Home Energy and Environment “Stop the Surveys” Lobby Day Part of Effort to Counter Dominion’s Money,...

“Stop the Surveys” Lobby Day Part of Effort to Counter Dominion’s Money, Lobbyists, etc.


( – promoted by lowkell)

This event has been postponed until FEBRUARY 9, 2015

Nelson Private Property photo PostedPrivateProperty_zps399ab289_1.jpgJeff Schapiro’s article today in the Richmond Times Dispatch very clearly outlines the cozy relationships Dominion has with elected officials across Virginia. Those fighting the pipeline have known about Dominion’s “contributions” to General Assembly members and other elected officials for many, many months. The opposition has attempted to make those facts known through posts here on Blue Virginia, and in other coverage of the fight to stop the proposed destruction and desecration of both public and private property by the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project.

The determination of landowners and advocates is actually bolstered because of Domimion’s money, lobbyists, and well-connected executives. All of that adds proof to the claims of injustices being heaped on landowners and communities. Dominion’s attempts to thwart the grassroots only strengthens the resolve of the opposition, as illlustrated by Friends of Nelson President Joanna Salidis’ statement last week: “Bring it on Dominion. The more you force your way, the more we will fight the injustice.”

The grit and determination of the people in the continued fight for property rights, and to prevent the damage the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline would have on cultural, historical and environmental resources will not be diminshed by Dominion’s money and power. On Monday, February 2, Free Nelson and Friends of Nelson will return to Richmond for a “Stop the Surveys” lobby day being co-sponsored by both groups and the Virginia Sierra Club. Senate Bill 1338, introduced by Sens. Hanger and Deeds, is to be brought before the Senate’s Labor and Commerce Committee Monday afternoon. SB 1338 would repeal the statute which now purportedly allows the ACP’s contractors to legally trespass on private property.

The groups are well aware Dominion’s lobbyists are currently in Richmond pushing to kill Senate Bill 1338 in Committee.  Landowners and activists, however, will show up to lobby Committee members on Monday morning, asking them to stand on the side of the people by voting Monday afternoon to allow Senate Bill 1338 to reach the floor of the Senate. Like-minded supporters are encouraged to join the groups in Richmond to participate in the Lobby Day!


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