “collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive to boot.”
While solar power is certainly not the one and only solution to our energy needs, it will should be an important component of our energy future. Cost-effective and energy-efficient are also major pieces in this energy puzzle.
Now, if a certain Governor would drop his fantasy of seeing tar balls beautify the Virginia coastlines and instead get behind things like the award winning work of students from our own Commonwealth, Virginia could start making real progress toward being a leader in 21st Century energy production and use instead of being a follower in the long-past-it’s-prime 20th Century energy disaster.
C’mon Bob, they’re right here in Virginia.