Patrick Hope Signs Pledge to Support Repeal of Repeal Marshall-Newman Amendment


     Richmond– Today Delegate Patrick Hope (D-47), running for Congress in Virginia’s 8th Congressional District, signed a petition calling for marriage equality being circulated by Equality Virginia and People of Faith for Equality in Virginia (POFEV). The petition, which now certifies Hope as a Virginia Legislator for Marriage, commits signatories to support legislation that would repeal the Marshall-Newman Amendment.

    The Equality Virginia and POFEV petition is one of many steps that Hope has taken to end discrimination and guarantee members of the LGBT community the same rights and privileges as their heterosexual counterparts. In the 2014 legislative session, Hope introduced a bill that would ban “gay conversion therapy” for minors in Virginia because, “you don’t choose your sexual orientation.”

    “I have always been, and always will be, a strong supporter of LGBT rights,” said Hope. “This is the civil rights battle of today.  Time and time again history ultimately shows that discrimination is wrong, and discrimination based on sexual or gender orientation is no different. I commend groups like Equality Virginia, POFEV, and thousands of Virginians all across the Commonwealth for standing up for equality, and I am proud to stand with them.”


    Media Contact:

    Jarrod A. Nagurka

    (703) 473-5097


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